Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 710 Zhou Tianmu (first update)

Yuxu Island is a medium-sized island, 1,300 miles long and 900 miles wide. A large number of Yuxu bamboos are planted on the island.

The texture of Yuxu Bamboo is hard and not afraid of water and fire. Yuxu Bamboo that is more than a hundred years old can be used to refine flying swords. There are ten Yuxu Bamboo that are more than a thousand years old. The thousand-year-old Yuxu Bamboo is more than a hundred feet tall.

The Zhou family used nine thousand-year-old Yuxu bamboos as the center of the formation, and arranged a set of third-level high-grade formations called the Ten Thousand Wood Formation, which has the effect of defending and damaging the enemy. A large number of Yuxu Islands are planted with Yuxu Island, and the wood attribute aura is very strong. Full of energy, the person guarding Yuxu Island is Zhou Tianmu, who has the fourth level of pill formation.

Zhou Tianmu practices the Xuanpin Kung Fu "Yuxu Sword Technique", which can reach the third level of Nascent Soul. Ever since the Zhou family obtained this technique, the Zhou family has planted Yuxu Bamboo on a medium-sized island. After the predecessors planted the tree, People enjoy the shade, and it has been passed down to Zhou Tianmu's generation. The Zhou family has been planting Yuxu bamboo for thousands of years.

A thousand-year-old family, a ten-thousand-year-old sect, the foundation is not comparable to that of ordinary forces.

Most alchemy monks have one natal magic weapon, but Zhou Tianmu has one set.

Using the 800-year-old Yuxu bamboo as the main material, and adding a variety of wood-attribute materials, a set of Yuxu swords was refined. There are thirty-six swords in total, which can be used to set up a sword array.

If he advances to the Nascent Soul stage, he can use the thousand-year-old Jade Xu Bamboo to refine the flying sword magic weapon. The predecessors planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade. This is the family of cultivators.

Zhou Tianmu was very lucky that he was born in the Zhou family. He had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. After he advanced to the Danjie stage, he had a set of flying sword magic weapons.

Most of the clansmen don't know the existence of Zhou Tianmu. He is the hidden alchemy monk of the Zhou family. The swordsman is said to be invincible at the same level. Once he reaches the Nascent Soul stage, he can lead the Zhou family to glory.

Zhou Tianmu was sitting cross-legged under the thousand-year-old Jade Xu Bamboo. There was a large green light spot all over his body. A breeze blew and the bamboo leaves made a rustling sound.

The ground suddenly shook slightly, Zhou Tianmu frowned slightly, the green light spots around him slowly disappeared, and he opened his eyes.

He took out a communication disk, entered a magic formula, and asked: "Debin, what's going on?"

"Seventeenth uncle, the enemy is attacking. The enemy uses puppet beasts to attack. There are two third-level puppet beasts. The island protection formation can still block it, but it is not a solution in the long run. The enemy has at least two pill-forming monks."

Zhou Tianmu pondered for a moment and then ordered: "You must resist for a while and then send someone to teleport back to Yuquan Island for help."

"Yes, uncle seventeen."

Outside Yuxu Island, a huge cloud floated in the sky. Wang Changsheng and three other people and more than two hundred low-level monks were sitting on the cloud. The low-level monks controlled hundreds of puppet beasts to attack Yuxu Island.

A large piece of cyan mist covered the entire island, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

The colorful magical light disappeared into the blue mist, like a sea of ​​mud, and no sound was heard.

Two third-level puppet beasts and a huge red giant eagle opened its mouth and spit out a red fire pillar with a diameter as wide as a water tank. It submerged into the blue mist, and there was a huge roar.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the sky, and a blue sword light of more than fifty feet flew out from Yuxu Island. The green sword light emitted an astonishing wave of spiritual energy. Wherever it passed, a harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded in the void. The green sword light flew out from Yuxu Island. The light instantly arrived in front of the white clouds.

A pleasant pipa sound sounded, and a light blue sound wave flew out.

The cyan sword light collided with the blue sound wave. The blue sound wave smashed the cyan sword light into pieces and quickly swept towards Yuxu Island.

Another blue sword light more than fifty feet long flew out and collided with the blue sound wave.


There was a loud noise, and green light and blue light bloomed in the sky like fireworks. A powerful air wave spread quickly, blowing away part of the green mist. The seawater rolled violently, splashing waves more than ten feet high.

"Let's do it together! A quick victory will save us from long nights and long dreams."

Wang Changsheng said, offering a yellow seal, and majestic mana poured into the yellow seal.

The yellow seal suddenly bloomed with dazzling yellow light, and its size soared to the size of a small mountain. It exuded terrifying pressure and quickly hit Yuxu Island with the force of Mount Tai.

Wang Ruyan's jade fingers quickly crossed the strings of the pipa, and a passionate pipa sound sounded. The seawater rolled violently, splashing waves dozens of feet high, and rushed towards Yuxu Island.

After practicing "Tianyin Sea-turning Skill" to the extreme, it is said that the practitioner can mobilize the sea water in an area to attack the enemy.

Fairy Ziyue controlled two third-level puppet beasts, released a thick red fire pillar and countless golden sword lights, and struck Yuxu Island menacingly.

There was a loud sound breaking through the air, and two huge cyan sword lights flew out from Yuxu Island, slashing towards the waves, red fire pillars and golden sword lights.

At the same time, a big green hand more than ten feet in size suddenly appeared, carrying a strong gust of wind, and struck the yellow seal hard.


Two cyan sword lights smashed the waves, the red fire pillar and the golden sword light into pieces. The big cyan hand was smashed to pieces by the yellow seal. A cyan sword light more than a hundred feet long flew out of the cyan mist without any warning, striking at On top of the yellow seal, the yellow seal's descending speed stalled and flew out.

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, opened his mouth and spat out the Mountain and Sea Pearl, held it in his hand, and smashed it into the void of Yuxu Island. Countless blue lights emerged, and a blue dragon with a body length of more than thirty feet quickly took shape, and rushed towards Yuxu with its teeth and claws. island.

There was a loud sound breaking through the air, and two huge green sword lights flew out, slashing at the blue dragon.

The green sword light struck the blue dragon, and the blue and blue auras clashed for a moment. The green light quickly shattered, and the blue dragon shook its head and tail, and disappeared into the green mist.


There was a loud noise, and a lot of the green mist dispersed.

A ray of green light flew out of the green mist, it was Zhou Tianmu.

Zhou Tianmu looked indifferent and carried a blue sword box on his back.

Zhou Tianmu frowned when he saw Wang Changsheng and the others.

"Sword cultivator!"

Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly and his expression became serious.

The Zhou family has been inherited for thousands of years, and Zhou Tianmu probably has a set of flying swords.

He never expected that he would be so unlucky that he would meet an alchemy monk with a complete set of flying sword magic weapons.

Wang Changsheng suffered a loss from the sword cultivator last time. If he hadn't had the third-level escape talisman, he would have died under the sword formation.

"Three fellow Taoists, you have plundered a lot of resources for cultivating immortals these days, right? Do you have to kill them all?"

Zhou Tianmu's expression was cold. The enemy had three alchemy monks, a sixth-level, a fifth-level and a first-level. Even though he had a complete set of flying swords, he didn't dare to say he was sure of victory.

"Hehe, when your Zhou family dealt with us, you didn't say that. If fellow Taoist people are wise and take your people away, we will never stop you. We just want money and don't want to kill people."

Wang Changsheng said with a half-smile. Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Ziyue Fairy quickly separated and vaguely surrounded Zhou Tianmu.

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