Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 928 The inheritance of the painting saint

Central Plains, Yan Dynasty.

Luzhou is a stretch of green mountains stretching for thousands of miles.

Wang Tianwen stood on the top of a certain thousand-foot peak, looking into the distance.

In order to find the cave where the painting saint Lu Xi lived, Wang Tianwen went around to inquire about Lu Xi. The more he got to know Lu Xi, the more he admired him.

Lu Xi's reputation in the world of immortal cultivators is not high. He rarely attends gatherings of immortal cultivators and is not well-known. However, he loves mortals and has done many good deeds that benefit the country and the people. However, he does not leave his name, and his achievements are all listed by local officials. Although he occupied Lu Xi, the people who had received his favor spread the news by word of mouth and built temples to worship Lu Xi.

In the seventh year of Emperor Zhengde's reign in the Yan Dynasty, zombies caused chaos in Chenjia Village in Qingzhou, killing thousands of people. Lu Xi killed the demons, cured the sick and saved people.

In the thirty-fifth year of Emperor Zhengde's reign in the Yan Dynasty, a monster dragon caused chaos in the Qinglong River in Youzhou and swallowed tens of thousands of people. Lu Xi used his great supernatural power to kill the monster dragon.

In the forty-seventh year of Xuantong, there was a severe drought in Yuzhou for ten years. The people were in dire straits, and the drought demons appeared. Yuzhou was uninhabited for thousands of miles. Lu Xi went deep into the drought demons' lair, killed the drought demons, provided rain to resolve the disaster, and rescued millions of victims.


These things come from the records of the people and individual monks. However, Lu Xi is not included in the official records of the Yan Dynasty. It seems that someone deliberately erased his existence. In other words, Lu Xi was not greedy for fame and fortune, and his reputation was not obvious, so there were very few people. Know that he exists.

Wang Tianwen admired Lu Xi very much for his conduct as a person, for his country and his people, and for his deep merit and fame.

He has traveled all over the Yan Dynasty and visited many places over the years, but he has not been able to find Lu Xi's sitting cave. This place is the last one.

Wang Tianwen found this place based on a love poem written by Lu Xi himself and spent a lot of experience investigating.

Wang Tianwen's imperial weapon flew towards the distance. Not long after, he landed outside a plum blossom forest, and the air was filled with a faint floral fragrance.

Lu Xi was the first of the Eight Sages of Meishan. He loved plum blossoms and painted many plum blossoms.

Wang Tianwen took a deep breath and walked into the plum blossom forest.

The plum blossom forest was so big that Wang Tianwen walked all day and night without being able to get out. In fact, he had violated the restriction.

Wang Tianwen turned a blind eye to the surrounding situation and continued walking forward.

It's been a year since he left.

Wang Tianwen's eyes were firm, he cupped his hands in the air, and said: "Senior Lu, junior Wang Tianwen admires senior's character and came here specifically to pay respects to senior. If there is any trouble, please don't blame me."

After saying this, he continued to walk forward. He felt a sudden blur in front of his eyes. He suddenly appeared in a valley filled with birds and flowers. There was a blue stone pavilion not far away, and a middle-aged Confucian scholar with a fair face was sitting on the stone pavilion. In the pavilion, there is a chessboard placed on the stone table.

When Wang Tianwen saw the middle-aged Confucian scholar, his pupils shrank. The middle-aged Confucian scholar was Lu Xi. Is he still alive? No, he found that the other party was just a shadow, not an entity.

Wang Tianwen stepped forward quickly, bowed and said, "Junior Wang Tianwen, pay your respects to Senior Lu."

"Why are you here? Are you really just visiting me? No other purpose?"

Lu Xi looked at Wang Tianwen with an indifferent expression.

Wang Tianwen hesitated for a moment and said: "To be fair to the seniors, the juniors are here for your inheritance. The seniors serve the country and the people, and the inheritance should not be cut off."

"You don't hide it, so what if you serve the country and the people? I'm not here to die, so you can go back and forth wherever you come from! My inheritance will not be left to anyone." Lu Xi's mouth showed a trace of ridicule, coldly said.

"Senior Lu, I have been visiting the people of Dayan these years. The local people still remember your kindness. It has been thousands of years. They have not forgotten you. What you have learned should not be buried in the loess with you. I am willing to inherit what you have learned." , to rectify your name and serve the country and the people, you should be known to the whole world, and you should be cast aside as a monster."

Wang Tianwen said seriously, his eyes firm.

"Is it known to the whole world? What a big statement, why do you have it?"

Wang Tianwen took a step forward and said seriously: "Because of your righteousness, God is watching what you do. You live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, turning a blind eye to the darkness of the world. Monsters and monsters come on stage to put on a show. Aren't the people suffering the most?"

Lu Xi was silent for a while and then asked: "You are practicing Confucianism, right? What do you think is Confucianism? What is immortality? What is the relationship between the two?"

"Confucianism is the same as the word "immortal", both have the word "personality" next to it. To cultivate immortality, you must first be a human being. People must read to understand things and distinguish right from wrong. Confucianism is an immortal who understands things, while immortals are not Confucian. In the eyes of ordinary people, you and the younger generation We are all immortals, but in fact we are just stronger people."

Lu Xi's eyes flashed with surprise, he looked Wang Tianwen up and down, and then asked: "If you succeed in cultivation, what would you most like to do?"

"Protect your tribe and protect your family."

"Protecting the family? That's ridiculous. You only have a small family in your eyes, not everyone at all."

Wang Tianwen shook his head and said sternly: "Without a small family, how can we have everyone? If the younger generation doesn't even care for the family that gave birth to and raised oneself, it would be ungrateful. If the younger generation is such a person, will he love and care for strangers who are not related by blood? Countless small families make up the big family, and everyone protects the small family."

Lu Xi remained silent. After a while, he said, "Play a game of chess with me. If you win, my inheritance will be yours."

Wang Tianwen breathed a sigh of relief, bowed, walked to the stone pavilion, and played chess with Lu Xi.

Wang Tianwen's chess skills were not very high, but he was surprised to find that Lu Xi's chess skills were even worse. In other words, Lu Xi had let him down.

After a cup of tea, Lu Xi threw away the chess pieces in his hand and sighed: "If I lose, the inheritance will be given to you."

"Senior, did you lose to me on purpose?"

Wang Tianwen said cautiously.

Lu Xi looked reminiscing and said: "I have only lost three times in my life. The first time, I lost to fame, the second time, I lost to power, the last time, I lost to you, you Don’t forget your original intention, and remember what you just said. Countless small families make up the whole family, and everyone protects the small family. I don’t need you to clear my name. If you have a chance, go to Prince Lu’s Mansion for me and find a member of the royal family named Kong Yulian. If I give this painting to her, she probably won't be here anymore, so say sorry for me."

He took out a cyan scroll and handed it to Wang Tianwen.

"Senior, junior will definitely help you fulfill your wish, junior..."

Before Wang Tianwen finished speaking, his eyes suddenly flashed with flowers. He suddenly appeared in the plum blossom forest. There was a cyan scroll on the ground not far away, and there was a cyan storage bag next to the scroll.

Wang Tianwen knelt down, kowtowed three times, and said, "Senior Lu, this junior will definitely remember your teachings."

He took a deep breath, put away the cyan scroll and cyan storage bag, and left the imperial weapon.

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