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Thank you for supporting Rise of The Disgraced Heir

-- Rise of the Disgraced Heir is exclusively published on Webnovel--

If you are reading this and are wondering if my other novel, Never Judge, is related to Rise of the Disgraced Heir, the answer is yes. 

Ian Lim is a character in Never Judge as well as many of the others you will read about here in Rise of the Disgraced Heir.


"What do we do with you?" Ian asked as he walked around Manuel's sister.

"Please I just don't want to be sold to some man." She begged as tears began to fall from her eyes. "I'm willing to do anything else. I still have my pride and I know I don't deserve your kindness Ian, not after what I did to your sisters."

"First, I will need you to answer some questions and there are some things you will need to do." Ian told her as he looked down at the woman that was seated alone on the couch.

"I'll answer all your questions with  the truth and I'll do what you ask." She said as she continued to sob.

"Good, what do you know about my parents and your mom? What happened in the past?" Ian asked her.

"Well, from what I heard from my mom and her friends, she was once in love with your father, Richardo Lim." Manuel's sister began to explain.

"Go on." Ian encouraged as he sat back down and took a sip of his wine. Who knew that revenge was so dehydrating?

"Unfortunately for mom, your father was already in love with someone else." She explained.

"My mother." Ian said, thinking out loud.

"Yes, your mother." Manuel's sister nodded. "So my mom thought hard about a way to split them up. From what I know, it worked for a while and there was a conflict between your parents, but as they say, true love cannot be kept apart." 

"And they still got back together and your mom got dumped." Ian said as he completed the sentence for her.

"Yes." She said with a nod. "But your parents never figured out that my mom was behind their first breakup so they stayed friends with her. Your father even felt sorry about them having to break up because he loved your mom."

"Where does your father come into the picture here?" Ian asked.

"Your father and mine were friends. They weren't best friends but they hung out sometimes." She explained. "So my mother decided to set her eyes on him in the hopes of getting your father jealous."

She coughed a little, making Ian realize that she probably hadn't had water in a while.

"Ask someone to give her some water." Ian told Seth who nodded and waved one of his men to his side.

"You make it sound like it was so easy for your mom to get her claws on your dad." Ian pointed out.

"Because it was." She said with a nod. "My father had long been in love with my mother. As a matter of fact when your father dated her it caused a fight between them."

"So she exploited that?" Ian asked.

"Yes." Manuel's sister responded. "She didn't realize how much your parents loved each other. I don't know if it was for the best that my father and my mother ended up together." She said with a frown.

Ian was silent for a moment as the guard returned with a glass of water for Manuel's sister.

"Drink." Seth said in a serious tone as he maintained his intimidating and cold demeanor.

"Thank you, Mr. Dean." She said as she took the glass from the guard and drank thirstily.

"What do you want to do now?" Seth asked Ian as he glanced at his friend who was deep in thought.

Ian was silent for a little while longer before he lifted his head and looked at Manuel's sister.

"I will let you have the punishment you chose, but there is one thing you will need to do first." Ian said as he looked her directly in the eyes.

His eyes burned with anger and hatred, the Juans had caused his family so much pain. Apparently it didn't just start with him and Manuel, there was already a rift starting with their mothers. 

It simply ended with Ian, here tonight, he was going to make sure that the Juans would never be able to get back up. 

He knew what it would take for a family to recover, he had spent years studying it and working towards his own family's return  from disgrace.

This was the first step.

"I want you to make a public apology to my sisters." Ian finally explained."You will tell everyone how you had spread malicious rumors about them."

"What about you?" She asked as she gave Ian a look of genuine concern.

"None of the rumors your brother spread actually stuck, and the people that matter believed my side, so I don't care." Ian told her. "But my sisters have had to suffer for years because of you, and you will make it right."

"I'll do as you ask." She said with a nod.

"As for your future work, we have people picked out for you to serve already." Ian announced as Seth handed him a folder. "Even before you chose your punishment we already chose the people who would take you. Why don't we go through them one at a time?" Ian asked with a grin.

Manuel's sister nervously nodded. 

If looks could kill she would have long been murdered by the one Ian was giving her right now. 

"I think it would be much more fun if we showed her the options she didn't choose and then her mother's fate before her own." Seth suggested as he leaned back on his seat and gave her a nasty grin.

"That will be fun." Camilla said as if she were innocent to all of this, but she wasn't entirely. She had helped Ian and Seth come up with the list of worst options for the mother and daughter pair.

"Let's start with what I thought you and your mother would have chosen." Ian said with a grin as he took out the first piece of paper from the folder. "I really thought you and your mother would choose to sell yourself off as a bride."

"My mother wasn't too keen on the idea since it wouldn't settle our debts completely." She said with a frown as she looked away from the three people in front of her.

"Too bad." Ian said as he lifted a photo of a fat balding man who looked like he didn't own a shower. "This is the man you would have married. Alberto Delos Santos."

Manuel's sister gasped at the image of the man, it was one of the fates that she had managed to escape.

"He needs a wife with a good name to enter certain circles and to look reputable." Ian explained.

"Of course, he isn't." Seth commented on the side.

"He just needs a wife that can produce him an heir, but of course, he has multiple mistresses that will entertain him." Ian said with a shrug.

"He isn't even afraid to flaunt them." Seth said with a laugh. "Before his first wife died he would parade his mistresses in front of her. He would arrive in the same car as his mistress while his wife would arrive in a separate one."

"He also lavished his other women with gifts while making his wife live on a minimum wage allowance." Ian said with a grin as he placed the image down. "Dodged a bullet there, didn't we?"

Manuel's sister silently nodded. 

"Next, the fate your mother would have preferred for you." Ian told her. "Let's just name him as man X, I can't say who he is, but he is infamous for brutally abusing the women under his ownership. According to rumors some have already died in his hands."

Ian could see as panic began to spread on the face of Manuel's sister, her mother was more than willing to risk her life just to pay their debts.

"Shall we go on and see where your mother is going?" Ian asked as he held up another piece of paper.

"You should know that you will not be able to save her even if you wanted to." Seth explained. "She has sealed her fate and there is no going back on what she has chosen."

"Oh please, just tell her, it's not like you won't." Camilla said as she rolled her eyes at the two men.

Ian and Seth simply laughed at her, they knew what she just wanted to get it over with already and to go home and rest.

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