Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 702: The power of gold-eating ants (first update)

As soon as he got out of trouble, three dazzling spiritual lights of green, red and blue flew towards him. They were three shining magic weapons.

Wang Changsheng took his time and aimed the Ziyun Mirror in his hand at the three incoming magic weapons. The three magic weapons were immediately immobilized.

A huge dark cloud appeared above Wang Changsheng's head at some unknown time. There was a loud thunder, and a silver lightning bolt as thick as a water tank flew out and struck Wang Changsheng like lightning.

There was a loud sound breaking through the air, and a blue sword energy more than fifty feet long shot out and collided with the silver lightning.

A deafening roar sounded, silver light and green light alternated, and powerful air waves spread rapidly.

With five against nine, Wang Changsheng would naturally not fight to the death, and at worst, he would evacuate from the Red Moon Sea.

A fierce light flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, and he opened his mouth to spit out mountain and sea pearls, which landed on his hand. He smashed it into the void, causing ripples of water in the void, and countless blue lights emerged, turning into five huge blue anacondas. Pounce on the opposite side.

A large piece of red fire appeared above Wang Qingshan's head, turning into a red flying sword. The flying sword seemed to be condensed by flames, emitting astonishingly high temperatures.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the red flying sword flew out, aiming directly at the silver-robed old man.

The sword clanged loudly, and countless green flying swords appeared behind him, quickly turning into a huge green dragon, and rushed towards the opposite side with its teeth and claws.

The silver-robed old man and others did not dare to be careless, so they either used spiritual techniques or sacrificed magic weapons to greet them.

A huge roar sounded, various spells flashed, and powerful air waves spread in all directions.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingshan turned into two rays of light and flew away through the air at extremely fast speeds.

Several magic weapons and spiritual arts hit them, but a large piece of purple light flew out to cover these attacks.

On the other side, Zhang Zhiyang, Zhang Zhiqin and Lu Qin fled in different directions.

"Chase, don't let them get away."

The nine Alchemy Formation monks dispersed, four Alchemy Formation monks pursued Zhang Zhiyang and Zhang Zhiqin, two Alchemy Formation monks pursued Lu Qin, and three Alchemy Formation monks pursued Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan was only at the first level of Danjie, and his escape speed was not very fast. A person at the fifth level of Danjie and two at the third level were chasing behind him at extremely fast speeds.

"Qingshan, find a place to deal with them first. The three of them will dare to chase after us without knowing whether to live or die."

Wang Changsheng sent a message to Wang Qingshan, full of murderous intent.

"Okay, then find a place to deal with them."

Wang Qingshan agreed without hesitation. Since Wang Changsheng dared to say this, he naturally had something to rely on. He had no reason not to agree.

An hour later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingshan suddenly stopped and appeared above a desert island.

There are two men and one woman. The one with the highest cultivation level is a beautiful woman in a red dress in her thirties, who has the fifth level of alchemy.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and blue light emitted from his body. Countless blue light spots emerged out of thin air, turning into a blue river more than ten feet long. The river rolled and surged violently.

After refining the Mountain and Sea Pearl, it was much easier for Wang Changsheng to cast water attribute spells.

The blue river rolled violently, and a huge blue water dragon flew out and pounced on the opposite side.

He flipped his palm, and a yellow seal flew out. It instantly grew in size, turned into the size of a small mountain, and hit the opposite side.

The three young women in red skirts did not dare to neglect and cast spells to resist.

The young woman in the red dress flicked her wrist, and thousands of red spiritual ants flew out. The queen ant was a third-order low-grade spiritual insect with four wings on her back, circles of purple spiritual patterns on her body, and two long tentacles on her head. , with its fangs exposed and extremely ferocious.

Ziyun ants, ranked 102nd on the list of strange insects in the world, like to eat spiritual things with spiritual energy, and can release flames to damage enemies, but their defense capabilities are not as good as those of gold-swallowing ants.

Thousands of Ziyun ants flew over the sky with a terrifying momentum.

Wang Changsheng sneered, flicked his sleeves, and thousands of gold-eating ants flew out to meet the purple cloud ants.

The queen of gold-eating ants has several black spiritual lines on her body surface, and individual gold-eating ants also have some black spiritual lines on their body surface.

Wang Changsheng obtained a batch of corpses of Venus ladybugs in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sea. After the corpses of Venus ladybugs were devoured by the gold-eating ants, black spirit patterns appeared on the bodies of the queen and individual gold-eating ants. The bodies of gold-eating ants with black spirit patterns were very hard.

The two insect clouds collided quickly. The number of gold-eating ants was twice that of purple cloud ants. With their numerical advantage, the gold-eating ants temporarily had the upper hand.

Wang Changsheng has cultivated gold-eating ants for hundreds of years and fed them a large amount of weapon refining materials. There are already tens of thousands of them, and they are finally put to use.

The purple cloud ants are no match for the gold-eating ants. The purple cloud ants mainly eat things with spiritual energy, such as monster meat and elixirs. The purple cloud ants spit out purple flames to attack the gold-eating ants, but the gold-eating ants are not affected. The gold-eating ants attack When it arrived at the Purple Cloud Ant, it bit the Purple Cloud Ant's body crazily. The Purple Cloud Ant was quickly defeated.

The gold-eating ant queen mobilized hundreds of second-order gold-eating ants to attack the purple cloud ant queen. The purple cloud ant queen sprayed out a thick purple flame and enveloped hundreds of gold-eating ants. Most of the gold-eating ants directly turned into fly ash, and the body surface The gold-eating ants with black spiritual patterns rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire and pounced on Queen Ziyun. The gold-eating ant queen flapped her wings and pounced on her.

The Ziyun Ant Queen flapped its wings, trying to shake off the gold-eating ants on her body, but it was of no use. The gold-eating ants bit the Ziyun Ant Queen's wings crazily.

Dense swarms of gold-eating ants came from all directions and surrounded the Ziyun Ant Queen. The Ziyun Ant Queen killed hundreds of gold-eating ants and was overwhelmed by countless gold-eating ants.

The beauty of the young woman in the red dress changed drastically, and the gold-eating ants released by Wang Changsheng were so powerful! Unexpectedly, he was not afraid of the flames spouted by Ziyun Queen Ant.

She was about to help, when a huge blue water dragon rushed over, followed closely by a huge yellow seal.

Wang Qingshan also used his green glass sword and released a large piece of green sword light to attack the other two pill-forming monks.

The young woman in the red dress opened her mouth and spat out a glittering red command flag. With a slight wave, countless fire waves appeared out of thin air and turned into a huge red python, rushing towards it.


A huge roar sounded, and the giant red python was torn to pieces by the blue water dragon, and the size of the blue water dragon also shrunk by half.

The red flag in the hand of the young woman in the red dress shook violently, and a thick red flame flew out, smashing the blue water dragon to pieces.

The beauty of the young woman in the red dress changed drastically. She suddenly lost her sense of the Ziyun Ant Queen. Did the Ziyun Ant Queen actually die?

She looked towards where the Ziyun Ant Queen was, and saw the Gold-Eating Queen Ant and hundreds of Gold-Eating Ants with black spiritual patterns on their bodies, frantically gnawing at the body of the Ziyun Ant Queen. Half of the Ziyun Ant Queen's body had already been eaten. Gone.

The young woman in the red dress was shocked and angry. She spent a lot of effort to cultivate the purple cloud ants to the third level, but they were killed just like that.

At this time, all the Ziyun ants were wiped out by the gold-eating ants. Less than half of the gold-eating ants died, mostly at the hands of the Ziyun ant queen.

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