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-- Rise of the Disgraced Heir is exclusively published on Webnovel--

"Is it done?" Jake asked Ian as they walked away from Mike.

He told them that he would follow since he needed to use the restroom first. Ian and Jake already knew that Mike was staying behind to send the email.

"It shouldn't take him that long." Ian said with a laugh. "I mean I didn't even lock the laptop and my email is still open."

"I informed Marco and the others before calling you over." Jake told Ian.

"My men are ready too, and the police have been informed." Seth added as they entered the meeting room where the other members of the sales team were waiting for the meeting to begin.

Ian's group was the last to arrive and everyone had already gathered.

Armand greeted them and began the meeting.

Ian couldn't help but keep glancing at the door and at his phone.

He was waiting for Mike to join the group or for Marco to tell them that Mike had been taken into custody.

Five minutes passed, then ten, then thirty. Ian noticed as Armand was also getting anxious. Clearly things were not going as they had planned.

Armand looked at Ian, he must have sensed that something was off with the young employee. 

"Mr. Armand?" The sales manager that was reporting called out to him. "Sir?"

Armand continued to look at Ian while Ian ignored him and pretended to have a conversation with Jake.

"How much longer do you think this will take?" Ian asked Jake.

"I'm not sure, but it's taking longer than I expected. Didn't Seth update you on anything?" Jake asked as he nodded towards Ian's phone.

Ian hadn't checked it in a while, so when he did unlock it, he was surprised to find that Seth and Marco had both left him a message.

The first one he opened was the one coming from Marco.

Marco: Try to stall, Seth's men found something, we need to know more.

"Marco said to stall, they need time." Ian said as he relayed the message to Jake.

Jake simply nodded before he taking a step forward as he began to complain that someone had been sabotaging his team, taking their clients.

Ian wanted to laugh at how dramatic Jake was getting. He was drawing the attention to him as he tried to get Armand to stop looking for Mike.

It seemed to work as Armand's attention shifted back to Jake and to the meeting instead of on Ian and the meeting room door.

Ian turned his attention back to his phone, checking his message from Seth.

Seth: Ian we found something, and I don't thing you will like it. I had someone take Mike into custody. My people are still investigating the matter. It was a good thing that there were a lot of police at the scene. Mike and Armand might be guilty of something worse than just corporate espionage.

Ian was stunned by Seth's message. It seemed that they had stumbled on something serious in Mike's or Armand's place, and that worried Ian.

Jake was able to keep everyone distracted for ten minutes, before the doors burst open and the CEO, Emilio Reyes III, entered the room followed by Marco.

Everyone was clearly shocked that he was there. The CEO rarely went down to join their meetings and for some this was the first time they were seeing him in person.

Emilio Reyes was an intimidating man, just standing in his presence was enough to make a person quiver.

Armand was shocked but he still placed his best foot forward as he rushed up to the CEO.

"Mr. Reyes, to what do we owe this honor. You never join our meetings." Armand said as he approached.

"Take him into custody." Emilio Reyes ordered Marco, who with a snap of a finger had several security guards grab Armand. 

"Sir, what is the meaning of this?" Armand asked as his face reflected the fear he felt. He knew he had done something wrong, he just never thought he would be caught or punished.

"Really, Armand? You're asking that question?" Jake said with a laugh.

"What did you do?!" Armand asked as he glared at Jake.

"May I?" Emilio Reyes asked Jake, stunning everyone in the room.

"Of course, Uncle." Jake said with a grin, making Armand turn pale.

"Ah, you've realized that you messed with the wrong person." Emilio Reyes told the man. "Jake isn't a Reyes, but our families go way back. As a matter of fact, my wife is his godmother. Have you never heard of the Laurel family?"

"No." Ian heard Fred, one of Jake's team members say with a gasp. It was clear that they were aware of who the Laurel's were, just not that Jake was related to them.

"Jake is the heir to the Laurel family. He is here to learn, and we got lucky that you decided to cross him, leading us to discover that you have had so many employees fired just so that you and Mike could reap the benefits." Emilio Reyes revealed.

Some employees were shocked, while others seemed to have known what was happening.

"Take him away." Emilio Reyes ordered as Armand was dragged out of the meeting room, kicking and screaming.

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