The rest of the dinner was quite peaceful as Emilio spoke about his son, Ian's and Camilla's future boss.

From what they could pick up, the Reyes Heir was a humble and simple person who did not like being in the spotlight.

When they asked where he was at the moment, the CEO simply replied that he was studying, so Ian assumed that he had been sent abroad for his education.

It was also possible that the Reyes Heir was working for international companies in order to learn what they were doing right. Based on how Ian observed the way the Reyes Family managed the company this seemed to be the most probable explanation.

When they finally parted ways Ian remained silent as he and Camilla got into his car and drove out of the R Tower parking lot.

"I half expected Jas to be here." Camilla commented, breaking the silence.

"Why?" Ian asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Well you guys spoke earlier and I'm guessing you made up." Camilla explained.

"Yeah, we spoke." Ian said with a nod.

"But you didn't make up?" Camilla asked slowly. 

"To her we did." Ian responded.

"She didn't betray you because of selfish reasons Ian, she wanted to save her sister." Camilla pointed out.

"Wow, you're on her side now? Remember, this is the same person that hated your guts and thought I was cheating on her just because we work together." Ian said as he glanced at Camilla.

"Yes, Ian, because I understand why she did things!" Camilla bravely answered back.

"She wanted to save her sister, yes, but think about it Camilla, she knew who I was. Jas knew I worked for the CEO and still she chose not to tell me. Where is the trust there?" He asked her.

"It is not easy to be brave Ian, it's never easy." Camilla told Ian as she turned her back on him and looked out the window. 

Ian took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm just processing things, alright?" He told Camilla. He knew she was right, it wasn't easy to be brave, if things had gone wrong Josephine might have died. 

"So aside from that, what is bothering you?" Camilla asked.

Ian sighed as he shook his head. 

"It's nothing." Ian told Camilla as he continued to drive.

"If it were nothing, it wouldn't still be bothering you." Camilla said with a shrug as she leaned back and watched as the road went by.

It was silent for a time, leaving Ian and Camilla to their own thoughts until Ian decided to speak.

"How did you know that it wasn't the thing with Jas that was bothering me?" Ian asked.

"I thought it was at first." Camilla confessed. "But when I asked you, your mind seems to be made up about how you are taking this whole dilemma with her. And well, you're screaming, confused and torn."

Ian laughed at Camilla's analogy. He never thought he would hear his expressions described that way. 

"Okay, yeah something else is bothering me other than my fight with my girlfriend." Ian said as he rolled his eyes. 

The traffic outside was now quite bad, letting Ian glance at Camilla only to find her laughing at his reaction.

"If you don't behave I'm kicking you out of my car." Ian grumbled.

"You wouldn't." Camilla said with a gasp.  "Now, what is it?"

"It's the CEO's offer for me to head down to the station and physically extract my revenge." Ian confessed.

"But you told him you wouldn't, well at least you said you would give him a reply tonight if you wanted to beat those men up." Camilla told Ian.

"I'm not the bigger person, Camilla." Ian said with a sigh as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. "It's taking everything in me not to accept his offer. The Juan's are the reason why all the doors shut on my family, my sisters are still suffering because of them. How can I let an opportunity like this just pass?"

"Ian, I think you are forgetting something here." Camilla said with a sigh as she shook her head.

"What?" Ian asked.

"You aren't the only one that has been affected by what the Juan's did." Camilla reminded him as the traffic began to move. "Remember, your sisters also suffered, maybe it will help to speak to them."

"My sisters will discourage me from going there." Ian said with a frown.

"And you don't want to be discouraged by the looks of it." Camilla pointed out.

"No, as I said, a part of me wants to march on over to the police station and have them beaten to an inch of their lives." Ian hissed as the car began to speed up.

"Let's say you do go there, and you do beat them up. How will you feel after? How will it make your life better?" Camilla asked. "How do you think your sisters will see you if they find out that you did this?"

"My sisters will hate me." Ian replied. "Sam, maybe not that much, but my youngest sister, Karina, she has always been the least vengeful among us, the most forgiving. She's the one that will tell me to be the bigger person." 

"Then call them, talk to your sisters, maybe they can help." Camilla advised Ian as they pulled up to the driveway of Solaire Towers. 

"What if it doesn't make me feel better?" Ian asked as Camilla opened the door to step out.

Camilla took a deep breath and looked at Ian. 

"Ian, it's regret and guilt that will eat you up." She said, "It's the worry that you missed out on an opportunity or the guilt that you acted without talking to your sisters or weighing all the consequences first." 

"What if I choose wrong?" Ian asked. "What if even after speaking to you and to my sisters I still do the wrong thing?"

"Ian, I have faith in you, your sisters have faith in you. You will do the right thing." Camilla told her friend with a smile.

"I'm not a forgiving person." Ian said.

"I know." Camilla replied with a nod. "You are vengeful and that just makes you human. Forgiveness is something we work towards and we can't do it alone. Go to your sisters, talk to them. I'll see you tomorrow." 

Camilla then got out off Ian's car and entered the building, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

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