Rise of Rurik

Chapter 846: Rurik rushes to Uppsala

How does the first temple in Shilla Fort, built of stone and covered with a lot of glass, compare to the Uppsala Great Temple in Sweden?

   According to the description of the Uppsala tribe’s messenger, the temples of the Rus were inlaid with gemstones, and statues of gods were cast with gold, but the style of sacrificial rituals was completely different from that of the Uppsalas.

   The messenger has his own cultural arrogance, but due to the powerful strength of the Ross people, he dare not explain it clearly.

   "Although the Great Temple of Uppsala is a wooden building, it has a large scale and area. Although it is not as good as you have a lot of precious stones for decoration, there is a huge sacred tree next to the temple..."

The description of the messenger made Rurik very curious. He had never been to Uppsala in his life, and he carelessly understood their ritual standards.

   "Holy Tree?"

   "It's the holy tree." The messenger emphasized a single word: "Yggdrasil."

   "Is it the tree of the world in our faith?"

   "No. As the tree of the world, it is too small. But it is a giant tree that reminds everyone of the tree of the world."

   "It's the tree of the world on earth? No wonder, you are going to build a great temple there." Rurik didn't care about it before, and when he was approaching he wanted to be king in Uppsaaki, he knew that there was a huge tree there.

As a powerful king, Rurik doesn’t have to be upsacky. The past three kings of Sweden were from the Mellaren tribe, and the place where they are called kings is in the so-called Mellaren bazaar, which is today’s Port of Birka.

   Sweden in the past can be called the Mälaren dynasty, what about the future? Naturally it is the Rus dynasty.

   But the wheel of history rolls to this point in time, and many coincidences are contributing to the inevitability of a period of history.

   Uppsala is a good place, or the big temple has become a symbol of glory and power.

   Sweden on another plane, the people have been fighting for a long time against different beliefs. The Swedes living in Lake Mälaren split up, and a civil war broke out between Sweden who believed in God and Sweden who believed in Odin. Although the war had been repeated, after all, the native Swedish nobles who believed in God captured the Great Temple of Uppsala.

   The temple was deliberately demolished, and the remaining wood was used as building material. The victor built Sweden's first Assumption Cathedral on the ruins.

   The victor was crowned king in this church, opening the Uppsala dynasty, and Sweden’s Viking era ended.

   If Birka Port represents hegemony, the Uppsala Temple represents faith.

   That is the largest temple dedicated to Odin in the whole of Sweden. As the recognized "man blessed by Odin", Prince Ross, has ample reasons to choose to enthroned there.

   In that case, the messenger of Uppsala worried that his next description would be caused by the anger of the prince, but it involved major rituals, so he still mustered the courage to explain the situation.

   "The future king of Sweden! You need to use the blood of warriors to worship the great Odin. Only when the blood of warriors is splashed on the trunk of the giant tree, will the gods recognize your power."

   "Human sacrifice?" Rurik heard this description, his head buzzed.

  The messenger did not dare to provoke the anger of Prince Rurik, nor dared to insist on his own opinions. Just whispered in a low voice: "Uppsala conducts major sacrifices, and there will be human sacrifices."

"I heard your whisper. Human sacrifice? Is it for me to learn from that Olekin? I know your suggestion. I tell you clearly that I will not implement it. I understand your kindness. After all, I am not a mortal, no It is necessary to use human sacrifices to gain the favor of the gods. I have received the favor of the gods."

  Lurik asked the Uppsala messenger to leave in dignity, and gave him a pound of silver coin, which was regarded as money for the purchase of information.

He had a secret meeting with the emissary during the final rest period in Shilla Fort. The two parties actually talked a lot about the festivals and ritual activities of the Uppsala tribe throughout the year, the rituals, the overall environment of the settlement, and The situation of Svenned, the current Duke of Uppsala.

   He is absolutely unable to accept human sacrifices, even if this is the characteristic of Uppsala.

   The important details of a sacrificial ceremony attracted the attention of Rurik. Only when the blood of warriors pours that "sacred tree on earth", can they be protected by the gods?

  Any brave fighter is precious to Ross, and sacrificing good fighters can only lead to a decline in Ross' military strength.

  Since a blood sacrifice is needed, the reindeer used in the Duchy of Ross should be used as sacrifice, and the sacred tree should be watered with deer blood.

   Rose’s high priest Lumia is over twenty-three years old, and her age is no longer young in today’s Northern Europe.

   Lu Mia is at a young and powerful age, and all her body functions are at their peak. She has an overall flat face, long dark hair, and yellowish skin. Her North Asian ancestry is extremely high, and her appearance and figure are very different from those of the blonde Nordic.

   Even if she was standing on her toes, the top of her head didn't reach Rurik's chest.

   is precisely such a dwarf priest who was appointed as the high priest of the king's enthronement by Lurik.

   She is busy instructing the lower priestesses she has trained to rectify the ritual equipment. Among all the seven statues of gods, the one of Odin will be taken to the distant Uppsala. Many utensils will be taken away, and Rose will do a grand ceremony in the Rose style in Uppsala. Personnel, equipment, sacrifices, all have to be taken from Ross, and Rurik is equivalent to just borrowing the geographic location of Uppsala.

   This is the last night before the departure, a small body is nestled next to a strong man. Beside them, there are two children, one boy and one girl, sleeping peacefully.

   Thinking that the huge fleet will leave the anchorage for Lake Mälaren tomorrow, Lumia can't sleep.

  Her lips whispered in her husband's ear: "One hundred and eleven reindeer, for sacrifice, is it worth it?"

   "What? Still suspecting that my arrangement is inappropriate?"

   "How dare I. You...you must have your own intention to do this. I..."

   "Still feeling a pity?"


   "Why should it be a pity? Deer blood will water the big tree, and all the venison will be eaten by our soldiers. Although rest assured, only deer blood is worshipping the gods, and deer skin and venison are still ours."

   "You have already said that. I have one more worry." Lumia's tone was already slightly flustered.

   "There is nothing to worry about."

   "Because, I was born as a deer breeder. Can someone like me really hold your ascension to the throne?"

   "Are you worried about the dissatisfaction of those Swedes?"

   Lumia whimpered a few times, which was tantamount to acquiescence.

Rurik became temperamental, and suddenly lost his sleep, he sternly reprimanded: "Dare they?! In the face of absolute strength, their criticism is to find death. I have executed a group of critics in this city, presumably in my name. The number has been transmitted to Sweden. You can rest assured, after all, I can't trust someone else to be the high priest." Gu

   What else could Lu Mia say, she could only hold her husband's arm tightly, and laughed.

   The two children were awakened by the humiliation of Rurik, Velika twisted and groaned, and Oleg started crying.

   This time Lu Mia was completely out of conditioned reflex. She sat up in the dark, stepped on the leather slippers, and coaxed her child to recover.

   The moonlight through the patchwork glass windows gave a dim light to a room in this old palace. Rülik was lying on his side, watching his woman coaxing the child, and a sense of happiness grew spontaneously.

   He felt sorry for Lumia.

   She is not a beautiful woman, but she is the first woman in fact, and the significance is extraordinary. But she will never be a queen. At this moment, the queen Svetlana is sleeping in another room with Prince Osborne Slav. All members of the royal family of Rose live in this old palace not far from the abandoned. The house is a little smaller, and many people live together and feel warm.

  Lurik even vaguely heard the snoring of his father Otto.

   The next day, early morning.

   The sun shone through the entire Shilla Fortress, the tide receded, and the main force of the Russ fleet stopped at the anchorage of Kronstadt all pulled out their anchors.

  The ships stopped one after another on the trestle bridge on the side of the Neva River, and people boarded the ships one after another.

   Shilla Fort has also recently launched four standard cargo ships, and now they have all become transport ships.

One hundred and twenty reindeer are spread out on as many as eight standard cargo ships. The biggest task of the crew is to ensure that all the reindeer will not die accidentally during the journey. After arriving in Uppsala, choose one of them. Of one hundred and eleven heads as a sacrifice.

   Even though the horses are almost used for reproduction, Rose still needs a cavalry team to decorate the table.

   Twenty Turkic horses that seemed to have just conceived were transported onto the ship. All of these horses have matching Slavic patterned linen, which can cover the horses. The decoration of horses will be more complicated, just like the horse head will be equipped with some wild goose feathers dyed in blue and red, and the feathers of red, blue and white will be decorated for a time. At the same time, the helmet of the cavalry will also be inserted with a lot of feathers, and decorated with a lot of colorful glass beads, draped in bear skin to show its magnificence.

  More than this tiny cavalry team, the cavalry team will act as a guard of honor. All the Russian soldiers who participated in the king's enthronement ceremony, they made a special major addition in Shilla Fort, or decorations.

   A piece of chromium-containing natural ruby ​​was put into the sintered lead glass solution, and after desperately stirring, the solution was poured into a bronze mold for natural cooling, and finally a large amount of light red glass blocks were obtained.

   Mass production of glass sheets is already easy for Ross. For this reason, making pendant jewellery with colored glass is a decorative object that anyone can consume. They are cheap, and a glass pendant is worn on the neck. No one thinks that it is a priceless treasure.

   But the army needs to participate in the ceremony in the most magnificent posture.

   Tens of thousands of mold mass-produced colored glass sheets are ready, they are light blue, light red, light yellow and emerald green. Soldiers picked them randomly and passed the string through the prefabricated holes to make a huge necklace.

  The soldiers participating in the ceremony must wear it, so in a column in the sun, onlookers can see a colorful and dazzling scene. Who doesn't like crystal clear things?

  The personnel and materials are all on board the ship. The Swedish King Bjorn, who has not yet abdicated, has already understood that the Ross people are going to make a serious waste of extravagance for this event.

  Envy and jealousy? indeed so.

   I wanted to win the throne of Sweden by assassinating Karl, because the seizure of power was not dignified, and the ritual of proclaiming the king was not rashly based on practical reasons. The man who became king in the coup d’état Bjorn, Uppsala's nobles did not say anything, behind their backs he was talking about that he would not be loved by the gods, and even refused his enthronement in the Uppsala Temple.

   Bjorn is expensive because he knows himself. Karl was killed by the nobles of Mellaren because of his insistence on military violence. Mellaren has no military strength, if he still does, Bjorn, who has seized power, can lead his army directly to Uppsala. Human sacrifice? He sacrificed the sacred tree with the blood of the disobedient Uppsala warriors.

  The tribes still support the Mellaren as the overlord and Bjorn’s succession to the throne, but this is a continuation of the recognition of the old age.

   The current situation has completely changed!

   Poor Bjorn had only a few entourages beside him, and he stayed on the ship far away from the flagship of the Russ, playing with a group of young Russ fighters. For example, the past glory of the Melaren tribe, but these descriptions of young Ross warriors can't resonate at all. Someone simply asked Bjorn to shut up: "Stop talking, you Mälaren we don't understand or don't want to understand, you are not as strong as we are."

   Bjorn is helpless, young offspring are always ruthless, and these people are also the most aggressive. Their words also made it clear that the majority of the Ross people have disdain for the Mellaren tribe, at least towards the Mellaren nobles. Obviously the arrogance of the young Ross warrior was based on Ross' martial arts, and he chose to shut up.

   Some powerful Swedish tribes have blatantly coveted Liurik himself! Some tribal messengers are clearly slacking off their beards and beating their horses, and they are already calling Rurik as the king.

  Look at the status quo!

  Lurik stood on the scratched oak-board bow of the Aphrodite. This was a high rise of the fleet. The front was the vast Baltic Sea, and the back was the entire fleet.

   The Ross Fleet opened its way with big ships, with sub-sail cruisers guarded, and a large number of standard armed cargo ships formed a huge transport fleet behind.

   This is like a huge geese array floating on the sea. The standing seat of Rurik is like a throne. The king sits on the throne and looks down on the officials.

   He looked back inadvertently, and his ears still echoed with the nobles. Why didn't he float away in this situation?

   The old parents are blowing the sea breeze on the bow, and they are very satisfied with the voyage to Sweden.

Rurik was moved by the glory, "You have all seen it! This is my Ross fleet! There is no sea power to compete with me. My fleet can easily carry an army of thousands of people against any ship that can reach it. Places. Even if ships cannot reach some places, my cavalry will definitely be able to. I have a hundred warships, I have a thousand cavalry, and I can assemble 10,000 soldiers and 100,000 militias! Only I can do it. King of Sweden, if you ask why? Look behind you, rely on this huge army!"

   His arrogance ushered in the applause of the nobles. With this strong king, the enemy will never attack the tribes of Sweden again. After all, the South Baltic Sea is a restricted area in Sweden in the past. After Liurik’s own conquest of Denmark, the Swedes have been able to drive their fishing boats over. It is this summer that the people of various ministries can madly plunder the herring resources in the South.

Otto’s heart was very happy when I heard this emotion, and Niya also said that he really gave birth to a good son~www.readwn.com~ Those nobles and noble envoys continue to rapture, the so-called Rus army is so powerful, we must ensure the safety of the servant tribes. .

  The huge fleet will not rest in the middle, and the fleet will not even make a detour to Tombstone Island.

   All the ships tilted their sails, rushing towards the west by the south wind.

   Such a large fleet sailing has really refreshed the three views of all Swedish nobles. At that time, they were squeezed in a big boat on the eastern part of Ross, and now hundreds of big boats lined up in a geese-shaped formation, raising countless spinnakers and drifting fast. Ross's "Paddle Flag" was hunting, and there was a big ship flying a white flag with a bull's head pattern, which looked extremely dazzling.

  The huge fleet is not entirely owned by the Ross army, and there is a ship that represents the Ostala people.

   Look at them, look at yourself. They have a very clear flag of their own, which can confirm the identity of each other from a distance, and the flag directly becomes a symbol of glory.

   The nobles reflect on themselves. Of course, everyone is willing to sew or dye a raven flag to symbolize the blessing of Odin for their army. If all the nobles do this, what is the significance of the banner?

   Now, the huge fleet has rushed to the mouth of Lake Mälaren, and the Aland Islands visible to the naked eye from the sea not far from the north, the Rus’ Tombstone Island is hiding in it.

  The fleet has now split slightly, and a small number of ships headed north. They have one and only one mission, that is, to Tombstone Island, Roseburg Old City, Covenstad City, Elon Orava City, and invite a group of people to participate in the grand gathering of the king's enthronement.

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