Camilla entered Ian's office, making sure to close the door behind her. 

She couldn't help but be worried about him, after everything her friend had been through, life decided to throw him another curve ball.

Camilla knew exactly what it was like to have the people you trust the most in the world betray you. Her own parents had left her, thinking she would starve to death or be killed. 

Luckily, the people who had rescued the older girl she was with showed her kindness rather than hate.

They found her a home and even helped her get a good education. 

Camilla sighed as she dialed Marco's number on her phone and waited for him to pick up.

"Camilla?" Marco asked with a concerned tone. "Why are you using this number?" He asked her..

"Something happened, it's Ian." She said, her concern clear with the way she spoke.

"Is he alright?" Marco asked.

"Yes, but it's something that has to do with his girlfriend." Camilla told Marco. "Do you know about her?"

"Yes." Marco confirmed. "Jasmine Ortega, she comes from a well off family and she is one of his childhood friends. They've been together for at least four years."

"Yeah, that one." Camilla said with a nod as she hesitated. 

What if she and Ian were simply assuming things? What if they had jumped too quickly into conclusions? What if Jas was just insecure about his relationship with his co-workers.

"Camilla, why are you hesitating? You know better." Marco scolded. "Now tell me what's bothering you."

"Ian said that Jas was searching his room for his work phone." Camilla told Marco.

"This sounds like a couple issue rather than a corporate one, Camilla." Marco warned.

"No, Marco, that's the thing. She  was specifically looking for his work phone and was looking for information about work." Camilla told the older assistant.

"Camilla, I don't understand how this is my concern." Marco hissed as his patience grew thin. "You know how valuable my weekends are."

"Please, all you do is work, isn't that why Marie won't marry you." Camilla pointed out quite rudely angering Marco.

"Young lady, if you do not behave I will be forced to call your uncles." Marco warned. "I know that you would die for them and their families but I will not hesitate to tell them how rude you have become."

"You aren't listening to me, Marco." Camilla complained. "We actually have reason to think that Ian's girlfriend is involved in a plot against the Reyes family. Ian's girlfriend is fake dating Mike, the same Mike we are working on catching."

"Why didn't you start with this?" Marco asked in an angry tone. "You should have started with this Camilla. We've wasted valuable time because you didn't!" 

"Don't scold me!" She answered back. "I'm not a child anymore!"

"Fine." Marco grumbled as he calmed down. "Is there any reason for Jas to suspect that Ian knows something about Mike?"

"Ian warned her last night about dating him, telling her that he was a liar and that his days were numbered." Camilla explained to Marco.

"Fuck." Marco cursed. "The boy should have told us the moment he found out his girlfriend was dating Mike, even if it is all a ruse, there is still a risk that her loyalties might shift. Where is Ian now?"

"In the dining room, I told him to calm down first. He was furious when we realized that she could have been trying to get information to help Mike." Camilla told Marco.

"I'm not surprised that he is angry." Marco said with a sigh. "From what I know they have been friends for a really long time. I would be hurt too if a friend of mine betrayed me, much more if my long time girlfriend did while we were together."

"Well he isn't exactly handling it well, that's why I was the one that called." Camilla told Marco.

"Do you know where Jas is now?" Marco asked Camilla.

"Yes, she told us that she had a family emergency and that she had to take a cab to where her parents were." Camilla explained.

"Ian didn't drop her off?" Marco asked as he already sensed something was off.

"No, Ian was actually relieved that she didn't let him. He would probably have gotten in a fight with her if he did." Camilla explained. "She decided to take a cab, she told us that if her family saw her with him, they would think she wasn't taking this dating thing seriously."

"Any chance Ian mentioned if that was normal behavior for her?" Marco further inquired.

"No, but by the way he was reacting and the way Jas explained it, it seemed pretty normal for them." Camilla told Marco.

Marco was silent for a moment as he thought of what to do next. He didn't blame Ian for trying to warn Jas, it was only normal and the boy was just learning the ropes. 

He knew he would need to scold both Ian and Camilla, but that could wait, right now their priority was to make sure that Mike didn't learn about Ian's affiliation with the Reyes Family.

Marco had negotiated with Emilio Reyes to let the boy tell his girlfriend, after all, he personally knew how much lies could damage a relationship.

"Marco, are you still there?" Camilla asked as it had been a while since he had said a word.

"Yeah, I was thinking." Marco said as the young woman's voice pulled him back to reality. "The security team of Solaire Towers records all the details of cabs coming and leaving the building. Get those details and send them to me, I'll have someone look into it." 

"Alright." Camilla said as she nodded.

"Then I want you and Ian out of that apartment, have Leon do a sweep." Marco instructed. "We need to make sure that she didn't plant any listening devices."

"I doubt there were any in the kitchen. I guess it's a good thing that's where Ian and I spoke. The office is safe too since it seemed untouched when I came in." Camilla informed Marco.

"Still, don't be overconfident. Have all the rooms searched by Leon and his team." Marco told her.

"I didn't expect something like this to happen so soon." Marco said with a sigh. "Make sure Ian is in the right state, he can't be losing control. He needs to practice that. I know he has a temper, but he needs to be beyond it."

"Alright. I'll keep you posted." Camilla told Marco as she dropped the call and quickly picked up the landline on Ian's desk.

She asked the security team to retrieve the plate number and to check if the guard on duty could recall where Jas was headed.

They promised to take all the details up to her apartment where she planned to drag Ian while they waited for Leon to sweep the apartment.

She also sent Leon a quick message, telling him about what they needed and asking him to come over as soon as possible with his team.

It seemed that Marco had already given him a heads up, because as soon as Camilla made her way to the dining room to talk to Ian, Leon was already knocking on the door.

Seeing as Ian was not in a good state, she let Leon in and led him to the dining room.

"What's Leon doing here?" Ian asked.

"He's going to sweep your apartment for bugs." Camilla explained as she grabbed Ian by the wrist and pulled him towards the door.

"And where are we going?" He asked.

"My apartment. I spoke to Marco, he is having people look into Jas and her family. Right now we need to be out of this apartment while Leon does his job." Camilla said as they exited the door.

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