"Something is bothering you." Camilla pointed out as they drove to Solaire Towers.

Ian had remained silent since they left the meeting. He hadn't uttered a word unless Camilla asked first.

"I'm just thinking about something." Ian said as he gave his short reply.

"You know -" Camilla began to say when Ian cut her off.

"I know Camilla, I know. I can tell you and you can help." Ian said with a sigh as he shook his head. "I'll tell you when I've figured things out. Sheesh, you're worse than my girlfriend."

At the mention of his girlfriend, Ian felt a lump forming on his throat and a pain in his chest. 

Since their last conversation, Jas hadn't even sent him a message. Ian couldn't help but wonder what she was up to or if she had completely forgotten about him.

This never happened before, in the past, Jas would have found a way to contact him. A part of him also felt like Jas was trying to get his attention. She may have purposely chosen not to contact him.

The rest of the drive to Solaire Towers was in silence. 

Ian also didn't miss out on the fact that Camilla had noticed his change in demeanour after he had mentioned his girlfriend. 

He was just thankful that she chose to remain quiet and not mention anything for the rest of the ride back.

When they got to Solaire Towers, they entered through the VIP entrance.

Ian could see as Ash was in awe of her surroundings. Not many people got to see this entrance of Solaire Towers.

"I'm surprised you passed here." Jake said as he caught up to the pair.

"I'm not exactly sure how things work at the other entrance, we might end up embarrassing ourselves if we passed there." Ian said with a laugh as they passed the security guard.

"You do know you'll have to explain to Ash after this? Right?" Jake asked Ian and Camilla.

"It's fine. As long as it doesn't ruin our training or our investigation, it should be fine." Camilla said with a nod.

"Mr. Lim, Miss Montero, welcome back." The receptionist greeted them.

"Only for a bit of coffee at the restaurant." Ian informed the receptionist as he pressed on the elevator button, which promptly opened. 

"Have a good day, sir, ma'am." The receptionist said with a bow as Ian, Camilla, Jake, and Ash stepped into the elevator.

Ash was too much in awe to say anything. She just kept looking at Ian and Camilla, clearly confused by the situation. It seemed like she had expected Jake to be the bigshot at Solaire, but instead it was the two HR trainees.

"Don't worry Ash, we'll explain everything." Jake teased his team member. "I think you broke her." Jake told Camilla and Ian.

"Ash, you just need to hold it in for maybe five more minutes then we will answer all your questions. Okay?" Ian asked the woman.

Ash wordlessly nodded as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out.

Unlike last time, there were much less people in the restaurant's lobby, so not a lot stared as they got out of the VIP elevator. 

"Mr. Lim, Miss Montero, the table you reserved is this way." The manager greeted them as he led them through the restaurant and to a room at the opposite end of the building.

"I'll have a waiter bring in your orders. Will you need anything else?" The manager asked.

"Maybe some bread?" Camilla asked.

"Very well ma'am." The manager said with a slight bow as he left and closed the doors behind him.

"You can ask now." Camilla said with a laugh as she looked at Ash who seemed to have been holding her breath the whole time.

"Who are you guys really?" Ash asked just as the room doors opened once more, making her panic.

Ian couldn't help but laugh at her expression as she yelped at the sudden entrance of waiters with their drinks and food.

"Thank you. You may all go." Jake told the waiters who in turn bowed and left. 

"What the hell was that?" Ash said, forgetting her initial new found respect for her companions.

"Ah, there's the Ash we know." Jake teased as he shook his head.

"You guys all owe me an explanation." Ash said as she glared at them.

"Everyone has their secrets, we just hid ours better." Jake said with a grin. "Well not these two. It hasn't even been a week and you've already found out."

"It's not like we had a choice." Ian said as he rolled his eyes at Jake.

"Ummm. . .explain, please." Ash asked as she gave them a confused look.

"Jake should go first, his secret is less complicated." Camilla told Ash as she pointed at Jake.

"Hi, my name is Jake Laurel." Jake said with a grin as he offered his hand to Ash.

"I knew that, how is that a secret?" Ash asked as she glared at Jake. "You are terribly annoying."

"See, even mentioning my name after everything she's seen doesn't even ring a bell." Jake said with a laugh. 

"I'm confused." Ash said as she looked at Jake. 

"Laurel, does that family name sound familiar?" Ian asked Ash.

"Yeah, I mean, one of the largest land owning families in the country is the Laurel family. Of course I know that surname." Ash pointed out.

Jake laughed as Ash suddenly turned pale when she finally managed to connect the dots. Jake was the son of the rich Laurel family and she didn't even realize it.

"How? Why? Is it even allowed for you to be in the Reyes Group? And Krisanta Land, a big competitor." Ash said as she struggled to form questions in her head. 

"Okay this bit needs a little more explaining." Jake said with a grin. "Ash, the reason why the Juans reacted to me that way is because I'm the eldest son and heir presumptive of the Laurel family."

"Then why are you in the Reyes Group?" Ash asked.

"I left my family, I want to build my own name, I'm tired of achieving things because I'm a Laurel. I know it feels like a spoiled child talking, but it's different, trust me." Jake explained.

"Do the Reyes know?" Ash asked.

"They do." Jake responded with a nod. "They know who I am because one of my uncles married a Reyes."

"Then why can Mike and Armand walk all over you like that?" Ash asked with a concerned look on her face. "I mean if you are a real Laurel then won't they be afraid of you."

"Come on Ash, does anything about me seem rich to you?" Jake asked. "You guys have all been to my apartment, you have all seen my car. The only thing I splurge on are my clothes and I do try my best for Mike and Armand not to notice the brand."

"Why? What's with that HD brand, looks like some rip off fake brand to me." Ash said with a laugh.

"Henry Designs." Ian responded for Jake. "Heny is one of the most sought after designers for men. He makes clothes for a select few members of society, and you can't even spot the clothes he makes easily."

"He has a list of maybe twenty families that he designs for. Anyone outside of that list will just have to hope that someone would give them a gift with the HD logo on it." Jake said with a chuckle.

"What, which Reyes is your relative?" Ash asked.

"Hank." Jake said with a laugh. "Hank Reyes Laurel."

"So the rumors about him are true?" Ash asked.

"According to the rumors he works for a Reyes, not that he is one. So they are still wrong." Jake said with a shrug.

"Hank is more dangerous than they think." Ian said with a laugh. "He is quite close to the CEO."

"So the Juan's know who you are?" Ash asked Jake.

"Yes, I've run into them on a few events, but we belong to different social circles and none of their children are my age, so I've never interacted with them." Jake said with a grin. "Ian on the other hand has managed to land a few punches on that smug face of Manuel."

"Please don't tell me you're secretly rich too." Ash grumbled.

"They are more important than just rich." Jake said with a laugh. "Those two are people you never want to cross."

"What do you mean?" Ash asked as she looked at Ian and Camilla who were both stunned by Jake's description of them.

"Do you want to explain or will I have to tell her everything?" Jake asked Camilla and Ian.

"It looks like you are enjoying yourself." Camilla said with a laugh. "By all means, go on." She said with a grin.

Jake laughed and nodded at the pair.

"Ash, what's the highest position someone who is not a Reyes can have in the company? And don't base it on traditional roles, think of how our office works." Jake suggested as he waited for Ash to realize what he meant.

"Not a vice president, no, not that." Ash mumbled to herself as she tried to figure out what Jake meant. 

"Keep trying to figure it out." Jake said with a mischievous grin, making Ian shake his head.

"Impossible." Ash mumbled as she looked up at Ian and Camilla with a confused look. "Impossible." She said in a louder voice.

"What's impossible, Ash?" Jake asked.

"The highest would be the Assistant to the CEO, but that role is already filled, if they have that role then, no that's not it." Ash said as she shook her head.

"Actually, we are Assistants to the CEO, not just the present one.." Ian said with a grin as he watched an expression of disbelief spread across Ash's face.

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