Ian and Camilla were about to go home when Marco asked them to join him at Nouveau to celebrate. The pair, although exhausted, happily accepted the offer.

"The CEO will be joining us as well as Miss Ayanna." Marco informed Ian and Camilla, catching them off guard.

"We thought it would only be the three of us." Ian told Marco.

"I know, I intentionally let you think that. The CEO thought that if you knew he would be coming along, you might reject the offer." Marco explained as they got into the elevator.

"Won't it be counter productive if we were seen with the CEO? I mean everyone knows that he is selective of who gets to meet with him." Camilla pointed out..

"Well, the plan has changed with regards to your training." Marco said with a smile as the elevator doors opened to a modern styled restaurant.

There was a red carpet that led towards the entrance, where a silver podium was located.

"Assistant Marco." The man who had been chatting with the waiter up front greeted as he made his way towards the trio.

"You have guests!" The man said as he stood before them. 

"Not exactly." Marco said with a grin. "These two are Ian Lim and Camilla Montero, they are the new assistants to the CEO. We are training them to work for the Reyes Heir. They are people you must remember."

Ian and Camilla were surprised that they had been introduced as assistants to the CEO. Marco and the CEO must have change their minds about keeping their identities a secret.

"Oh my, oh my." The manager said as he quickly shook their hands. "If you need anything at all please call me, here is my card." As he said this he gave each of them a calling card with his name and number on it.

"The CEO will be using the private room for dinner tonight." Marco informed the manager. 

"Ah yes, yes, I will have it prepared. Has the CEO given his preferred meal for tonight?" The manager asked as he took out a pen and paper, ready to take the CEO's order.

"He will have the usual, Miss Ayanna will be joining us as well." Marco informed the manager.

"The usual for her as well?" The manager asked.

"The Reyeses are creatures of habit when it comes to their food." Marco said with a laugh. "Yes, she will have her usual order. Same for me."

"And Mr. Lim and Miss Montero?" The manager asked as he looked at them.

"Well, what's good here?" Ian asked.

"We pride ourselves in our steaks." The manager boasted.

"I'll have one then." Ian said with a nod. 

"The same for me." Camilla told the manager.

"And how would you like it done?" The manager asked.

"Medium." The two assistants said at the same time, making them laugh.

"Very well then." The manager replied with a nod.

"I'll give them a tour of the kitchen as well as the offices of Nouveau. But for the meantime, do you mind if I have a word?" Marco asked the manager as he gestured towards the side.

"Of course, sir." The manager replied with a nod as the two men moved away from earshot.

"It seems like people will look differently at us starting tonight." Camilla commented as she frowned at the thought.

"You don't want people to know who we are in this company?" Ian asked her. 

"I don't know, I'm not sure." She said with a shrug. "It was kind of fun when people had no idea who we were. They say the dumbest things around us and they don't even try to impress us. When they find out that we work for the CEO they will always put their best foot forward."

"I'm sure we can trust whatever reason Uncle Emilio and Marco have for revealing our identities and jobs." Ian told Camilla as he smiled at her. "They will always have ours and the company's best interest at heart."

"I'm not exactly questioning it." Camilla said as she glanced over to Marco and the manager to check if their conversation was over. "I'm just worried about what will happen."

"Hey, hey." Ian said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "We're in this together, alright. The two of us then someday the Reyes Heir himself."

Camilla simply nodded as Marco and the manager of Nouveau returned to join them.

"I'll get the orders ready." The manager said as he waved a man by the door over. "This is the head waiter or Nouveau, he will give you a tour."

"Thank you." Marco told the manager with a nod before he turned and left.

"Shall we?" The head waiter asked as he took the assistants on a tour of the restaurant. 

They went from the dining area, where the waiter pointed out the most prized seats and how long it took to reserve them, to the kitchen where the head chef was busy preparing their meal.

He had a short chat with them while his assistants did the prep work for the meal. He informed Ian and Camilla that they had a list of preferences of all the important employees in the Reyes Group. He would also now be adding their's to the list.

"Isn't it a bit too much?" Ian asked Marco. "It's not like we are executives."

"You are and you aren't." Marco said with a shrug as they went around the administrative offices of the restaurant. "Our work as the CEO's assistants keeps the company running. Our job is to keep it running like a well oiled machine and to do our jobs properly we must do it without distractions or worries." 

Ian noticed that as he spoke, Marco kept checking his watch as if he were waiting for something. 

He assumed that the older assistant just didn't want to be late for when the CEO and his daughter would arrive, so he ignored it. 

"We should go back or else we'll miss the show." Marco said with a grin as he steered them towards the direction of the dinning area.

As they entered through the kitchen, Ian spotted a familiar family seated at the center of the room.

It made him stop in his tracks, he wasn't ready to face the Juan family just yet. He knew that he would be embarrassed if he did. 

"Ah we aren't late." Marco told them as he made them stop and sit by a table in the corner.

A waiter quickly appeared with drinks and bread for them.

"What are we waiting for?" Camilla asked as she sipped from the wine she was offered.

"Something well planned that should have happened sooner." Marco told them as he leaned back and relaxed. "Keep your eyes on the Juans." He told the pair.

Ian was puzzled as to what Marco said, but he ignored it and did as the older assistant told him to do.

Suddenly a group of men in suits arrived and made their way towards the table where the Juans were seated.

Ian found it odd that the restaurant guards didn't even stop these men from entering. He had a gut feeling that something bad was about to happen to the Juan family in the most embarrassing way possible.

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