As everyone expected, that same night, Jas called Ian up asking to spend the night. 

"Ian, I got into a fight with my parents because of you." Jas said in between sobs as Ian told her that she couldn't come over. "Ian, will you really not let me stay at your place tonight? My parents kicked me out because I defended our relationship."

Ian fisted his hands, he was disappointed in the fact that Jas would use their relationship as an excuse for coming over.

"Jas, Marco is here. My boss is here and we are working." Ian said as he gave the planned explanation. "I really can't have you come over."

"Your boss doesn't even need to know that I'm there." Jas begged.. "I will be quiet, you won't even know that I'm there."  Jas said.

"Jas, you can't come over." Ian said in a stern tone.

"Then what am I supposed to do? I can't go home, my parents told the guards at my apartment not to let me in!" Jas shouted. "They wanted me to know what life with you would be like without me being able to call on to them for help."

"Jas, I don't think your family would willingly kick you out like that." Ian said with a sigh.

"What do you know!?" Jas screamed. "You have lived your whole life relying on the patronage of my family!" She accused.

"I can't believe you are saying that." Ian said as he tried to remain calm. "Jas, I never asked for anything. Your family offered and I always declined. You know that I've always wanted to make my own way in the world, why are you accusing me like that?"

Ian was in disbelief, he never expected Jas to say such hurtful things. It was as if she had transformed into a person he barely knew.

"Really, Ian? Really?" Jas asked. "When my father helped you get an interview at Island's Inc. you decided to insult the man that would be your boss and put my father to shame. You are ungrateful!"

"Jas, I think you need to calm down." Ian said as he took a deep breath. "Clearly you are emotional. Why don't I book you a room at Maharlika Hotel and you can spend the night there?" He suggested.

"What the hell, Ian?!" She asked angrily. "I'm not some mistress that can be stashed away in a hotel."

"I never said  you were, Jas." Ian told her as he pinched the space between his eyes. "I was just thinking that staying in the nicest hotel in the country would be a good idea."

"Well it isn't and you aren't helping!" She shouted.

"Jas, I'm only thinking of what is the best option for us right now." Ian said with a sigh as he paced back and forth in the room. "I can't have you here right now. I need to focus and my boss said we can't have anyone over. We are talking about some very confidential things."

"Confidential?" Jas asked, as she seemingly calmed down, giving Ian an idea.

"Yeah, we're ummm. . . sprawled out in the living room." Ian explained as he thought of a reason why they would be in the living room or his bedroom, places where she had planted her listening devices.

"Why?" Jas asked.

"There are so many documents and they are all CEO level confidential information. It's just everywhere." Ian pretended to complain. "Marco has even taken over my bedroom for the night since we are predicting that we will be working until tomorrow." He explained.

"That would be embarrassing if I walked in there and went straight to your room to find your boss there." Jas said as Ian could sense the gears turning in her head. 

"Embarrassing and awkward." Ian said as he agreed with her. "Imagine if you walked in there while he was speaking to the CEO or some high ranking official of the Reyes Group." 

Ian glared at Camilla who was seated on the couch as she tried to stop herself from laughing at him.

"Right, right. That would be bad." Jas said.

"So, why don't you let me book you a room at Maharlika Hotel?" He offered again. "I promise to visit you as soon as I get a break from work. I will also pay for your hotel and have them send you your favorite food. What do you think?" He asked.

Ian hoped that she would agree, he really didn't want to have to ask the receptionist and guards to stop Jas from coming up or even entering the building. But if that was what it would take, he was willing to do it.

"I guess that would be for the best." Jas finally said over the phone.

"Yes, love, for the best." Ian said with a nod as he gave Camilla a victorious smile. "I promise to visit you if we get a break, but I hope you understand that I might be very busy until Monday. We have something big coming up in the Reyes Group."

"Yes, yes, of course." Jas said over the phone, as she completely shifted her tune. She was now the understanding girlfriend that was more than happy to let her boyfriend work.

Ian knew that she was only agreeing because she thought she would be able to get more information.

That's why he told her they were working in places where she had set up her listening devices. He needed her to think that not coming over would benefit her.

"But Ian, I really miss you." Jas said in a sweet voice. "And last night reminded me of how much I need you." She added in a seductive tone.

"What are you suggesting?" Ian asked as he cleared his throat, pretending to have been caught off guard by Jas.

He knew that she would still need a reason to come over, so he wasn't surprised when she began to say something related to the steamy night they had.

"Well, maybe we can grab dinner at a restaurant, then I can give you a massage in the bathtub with nothing on." She said in the most seductive tone she could muster.

Ian wanted to laugh as he heard how hard she was trying. 

"Oh, baby, you know I missed you too." Ian responded in a deep tone. "We can have dinner after and let's see where it takes us." He said quite suggestively.

"I know where it will take you." Jas responded.

"Monday night then?" Ian asked as he badly wanted to end the call.

"Yes. I'll see you then. I love you." She told him as Ian ended the call. 

"And the best actor award goes to Ian Lim!" Camilla teased as she laughed at the act Ian had just pulled off.

"Thank you." Ian said with a wink as he played along. "I was so worried that she wouldn't give in." He said with a sigh.

"To be honest, I wanted to march over to wherever she is now and punch her the moment I heard that she was using your relationship with her as an excuse!" Camilla said as her smile turned into a serious expression.

"Yeah, I didn't appreciate that." Ian confessed.

"Please, you should be furious!" Camilla told Ian. "She is using your relationship when she is clearly using you to help someone else. Someone she claims to be in a fake relationship with!" 

"I'm at a loss for words with how disappointed I am with her." Ian told Camilla as he sat down on the couch right next to her.

"Well I'm mad at her for you." Camilla said, making Ian laugh.

He was happy with how protective Camilla was over him. He felt the same way, he knew he would do everything and anything to get justice for Camilla if anyone dared hurt her.

In all honesty it confused him that he wasn't attracted to Camilla the way most men were. She was beautiful, smart, strong, and funny, but to him she was just like a sister and nothing more.

"Earth to Ian, where are you?" Camilla asked as she knocked on his head.

"I'm here, I'm here. Just thinking about stuff." He said with a sigh as he sat up.

"You shouldn't worry too much anymore." Camilla told Ian with a smile. 

"What do you mean?" Ian asked as he gave her a confused look.

"Wow you are really lost." Camilla teased. "I meant with the whole Jas and Mike issue, come Monday, when we finally catch Mike and Armand red handed, you can confront Jas."

Ian simply nodded.

"Something is bothering you." Camilla said.

"Marco said something to me that kind of stuck and confused me." Ian admitted.

"What was it?" Camilla asked. "Maybe I can help."

"Marco told me that I should wait till I can really talk to Jas and ask her why she did these things. That I should give her the benefit of the doubt and not jump into conclusions." Ian told Camilla as he recounted his conversation with Marco. 

"The wisdom of the old." Camilla said in a pensive tone. "Who know, may be she had a good reason for betraying you?"

"What ever is a good reason for betraying someone? After this, I'm ending it. She isn't worth my time or my energy." Ian said in a devastated tone.

"Just wait till you get to talk to her, Marco has a point, but that doesn't mean you need to do exactly what he says. It's still your choice." Camilla advised Ian.

"Why does Monday seem to be such a long way away?" Ian said as he shook his head.

"Hey, we normally hate Mondays! Now we have a reason to look forward to it." Camilla said with a chuckle, making Ian simply shake his head at her attempt at a joke.

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