When Ian and Jas arrived at Bamboo Room, they immediately saw the long line of people wanting to get into the restaurant.

"Wow, this place is really popular." Ian said as he drove the car over to the valet.

"It's owned by Raymund Laurence, just the idea of getting the chance to see him is enough for people to line up and try to get in." Jas told Ian as a valet approached the car.

"Do you have a reservation, sir?" The valet asked as Ian got out of the car.

"Yes, under Jasmine Ortiz." Ian told the valet.

"Ah yes, you are our last reservation for tonight." The valet informed Ian. "Have a good meal."

Ian nodded and thanked the valet as he walked over to Jas at the other side of the car.

"That was impressive." Ian remarked as he took Jas' hand in his and they walked over to the waiter at the podium.

"What was?" Jas asked.

"Even the valet knows all of the reservations for tonight. It's impressive." Ian explained.

Ian had worked as a valet in the past, he had done a lot of odd jobs as he tried to find any source of income to pay for their daily needs at home as well as for his education.

He was no stranger to how stressful and hectic the lunch and dinner rushes could get, knowing every reservation by heart was an additional effort that impressed him.

"This is, of course, a top class restaurant." Jas said with a smile. "I would expect nothing less."

"Miss Ortiz, Mr. Lim, good evening." The waiter at the podium greeted them as he led the couple inside the restaurant.

"Did you give them my name too?" Ian asked as he was confused as to why the waiter knew his last name.

"Actually I didn't." Jas said as she shook her head.

"That's odd." Ian told her as they were led to a table with a majestic view of the city.

The Bamboo Room was built on the side of a mountain that was just on the outskirts of the capital.

It was high enough to give diners a beautiful panoramic view of the bustling city as it's lights twinkled in the distance.

"Wow, this is a really good table, we got lucky." Jas remarked as Ian helped her to her seat.

Another waiter arrived and brought them the menu and wheeled over a bottle of wine.

"Oh, no, that's too much." Jas said, waving the waiter away.

"Jas it's fine, I can afford things now." Ian said as he looked her tenderly in the eyes.

"Ian, that bottle is way too expensive." Jas said, shaking her head. "We'll take a cheaper one, and just two glasses." Jas told the waiter.

"Miss, this is on the house." The waiter said as he served them a glass each. "Mr. Lim's boss said this his celebratory gift to his new employee and he looks forward to working with him in the future."

"You boss?" Jas asked as her eyes went wide in shock.

"Thank you." Ian simply said with a nod.

"Call us when you are ready to order." The waiter said as he left, leaving the couple alone to talk in peace.

"By your boss did he mean the CEO of the Reyes Group?" Jas asked in a hushed tone.

Ian thought about Jas' question, there were two people who could have possibly sent him the wine. It was either the current CEO, Emilio Reyes III, or his unknown son, whom Ian was going to work for.

"Ian?" Jas called out when she didn't get an immediate response from him.

"Oh, well, yeah, probably." Ian said as he looked through the menu, trying to hide his confusion.

He didn't discard the idea that it could possibly be his future boss, the Reyes Heir, that had sent the congratulatory bottle of wine.

It was a well known fact that the Reyes Heir and Mr. Raymund Laurence were quite close friends. It would have been easy for the Reyes Heir to ask his friend to keep an eye out in case his future assistant showed up.

"The food here sounds so delicious!" Jas exclaimed as she called over a waiter.

The couple quickly gave their orders and the waiter once more bowed and left.

"Do you think he is here?" Jas asked Ian as she looked around, seemingly searching for someone.

"Is who here?" Ian said with a confused look on his face.

"Raymund Laurence of course!" Jas said as she rolled her eyes at him.

"And what would be the big deal if he were here?" Ian asked her.

Sometimes he didn't understand his own girlfriend and her fascination with the elites of their society. Jas' family was already part of the wealthy 1% of their country, and yet she always hungered to hear more about the top families.

"Ian, this is the Raymund Laurence we are talking about." Jas nagged. "He began to help his father manage the family business before he had even graduated from university. Plus he is one of the five princes, the people that will control most of the country's wealth in the future."

"Sounds like someone that could be a stuck up spoiled brat to me." Ian said with a shrug as their meal was served.

"Yes, and the children from the Reyes Family aren't stuck up rich spoiled brats too." Jas said, rolling her eyes as she took a bite out of her meal.

"This is heavenly!" She remarked as she swallowed.

"We both know not all rich kids are spoiled brats, there are some decent ones." Ian said as he enjoyed his meal.

"Yeah, definitely not you when we were young." Jas said with a laugh as she reminded Ian about how he had been when they were younger.

"When you are raised to think that the world was yours for the taking, it can all go to your head." Ian said with a frown as he recalled his younger years.

Jas wasn't wrong, Ian was not a nice kid. He wasn't exactly mean, but he wasn't the friendliest guy around either.

"I admit I was quite snobbish and aloof." Ian said as he took a sip of wine.

"Was? Was?" Jas said as she began laughing. "Ian Lim take a look at the mirror and tell me you aren't still that same boy. Yes you have changed, you've been hardened and humbled but you are still the same person."

"I am different now." Ian said with a frown.

"Right. . ." Jas said. "Is that why you mocked that Hernandez guy? The one my dad got you an interview with? Calling him tacky and part of the nouveau riche?"

"He did look tacky and he was wearing mostly fakes, only his tie and his wallet were originals." Ian said as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Jas said with a laugh as they continued to enjoy their meal.

As they happily ate their desert Jas and Ian were taken by surprise when an elderly couple walked up to them.

"Jasmine Ortega, my you have grown, still dating this poor boy I see." The woman said making Jas and Ian turn their attention to the couple.

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