"Marco said that we need evidence that they are taking money from the Reyes Group." Camilla told Ian as she looked up from her phone. "How are we going to prove that?"

"May I have a copy of this?" Ian heard Manuel's father ask.

"Oh, no sir, I can't share this with you." Mike said as he was clearly trying to hide the evidence.

"How am I supposed to remember those ridiculous numbers?" Manuel's father asked in an angry tone. "I need a copy or my secretary will probably send you the wrong amount."

"Sir, we can call you over the phone and dictate it to you." Armand said in a calm tone as he tried to get Manuel's father to adjust to what they wanted.

"It seems like the Juans know that we need that document.." Camilla said as she continued to listen to the conversation with Ian.

"Then that amount should be on the contract, just send us the contract before we issue the check." Manuel suggested to Mike and Armand.

"Sir, some of these service charges are not going to appear on the contract." Mike tried to explain to Manuel. "Like the processing fees, they are on top of what you are truly paying for."

"Then why are we still speaking to you?" Manuel's father asked. "You seem to be deceiving us as well."

"Trust us, sir, you are in much better hands with us." Armand insisted. "Who would you trust more? The head of the sales department or some manager that got demoted recently because of some fraudulent transactions?"

"Shouldn't he be fired if he had such transactions?" Manuel asked Armand.

"The Reyes Group is a forgiving company, the believe in second chances more than they should. But I guess that's the reason they are still on top, because those that do fail strive to do better." Armand explained.

"And what about this manager? You claim that he is still a bad seed?" Manuel's father asked.

"Despite being given a second chance by the Reyes Group, employees have reported that he has been taking money from the company and misusing company funds." Armand explained.

"Where have you seen a manager that drives a better car than the company head?" Mike asked.

Ian knew for a fact that Jake did drive a better car than Armand, but it wasn't because he was stealing money, but because he came from a very rich family.

"When you met with him, didn't you notice that the lowly manager had a driver?" Mike asked, trying to get the Juans to think about how suspicious Jake actually was.

This trick obviously wouldn't work. The Juans knew exactly who Jake was, he was  someone that didn't need to even be working.

He should have been given the role of a vice president as soon as he joined any company affiliated with his family.

"He did have a really nice car." Manuel pointed out as he pretended to consider the points that Mike had told them.

"You cannot get that car with a manager's salary, even if he works at the Reyes Group it's not enough." Armand told Manuel and his father.

"We thought the driver was company provided." Manuel's father said as he played along with the ploy.

"The Reyes Group would never give someone at his level a driver." Mike said in a poisonous tone.

"Even Mike, who is the CEO's apprentice, doesn't get preferential treatment like that, why would a simple manager get a driver." Armand laughed as he tried to make the Juans feel silly for even considering the idea.

"Even if we sign with you and ditch Miss Asley and Mr. Laurel, I will need a copy of that breakdown." Manuel's father insisted. "Either you give me that pamphlet or you send the breakdown to my email." 

"Will you give us a moment?" Armand asked. "Mike and I need to discuss this outside."

"Camilla." Ian said as he looked at her.

"On it." She replied as Ian saw her typing away on the phone. 

Clearly she knew what he wanted to say. He wanted her to tell John that Mike and Armand were headed out of the meeting room and he had to get as close as possible to listen in on their conversation and record it.

"John said he is right next to the door and he will record a video on his phone." Camilla told Ian as she read the message.

"Tell him to be careful, an audio recording will do. A video might be too dangerous." Ian said.

"I did. I just hope he doesn't play hero." Camilla said with a frown as the pair anxiously waited.

Inside the room it was silent, it seemed that Manuel and his father had chosen not to speak. Ian thought this was a smart idea in case Mike and Armand also planted listening devices in order to spy on Manuel and his father.

The room was silent for more than ten minutes before Ian and Camilla received a text from John again.

"They are back inside, John said he wasn't spotted and that they were having an intense conversation on how to send the amount." Camilla told Ian as she read the text message. "John also said that they will be sending it through an email, but they plan on framing an employee."

"I wonder who their poor victim will be." Ian said with a frown as he heard Manuel and Mike speaking to each other once more.

"So what is your decision?" Ian heard Manuel ask.

"A colleague will send you the rates." Mike promptly responded.

"And when can we expect it?" It was Manuel's father's turn to ask this time.

"We will try to send it by tomorrow. My co-worker is just busy at the moment. I will need to talk to him when we get to the office." Mike explained.

"I hope you are not trying to trick us." Manuel said as he threatened the pair. "We aren't your ordinary clients."

"We are fully aware of that." Armand said. "We are glad you have chosen to work with us."

"If that's all, my son and I will go." The older man said as Ian heard seats being pushed back.

"Tell John to stay, keep an eye on Mike and Armand, we need to know which poor employee they plan to frame." Ian told Camilla who nodded, agreeing to his plan.

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