Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 727: The quick-thinking Wang Tianwen

Wang Mingren frowned and explained patiently: "Master sent me there. The environment in Northern Xinjiang is good for my practice. If you are worried, come with me to Northern Xinjiang and you will all enter the Dan-Jie stage. Come on, can you stop being so petty? I hope you can become a good wife, instead of just questioning me. We have been married for so many years, and you still don’t trust me? You don’t like me walking into the temple with other female monks. I will try my best not to associate with female monks in the near future, what else do you want from me?"

Chen Xiang'er could tell that Wang Mingren was very unhappy. She quickly showed a smile and said tenderly: "Husband, I just care about you too much. I promise to be a good wife. The premise is that you cannot hook up with other women."

She is just an ordinary three-spirited person. Her ability to form elixirs depends entirely on her great-grandfather. Wang Mingren has two spiritual roots. It is only a matter of time before he reaches the elixir-forming stage. There are many female monks who like Wang Mingren. Some female disciples have said privately, If it weren't for Chen Haibin's relationship, Wang Mingren would not have married Chen Xiang'er, which made Chen Xiang'er very insecure.

In terms of qualifications and beauty, she was not the best, and she was worried that Wang Mingren would change his mind.

Wang Mingren has advanced to the Danjie stage. As Wang Mingren's cultivation improves, Chen Haibin's help to Wang Mingren will become less and less. If Wang Mingren kicks Chen Xiang'er away, Chen Xiang'er really can't do anything to Wang Mingren.

When there are conflicts between husband and wife, the elders try to persuade them to make peace but not to divorce.

"I've told you ten thousand times that I haven't hooked up with other women. Can you believe me? I really don't like being interrogated like a prisoner all day long."

Wang Mingren said with a cold face. Every time he brought up this topic, he got angry. Chen Xiang'er just didn't trust him and asked him from time to time if he would take concubines in the future. If Xu Zihua hadn't been a matchmaker, would he marry other women? Monk and so on.

Wang Mingren has not thought about this issue at all. He is thinking about two things now. One is to make great contributions to the sect and become the Five Great Masters of Taiyi; the other is to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

He couldn't understand why Chen Xiang'er asked these trivial matters all day long instead of being busy practicing.

"Okay, I believe you're not good enough! If you don't like it, I won't ask anymore. It just so happens that the Law Enforcement Palace is going to send some elders to perform tasks in Northern Xinjiang, so I will go with you! This is what you said, let I'm with you."

Wang Mingren nodded and agreed.


Zhongyuan, Yingtian Academy.

It was just dawn, and there was a sound of reading loudly in the academy.

A large blue palace with a silver plaque engraved with three golden characters "Qinxue Palace".

More than three hundred scholars were listening to the lecture, some were men and women, some were cultivators, and some were mortals. The gentleman giving the lecture was an old man in green robes in his early seventies. The old man in green robes was holding a thick ancient book.

Students at Yingtian Academy must learn the Four Books, Five Classics and Six Arts, and today they are learning policy theory.

The old man in green robe is called Chen Qian. He is a famous scholar in Luzhou and served as the county governor.

Wang Tianwen sat in the corner and listened carefully.

After a period of study, Wang Tianwen had a deeper understanding of the world of immortality in the Central Plains.

Immortal cultivators in the Yan Dynasty rushed to become officials and manage the people. They believed that it was their duty to benefit the people. The main reason why this happened was that the Confucian monks had a special magical weapon called Yunyuan Pei.

County magistrates, governors, prefects, princes and nobles all like to build temples, and even the emperors of the Yan Dynasty are no exception. The temples supply statues not of Confucius, but of themselves.

Take Qufu County as an example. Sun Rui, the governor of the county, is a foundation-building monk. He works for the benefit of the people of Qufu County and protects the people. The people will go to his temple to pay respect to him. Generally speaking, the larger the territory he protects. , the more people who visit the temple, the faster the immortal cultivators will practice and the stronger their magical powers will be.

Yunling pendants and statues are a special medium that closely connect immortal cultivators and mortals.

Of course, people must be sincere to worship. If you force people to worship your own statue, it will be useless.

If the official's performance is good, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will send people to investigate. If it is true, the court may be promoted. The larger the area under management, the greater the number of people, and the faster the cultivation speed of immortal cultivators.

Therefore, the monks in the Yan Dynasty rushed to become officials and benefit the people.

"Last month, the embankments of the Heilong River were destroyed, and the river washed ashore, washing away a large number of people and causing numerous casualties. If you are the county guard, how should you deal with this matter?"

When Chen Qian said this, he looked at the students present.

Many students raised their right hands. Chen Qian's eyes fell on a thin, dark-faced man, and he asked kindly: "Liu Xian, answer this question."

The black-faced man stood up, bowed to Chen Qian, and said, "Yes, master, if the student is a county guard, the student will send people to treat the people, build porridge sheds, and then report to the governor, and at the same time send people to repair the river embankment."

"Does anyone have anything to add?"

A fat-headed and big-eared young man in a gold shirt stood up, bowed to Chen Qian, and said, "Student Sun Jiawen has something to add. The student thinks that relying solely on the power of the government to build porridge sheds cannot save many people. The government should invite those wealthy businessmen. Come to help, they have strong financial resources, and every wealthy businessman donates a sum of money, which can save more people and help them rebuild their homes."

"The students think it's inappropriate, saying they asked wealthy businessmen to donate. How can we ensure that they are sincerely donating? What if some officials take advantage of the county magistrate's order to squeeze money from wealthy businessmen? Don't forget that the Yunzhong County disaster relief work happened the year before last. This situation."

A woman in a purple dress with delicate features spoke. She was sitting next to Wang Tianwen.

The woman in the purple skirt, whose surname is Ziyi, is at the eighth level of Qi refining.

The year before last, a locust plague broke out in Yunzhong County. Famine spread all over the country and many people died. The governor of Yunzhong County asked wealthy businessmen to donate money. Some officials extorted money from wealthy businessmen in the name of disaster relief. There were also some profiteers who colluded with local officials to drive up prices. The public resentment boiled over, and finally King Lu Yang sent someone to deal with the matter.

Chen Qian nodded, looked at Wang Tianwen and asked, "Tianwen, tell me your opinion."

"Yes, Master."

Wang Tianwen stood up, pondered for a moment, and said: "The students' views are similar to those of Liu Xiandi, but the students will hold the Dongyang County magistrate responsible. The Black Dragon River is located in Dongyang County. As the magistrate of Dongyang County, he didn't know how to send reinforcements." River embankments, disregarding the lives of thousands of people and neglecting their duties, it is okay not to have such officials. At the same time, the student union asked each county to send people to strengthen the river embankments within its jurisdiction to prevent such things from happening. In addition, the student union used the government's In the name of the government, a large amount of grain was purchased from neighboring counties for disaster relief. The government provided a small part of the silver needed for disaster relief, and the majority was voluntarily donated by wealthy businessmen. It was never forced, and those who drove up prices would be severely punished. "

Chen Qian nodded and then asked: "Tianwen, how do you get wealthy businessmen to donate voluntarily? They regard wealth as their lives."

"Donate one thousand taels, distribute plaques for charity, and announce to the whole county, donate ten thousand taels, and recommend their children to study in Yingtian Academy. It is just a recommendation. Whether they can enter Yingtian Academy depends on their children's talents."

"What if the donation is more than 100,000 taels!"

Fang Ziyi asked curiously.

"Report it to King Lu Yang and send someone to investigate this merchant to see if he has broken any laws."

"Oh, why is that?"

Wang Tianwen smiled calmly and said: "He is willing to donate 100,000 yuan, and his family's wealth must be no less than 10 million. If it is earned from serious business, it will naturally be rewarded. If it is illegally obtained, then it will be severely punished."

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