Manuel's mother and sister entered Seth's office with their heads down as they kept looking at their feet.

"Hurry up, bitches, the boss doesn't have all day." The guard behind them hissed as he pushed them forward, making Manuel's mother stumble.

"Bitch." The guard hissed again. "Get up!" He ordered in a gruff tone that almost made Camilla flinch. 

If a man like this feared her friend Seth, she wondered how scary he could actually get. 

In her mind Seth was kind but somewhat twisted, just like Ian. They were somewhat the same but with different drivers. 

To Ian it was his revenge that fueled him, it drove him, it gave him reason. While Seth was driven by his loyalty to his people and his family in the Mafia. 

Sometimes she couldn't help but wonder what they would both be like if they had been born to different situations, places where they had the opportunity to simply be kind.

Sadly, that's not how the world works, people are molded by everything around them. All the people and events that happen make people who they are, this was the undeniable fact of life.

Camilla watched as the mother and daughter stumbled to get up and sit on the couch. They kept their heads down and refused to look up.

"Are they the latest recruits?" Seth asked in an abnormally cold tone, one that sent goosebumps up Camilla's spine. 

It was no wonder that the people here feared him, just by his tone she already felt like he was plotting murder and torture. 

"Yes, sir." The large man said in a much more subdued tone compared to when he was ordering the Juans around.

Camilla could see that he feared Seth, that he was genuinely afraid of offending the Mafia boss' son. 

"Good. Get out." Seth hissed.

The man bowed and quickly rushed out, he seemed relieved that he didn't need to stand in Seth's presence for long. 

As the man left another three entered, two stood by the side of the mother and daughter and another stood by the door. 

"Look up." Seth ordered.

The mother and daughter quickly did as he demanded and raised their heads.

Camilla heard a gasp as she assumed they saw her and Ian. She wasn't sure if they knew Seth, so it was possible that he was a complete stranger to them.

"It seems you recognize my friends." Seth said as he leaned back and looked between the mother and daughter sitting on the couch across from him. "Just to be sure, I'd like to introduce you to two very important people, Ian Lim and Camilla Montero, assistants to the CEO of the Reyes Group."

Seth's men who were standing guard were somewhat caught off guard as well, it seemed that they didn't expect Ian and Camilla to be that important.

It made the pair realize even more how intimidating their roles in the Reyes Group actually were.

Most people would brush off the position of assistant, but these people knew the truth, within the Reyes Group they were important. 

"You see, your son and daughter were way in over their heads when they offended Ian and Camilla, Mrs. Juan." Seth continued to speak as if no one was surprised by his first statement.

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Ian and Camilla watched as Mrs. Juan's hands shook vigorously, she was clearly nervous and worried about the fate that they were facing.

"Normally, offending someone like them would cost you your life and your dignity and sometimes even beyond that." Seth explained. "But, fortunately for you Ian is much more forgiving."

"W- w- what do you mean?" Mrs. Juan asked as she glanced at Ian, who was calmly seated and observing their actions and reactions. 

"I don't know how aware you are of this Mrs. and Ms. Juan, but your husband and son owed a lot of money to people they will never be able to pay back." Seth revealed in a serious tone.

Based on their reactions it seemed that the mother was unaware, while the daughter knew exactly what Seth was talking about.

"Ah, it seems that your daughter knew about this." Seth said as he looked at the younger woman. "Is that why you were at Solaire Towers, looking for me?" 

"Y- y- yes." She mumbled. "My brother said I needed a suitable match to protect us and to pay off what we owed. But at the time things seemed to be more promising. We had a lot of partners and the business was growing, I don't know what happened."

"How were you supposed to find me when you had no idea of how I looked?" Seth said with a laugh as he shook his head.

"We were hoping you would be easy to spot." Manuel's sister admitted.

"And you ended up meeting you end." Seth told them with a grin.

"I don't know what happened, mom." Manuel's sister told her mother as she turned to the older lady. "Everything was going really well. Dad and Manuel managed to get new clients and new partners. Things were going just as we planned."

"I can tell you what went wrong." Seth said as he inserted himself into the conversation.

"Sir, please, I don't know how my brother's and my father's hard work suddenly turned into nothing." She begged. "I'm innocent in all of this." 

Camilla and Seth heard Ian suppress a laugh. Clearly he wanted to react but was holding himself back.

"Go on Ian, I don't want to even stop you." Seth said as he looked at his friend with a grin.

"You've never been innocent when it came to all of this." Ian hissed.

"Do you want to know why all those partners pulled out of their deals?" Seth asked as he looked the young woman in the eyes. 

She and her mother slowly nodded.

"Because you offended these two." Seth said with a grin.

"But the Reyes Group promised my father they wouldn't interfere." Manuel's sister said in a shaky voice. "Plus your man said we had the Dean family's protection."

"You had that man's protection, that man who is now dead by the way. We do not let traitors live." Seth informed them.

The mother and daughter turned pale at the news, it seemed they had underestimated the Dean family and what lengths they were willing to take.

It made them worry about how horrible their fate was about to be.

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