"When we first joined the Krisanta Land team we were brought over to do two things to learn more about Krisanta Land and what it is about and to help catch Mike and Armand." Ian confessed. "We told all of you that we were management trainees coming from the HR department."

"You guys aren't, are you?" A member of the team asked.

"No, but our goal was still the same. To learn what we could, but the purpose was very different." Ian said as he looked around, observing everyone's reactions.

It was clear that they were mostly confused and curious. What Ian was telling them didn't exactly make sense, but it wasn't without logic. 

They knew that it would lead to something big, they just weren't sure what it was.

"We told you that we were trying to figure out what Krisanta Land needed in terms of Human Resource support. The truth is that we were there to learn more about the company to support our boss and our future boss." Ian glanced at 

"Wait, what?" Fred asked as he spat the wine he was casually sipping on his plate.

"Gross, Fred." Ash complained as she looked at her co-worker.

"No, really, what? And why aren't-" He began to ask before he recalled Ash's words earlier. She had known about Jake before the rest of them, so it was only natural that she would know about Ian's and Camilla's secret before everyone else as well.

"Yeah, I knew." Ash said with a nod.

"So the trap you set for Mike and Armand was your sale?" Fred asked.

"Yes." Ash confirmed.

"And you two are?" Fred asked as he looked at Ian and Camilla. 

They were sure that he already knew the answer to his question, it seemed that he simply wanted them to say it out loud.

"Ian and Camilla were hired to be the assistants of the Reyes Heir when he finally inherits the CEO position." Marco revealed. "Right now, they are training, learning what it takes to do their future job." 

Everyone simply stared at Ian and Camilla after Marco made the announcement. It seemed they were in utter disbelief as they tried to process Marco's news.

"Right now, they are working with me, helping me with managing the CEO's schedule and other work that the CEO's assistant must do." Marco further explained.

Ian could see that his co-workers were still trying to understand what Marco was saying. It was normal for them to be in shock.

"So why are you telling us this now?" Fred asked as he slowly recovered.

"The CEO will be announcing who they are to the public on Friday together with the news about Jake's promotion." Marco explained.

"Your lives will change, they will be so different to what it is now, people will no longer look down at you." Camilla told the members of the sales team.

"Yeah." Ash said with a nod. "If in the past they bullied us and thought of us as the weakest performing team, people will want to be our friends."

"They will want to use us." One of the salesmen said.

"Sadly, yes." Ian replied with a frown. "You will need to be able to tell who is truly your friend and who just wants to use your connections."

"What connections? You'll be too far up for us to even reach." A female member of the team asked as she shook her head. "Will you even remember us?"

"Of course." Camilla reassured them. "We are still the same people you know. And we really appreciate the fact that despite not knowing who we actually are, you were our friends."

"You guys welcomed us with open arms and didn't even question the fact that we had no experience in sales." Ian added.

"We did talk about it behind your backs, you know." Fred confessed.

"It's only natural, but you never treated us differently, Fred." Camilla explained.

"And you guys will still be able to talk to us." Ian told them. "I will definitely try to come down to crash your team lunches. Plus I'm sure Camilla and I will continue to have lunch in the cafeteira."

"In the executives' area." Another team member said.

"You are always free to join us, if that's allowed?" Camilla asked as she glanced at Marco.

"Of course that's allowed." The older assistant assured her. "The executives rarely eat there and the CEO will be happy to see you so involved with the rest of the company."

"You guys are also forgetting that aside from knowing us, your former manager will be a vice president in the Reyes Group, a position rarely granted to outsiders." Ian explained.

"I'm not exactly an outsider." Jake said.

"You deserve that role, you worked hard for it. Uncle Emilio didn't give you that position just because you are a Laurel, he gave it because he knows you are capable." Ian told Jake.

"Right, what's with calling the CEO uncle?" Fred asked Ian. 

"Ian's family used to be one of the oldest and richest in the country, they could stand side by side with the Reyeses at one point." Jake explained.

"That was in the past, now we are nothing." Ian said as he shook his head. "Uncle Emilio knew my father from long ago. He only found out about what happened to us when I was considered for this position."

"We just have one request from you guys." Camilla said as she looked at their former teammates.

"What is it?" Fred asked.

"Keep what you know a secret for the meantime, at least  till the announcement is made. We want to enjoy our last few days of being normal employees as much as possible." Camilla told them.

"After that you can just brag to everyone how you had lunch in the Reyes Family's personal room at Nouveau." Ian added as he laughed at the thought.

"Wait what?" Fred said as he looked around. "This is. . ." 

"Yup, the boss let us use it for today." Marco told them.

"Can we?" A member of the team asked as she raised her phone.

"Go, knock yourself out." Marco laughed at how silly they were for wanting to take photos in that specific room. People didn't know what the inside looked like or where it was located.

"Can you be in the pictures?" Another employee asked. "As proof."

Marco was shocked but he nodded.

"At least we got that part out of the way." Camilla whispered to Ian.

"Yeah, now we just need to deal with the second part.." He said with a sigh as he mentally prepared himself for his meeting with the Juans.

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