"This is Ian Lim, my eldest daughter's boyfriend." Jas' father excitedly introduced. 

"Is his family involved in any businesses we know?" The guest asked as he shook Ian's hand.

"My family built much of the townships in the south." Ian said with a nod. "My grandfather is also known as the father of local export, he was the one that propelled it to new heights."

"Wow, then you are a promising young man." The guest said with a nod. 

In all honesty, Ian didn't like it when his family was used to reference how great of a future he had before him. 

He wasn't his family and it was not what determined the person he would someday become. If that were the case then he should have stopped fighting for a better life for himself a long time ago.

Unfortunately this was not the place nor time to make a scene so Ian simply nodded and smiled. 

"He is actually on his way to make a big name for himself." Jas' father boasted. 

Ian gave the older man a weak smile as he felt Jas hug his arm and lean her head on his shoulder. It seemed she was trying to show the people around them that he was hers. 

"Really? Wow!" The guest praised without even knowing what Jas' father was about to say.

"Yes, he currently training under Marco So, the CEO of the Reyes Group's assistant. You know how they work there, the assistant is basically his VP for everything!" Jas' father exclaimed, much to the guest's shock.

"Mr. So is retiring?" The guest asked as he gave Ian a sceptical look.

Everyone knew that Marco was quite young and was far from the age of retirement. It was true that the CEO's assistant was always busy and always worked extra hard, but it still was too early for Marco to retire.

"No, we are being trained for the next CEO." Ian explained. "It's a long path but right now we are helping Marco with his tasks."

"Oh, wow." The guest said with a nod. "Then you've met the Reyes Heir."

"Not yet." Ian responded as he shook his head. "The Reyes Heir is still studying to eventually take over. We were told that we would meet him when it was time for him to come out to the public."

"You must be a very promising young man then." The guest praised Ian. "The Reyes group is known for having the highest standards and hiring only the best of the best."

"I can only hope to match those requirements, sir." Ian said as he didn't want to sound too proud or boastful.

"Ian!" A familiar voice shouted, making Ian turn.

He was surprised to find his cousin Jade standing behind him with a man in tow. 

"Jade!" Ian greeted as she stretched his arms, allowing Jade to come over and give him a hug.

"Ian, my god we missed you last week, we all went on a beach trip but auntie and uncle said you guys couldn't go." Jade said with a frown as she was careful not to let people know that Ian's family had not come along because his parents couldn't afford it.

"Huh? Mom and dad didn't tell me about a trip, we could have gone." Ian said, catching Jade by surprised.

"It's it, errr. . . too much for you guys?" Jade asked as she tried to avoid mentioning the part where Ian and his parents were now too poor to afford joining the annual family trip.

"No, no, it's all good." Ian said with a smile. "Next time, tell me too. Mom just doesn't want to bother me with these things." He said with a sigh.

"Miss Jade!" The guest said as he greeted Jade.

"Ah, Mr. Daniels." Jade said as she shook the man's hand. "I didn't know you were acquainted with the Ortegas." She said.

"I just met Mr. Ortega a few days ago and he said they were having this party, so I said why not. You know Mr. Lim?" Mr. Daniel asked.

"Yes, he is my cousin. He is the son of my eldest aunt." Jade said with a nod.

"Then we should be doing business with him then, I didn't know I was in front of the next family head." Mr. Daniel said as he bowed to Ian.

"No." Ian said as he shook his head. "I'm not." 

"Ian. . ." Jade told her cousin in a weak voice.

"Excuse me, I need some air." Ian told them as he turned and left. 

This was a topic that would always be a debate between his aunts and uncles.

In his grandfather's original will, it was his mother that was appointed as the next family head, but when his grandfather died, that version of the will vanished.

It wasn't Jade's fault, but she was aware of what had happened and was powerless to do anything. 

It was a matter of the older generation, not theirs.

Ian found a secluded area in the parking lot, he leaned back against a tree that was hiding him from the view of others and took a deep breath. 

He just needed to get out of there. He didn't like it when that matter was discussed and he knew exactly where the conversation was headed. 

"Ian!" He heard his cousin Jade call out.

"Jade, he's gone, he left." An unfamiliar male voice told his cousin.

"No, Ian doesn't have a car. He might walk home." Jade said in a shaky voice.

"Jade, didn't you hear what Mr. Ortega told his guest?" The man asked. "Your cousin the next assistant to the CEO of the Reyes Group, do you know how wealthy those people are?"

"You clearly don't know my cousin." Jade hissed. "He would have told me if he was now that rich."

"What if he has been too busy to tell you?" The man said. "Let's go, there are people we need to talk to, that's why your dad sent us over, remember?"

"But, Ian. . ." Jade said as he voice trailed away.

"Think of your black sheep of a cousin later. Your family needs you now, more people need you now." The man said in a stern tone.

"Alright, but I'll look for him later.." Jade said in surrender as Ian heard their footsteps get further and further away.

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