"The second option we have for you might be something you will not like." Seth said as he pushed the second folder forward. 

Inside each envelope were the details of where they would be sent and how they would make up for their debt. 

Seth and his men had worked on it beforehand and he had even consulted with Ian on what the details should be.

"I doubt anything can be worse than prostitution." Mrs. Juan said as she looked at the folders on Seth's desk.

"I suggest you listen to your options before saying anything." Camilla commented from the side. She knew that Ian had warned Seth that some of the options may be worse than prostituion in the eyes of the Juans.

Mrs. Juan remained silent after Camilla warned her. 

When Seth was sure that she had nothing left to say he continued to explain their other options.

"As I was saying, the second option would be to serve a certain person or family until you pay off your debts through service of some kind." Seth explained.

"Do we get to choose who we work for?" Manuel's sister asked as she gave Seth and Ian a worried look.

"No." Ian said, answering for Seth.

"This will be the fastest way for you to pay off your debts if I am being honest with you." Seth added. "We can send you off to work for  multiple families, so that when you are not needed by one you can work for another."

"Can you at least guarantee that we won't be seen by people we know?" Mrs. Juan asked Seth.

"That is something I cannot control." Seth said as he glared at the two women. "As it is I am extending to you a courtesy I have never given anyone in the past, you have options. Do not push it or I might just decide for you." 

Seth looked down at the folders, he already knew what he would choose if he were given the chance. He would pick the one that would do the most damage to them, he owed at least that to his friend.

He might not have the best background, but at least when it came to the dirty work, he could be reliable.

"Do not give Seth an answer yet." Ian suddenly spoke out as he noticed that the Juans were about to make a decision. "There are still two more." Ian told them.

The women simply nodded and returned their attention back to Seth who pushed forward a third folder.

"I'll be honest, this one is not the best, but it is an option." Seth said with a sigh. He normally didn't even consider this option since to him it was quite cruel.

"We would like to see our options." Manuel's sister declared.

Seth could see that she was nervous, none of the previous options seemed to suit what they were comfortable with, then again, none of the options were meant to be things that they liked.

At the end of the day they were still offenders, they had borrowed money that they would never be able to pay back. If they hadn't pushed Ian over the edge their family could have been richer than ever before, but they chose to mess with the wrong person.

"This option is nowhere near nice." Seth said as he looked at the two women. "It is a mix of option one and option two, where only one of you would need to suffer."

"Suffer in what way?" Mrs. Juan asked a little too eagerly for Seth's comfort. She seemed to be either willing to sell herself or sell her daughter.

"There are men, and some women, that don't like sharing or having the off chance of someone finding out about their sexual desires." Seth explained as he introduced the third option. 

"What are you suggesting?" Manuel's sister asked, wide eyed in shock. It seemed that she already had an idea of that illegal trade.

Seth wasn't shocked that she knew, after all she did live among many of the clients that wanted that kind of service.

"I think it's something you are both familiar with." Seth told them.

He was getting an odd vibe from the mother as she remained silent, it was as if she was seriously considering this option.

"With this third option you will be able to settle your debt immediately, but the servitude is for life or until the person that has purchased you chooses to let you go." Seth explained. "As you know they will use you for anything and everything they desire, and we will have no control over that."

"And only one of us needs to go?" Mrs. Juan asked as she gave Seth a serious look.

"Yes, only one." Seth said with a nod.

"I'm assuming they prefer younger women over matured ones." Mrs. Juan stated.

"Yes, although there is still a market for women your age, you just don't last as long." Seth said quite casually, worrying both Ian and Camilla.

"Mom, you can't be considering this one?" Manuel's sister asked her mother as she gave her mother a painfilled look. 

"Whoever goes will be there forever or until the person sets them free. I won't lie it is slavery." Seth reminded them.

"As if your other options are not slavery." Mrs. Juan hissed. "You are giving us the false sense that we can control our lives when the options just keep getting worse and worse. You are simply toying with us Mr. Dean."

"You are lucky you even have options!" Seth shouted. "Do not test my patience woman or I will send you to the one I know you and your family will despise the most. I will make sure you never see your family again."

"Sir, please, I'm sorry about my mom." The daughter began to beg as she burst into tears.

"I suggest listening to the fourth and final option." Ian said calmly as he glanced at his friend.. He knew this one would be more acceptable to them.

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