Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 973: Huang Fugui makes money

Donghuang, Cai State.

Qingdie Valley is one of the five major cities in Cai Kingdom. It is a stronghold for hoarding supplies and is responsible for receiving transportation teams passing through. Cai Kingdom is only a small country. The supplies stored in Qingdie Valley are not particularly precious and are mainly low-level goods. The magic weapons and elixirs used by monks and other commonly used resources for cultivating immortals.

In order to facilitate the transportation of materials, the Seven Immortal Sects have established material storage bases in various places, and Qingdie Valley is just one of them.

Liu Zhen is one of the three alchemy monks who are stationed in Qingdie Valley and is responsible for receiving the recruiting envoys from all walks of life.

The Seven Immortal Sects are not forced to buy or sell. The supplies provided by Qingdie Valley will be given to the seven Immortal Sects for Lingshi. If not, Cai Guo's immortal cultivating forces would not do such a thankless thing.

If you want your horse to run, you must feed it grass.

In Qingdie Tower, Liu Zhen was drinking tea and chatting with two alchemy monks, and the faces of the three of them were filled with joy.

In the name of the Seven Immortal Sects and in the name of defending the human race, they purchased the immortal cultivation materials in Cai State at relatively cheap prices, and then sold them to the Seven Immortal Sects at a slightly higher price. With small profits but quick turnover, they made a fortune. Full of water.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, what a wonderful trick you have! Let's not say that we have made this amount of money for the supplies that Wanhua Palace wants. This is too much for earning spiritual stones. It would be great if we could make it for decades."

A young woman in her early thirties in a blue skirt showed three fingers and said with a smile.

"The fight won't last long. It really takes that long. Not to mention that the seven immortal sects can't stand it, and the demon clan can't stand it either. To put it simply, it's to compete for territory. Strictly speaking, it's all consuming excess population. Both sides have suffered a lot of casualties. People, the war will end. The predecessors have worked hard to lay the foundation and have been stable for hundreds of years. The descendants all want to make contributions. If there is no war, there will be internal disputes. The territory is fixed, and there will not be much more resources for cultivating immortals. The number of monsters and monsters is constantly increasing, and the existing territory can no longer support the increasing population. It can only cause wars, consume a group of people, and the weak eat the strong. This is an eternal truth. "

Liu Zhen said with a smile.

"What Liu Daoyou said makes sense and is very kind."

Liu Zhen smiled and was about to say something when a rapid scream suddenly sounded. Liu Zhen took out a communication disk and entered a magic formula. A rapid man's voice sounded: "Uncle Liu, the recruiting envoy of Taiyi Immortal Sect. arrive."

"Taiyi Immortal Sect? Who is the recruiting envoy? It can't be Huang Fugui!"

Liu Zhen's mouth twitched and he frowned.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Liu, it is Huang. I am transporting supplies under the order of the head of the Taiyi Immortal Sect. I hope Fellow Daoist Liu will cooperate with me. If the war is delayed, neither you nor I can afford it."

"Master Nephew Chen, please invite Fellow Daoist Huang over!"

Liu Zhen put away the interrogation tray and said with a sad look on his face: "Two fellow Taoists, it seems that we are going to have a hemorrhage."

"Bleeding? Does Taiyi Immortal Sect still dare to buy and sell by force? If this matter spreads, won't other people be disappointed?"

The young woman in the green skirt frowned and said.

Liu Zhen gave a wry smile and said, "It's not Taiyi Immortal Sect, it's Huang Fugui. You'll know later."

Not long after, Huang Fugui and the others appeared in front of Liu Zhen and the others.

Huang Fugui is responsible for escorting the supplies for cultivating immortals commonly used by low-level monks, as well as magical tools, talismans, seals and other things. These items consume a lot of money. In addition to the Taiyi Immortal Sect, they allocate a batch. When passing the material hoarding stronghold along the way, Huang Fugui and the other three need to buy a batch. , they carried millions of spirit stones with them.

This delivery of supplies was escorted by Huang Fugui, Huang Youxin, and Li Qin, with Huang Fugui taking full responsibility.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, you have been working hard all the way, please have a cup of tea and rest first."

Liu Zhen said with a smile and made a gesture of invitation.

"There is no need to drink tea. Fellow Daoist Liu, we need to purchase a batch of supplies. Here is the list. I will give you one day."

Huang Fugui showed the Seven Immortals Order, and Huang Youxin took out a green jade slip and handed it to Liu Zhen.

Liu Zhen glanced at his consciousness, frowned, and said: "Fellow Daoist Huang, you want too many goods. I'm afraid it will be difficult to collect them all in one day. In addition, the price you gave is too low. If we sell it to you, It’s a loss.”

Huang Fugui glared at Liu Zhen and said unceremoniously: "Don't pretend to be like this, you can deceive those big sect kids, but you can't deceive me, Huang Fugui. I have already investigated your situation before I got here." The heart is too dark. You bought a bottle of second-level elixir for 500 spiritual stones, but sold it to the conscripts of Wanhua Palace for 750 yuan. Do you know that every time you buy it? If you send a spirit-reviving pill to the front line, one more immortal cultivator may be alive. The demon clan is invading and harming our human race. You are hiding in the back and you are making a huge war fortune. I am ashamed to be associated with you."

At the end of the speech, Huang Fugui looked upright and solemn.

Huang Youxin and Li Qin looked at each other. This was the first time they saw Huang Fugui like this.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. You must have heard wrong. We also have difficulties. A large number of conscription envoys passed by our Cai country. How can we have so many supplies? The five hundred spiritual stones you mentioned are... The prices in the past are different now. The prices of various immortal cultivation materials are constantly rising, which makes it difficult for us to deal with it."

Liu Zhen explained with a smile and handed Huang Fugui a cyan storage bead.

Huang Fugui took it, glanced at it with his consciousness, returned the cyan storage bead to Liu Zhen, and said with a cold face: "Who do you think Huang is? Do you think Huang will be bribed by you? What if Senior Zhang finds out? ········”

Before he finished speaking, the young woman in a green skirt took out a blue storage bead and handed it to Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui beamed with joy, changed his tone, and said: "Senior Zhang is also thinking about the war, but it's not easy for you. You have to collect what we want within one day. The price has been marked, and you have already made some money. , don’t go too far. Hundreds of thousands of immortal cultivators are fighting bloody battles on the front line. If you send an extra pill or a talisman, you may be able to save one more immortal cultivator. You should have this awareness. Ye Ye on the front line Seniors are still waiting for this batch of supplies!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Huang, we will give orders right away and we will collect what you want within one day. Fellow Daoist Huang, please stay here and have a good rest."

Liu Zhen agreed with a smile and sent someone to take Huang Fugui and the others down to rest.

"Liu Daoyou, this Huang Fugui is so shameless! He took the benefits without raising the price. He took our benefits with one hand and the price difference with the other. I think the price he quoted must be higher than the purchase price, which is higher than ours. black."

Liu Zhen smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "You are wrong about this. This guy is very smart. Not only will he not eat the difference, but he will personally pay for it and buy more supplies for cultivating immortals. The last time the demon clan invaded, this guy He was also a recruiting envoy. He spent 100,000 spirit stones to purchase resources for cultivating immortals and transported them to the front lines. He spread the news everywhere, saying that in order to resist the demon clan, he would have no problem spending all his wealth, and managed to recruit a group of low-level monks. They admired him so much that the senior officials knew about it and sent someone to check the accounts. They found that the resources for cultivating immortals purchased by Huang Fugui were of high quality and low price. Huang Fugui did pay for it out of his own pocket. Master Yuanying not only gave him back 100,000 spiritual stones, but also rewarded him. Fifty thousand spiritual stones call on others to learn from Huang Fugui."

"Even so, we don't need to pay the price he gave us! I don't believe what he can do to us. Taiyi Immortal Sect can't control us. We are not an affiliated force of Taiyi Immortal Sect."

"You have to understand that he is a recruiting envoy. He can see the real Yuanying on the front line. If he throws dirty water on us, we will be in trouble. Tens of thousands of spiritual stones can buy peace of mind. Huang Fugui knows how to be a good person and takes advantage. He won’t go around talking nonsense, just wait! After the war, he will definitely bring a batch of low-level monsters to sell to us."

In a certain green attic, Huang Fugui, Huang Youxin and Li Qin were drinking tea and chatting.

"Li Xianzi, Youxin, this is your share. When you get to the front line, don't talk nonsense!"

Huang Fugui grinned, showing his yellow teeth, and distributed a sum of money to Li Qin and Huang Youxin. This was called sharing the benefits.

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