As Manuel and his father were about to argue with the men in suits, several men in police uniforms entered the restaurant. 

Ian looked at Marco and raised an eyebrow at him, but it seemed even Marco had no idea on what was going on.

"Mr. Juan and Mr. Juan?" A man in a police uniform asked as he looked at the father and son duo. 

"Yes, sir." Manuel quickly answered. He was hoping that with the police here the men in suits would leave.

"Are you sure you had nothing to do with this?" Ian asked Marco.

"I didn't call the police.. I swear, the only thing the CEO and I did was nothing. We didn't stop your plans and we didn't order the staff to stop these people." Marco explained to Ian. "Whatever their problem with the police is already something beyond our control."

Ian simply nodded as he took a sip of his wine and watched.

It seemed that Manuel and his family finally spotted the assistants seated at the side as Manuel glared at Ian.

Ian responded by smiling and lifting a glass to his old tormentor. He would enjoy every moment of their embarrassment.

"Are you here to arrest the man that beat us up? Because I can point you towards his direction." Manuel hissed as he glanced at Ian.

"You don't look like you were ever beaten up, Mr. Juan." The policeman said as he observed Manuel. "As a matter of fact, you look like you just came from home, you're so clean and well dressed."

"Oh." Camilla suddenly said with a gasp.

"What do you mean by oh, Camilla?" Ian asked as he looked at his fellow assistant.

"I swear I did this a week ago." Camilla explained. 

"Did what?" Marco asked as he began to laugh at how stunned Camilla looked. 

"Remember the information that Manuel's sister provided us with?" She asked Ian.

"Yeah, you said you stored it away for future use." Ian replied with a nod as he tried to guess what Camilla might have done. If his guess was right then it was still impossible that the police would be here that soon to make an arrest.

"Well, I sort of reported it to the police then the next day they asked me to send in the evidence which I did." Camilla said slowly as they watched Manuel stand awkwardly between the police and the men in suits.

"Mr. Juan, you and your father are both under arrest for robbery, libel, and bribery." The policeman announced to everyone's shock.

"What?!" Manuel screamed. "This is bullshit! I demand my lawyer!" 

"You and your father need to come with us, sir." The policeman said. "If you refuse to come with us peacefully then we will be forced to cuff you and drag you out."

Ian watched as Manuel's sister had turned pale as the charges against them were read. It was clear that the evidence she had given Camilla aligned with the charges that had been read.

"Son, cooperate." Manuel's father said as he got up and raised his hands in surrender.

"You can't be fucking serious dad!" Manuel shouted as his head suddenly turned to look at Ian.

Ian froze as Manuel turned unpredictable. He couldn't figure out what the other man was about to do.

"You!" Manuel hissed as he glared at Ian. "This is your fault! You had us arrested, you had our partners pull out! We had a fucking deal with the Reyeses!" 

With that Manuel suddenly ran and charged towards Ian, Marco, and Camilla.

The two younger assistants quickly moved to stand up to avoid Manuel, while Ian remained seated as he sipped from his wine and watched as Manuel tried to attack them.

Out of nowhere a man suddenly appeared and tackled Manuel to the ground, making Camilla scream in surprise.

Soon several other guards appeared and they quickly cuffed Manuel's arms behind him. 

"Where do we take him?" The guard asked Marco who was still calmly seated.

"Police or Mafia?" Marco asked Ian who was standing and a little bit to the side.

Ian shook his head as he gathered himself, he was so stunned by the sudden appearance of the guards that he wasn't able to immediately process Marco's question.

"What do you mean?" Ian asked.

"Your choice, who gets first dibs on this bastard." Marco said as he pointed at Manuel.

"The police." Ian responded.

"Very well sir." The guard said with a nod as he handed Manuel to the police while his father came with them peacefully.

"You two are coming with us." The men in suits told Manuel's mother and sister as they roughly grabbed them by the wrists.

"No, please." Manuel's sister begged.

"Will we help them?" Camilla asked Ian.

"Do you think I should?" He asked his friend as he carried an emotionless expression.

"No." Camilla said, much to Ian's and Marco's surprise. 

"No?" Ian asked, making sure he had heard her correctly. "You know that the Mafia will make them work their debt off."

"They aren't innocent in all of this. You deserve your revenge and your justice." Camilla said with a nod as they watched the family being dragged out of the restaurant. 

As if it were planned precisely, Emilio Reyes and his daughter, Ayanna Reyes, suddenly appeared at the entrance as the Juan's were being dragged out.

Just as Ian expected, Manuel began to call out for the CEO.

"Mr. Reyes, you promised not to interfere! You said the Reyes Group would not help Ian!" Manuel shouted in a loud voice that was carried across the restaurant.

"I did promise that. Yes." The CEO said with a nod.

"Then why are we being dragged out by the police and Mafia, we thought we had your protection." Manuel dared to demand.

"You asked us not to interfere, and this is us not interfering." Emilio Reyes said with a grin as he and his daughter walked past them into the restaurant.

At that point Manuel was already kicking and screaming, accusing the Reyes Group of betraying them after having helped.

"Well, the show's over. Dinner time." Marco told them as he got up and led them towards the direction of the CEO and his daughter.

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