Ian took a deep breath and sighed as Jas' words echoed in his head. He really didn't like her attitude when it came to wealth and social rank.

"Jas, are you ashamed of me?" Ian asked.

"No, of course not. Why would you think that?" Jas asked Ian in return.

Ian knew that Jas wasn't a horrible person. She was just brought up thinking that the rich were better than the poor.

"Jas, if I were not a Lim, would you date me?" Ian asked, he wanted her to realize that status was not everything.

"Ian, you are being stupid." Jas said, rolling her eyes at Ian. "I love you because you are you. I'm not with you because you are some rich man's son, because you aren't."

"Wow, that was blunt." Ian said with an awkward laugh.

"We both know I didn't mean it that way." Jas said with a frown.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a bit off today." Ian admitted. "I just need some rest tonight and I should be fine tomorrow. Alright?"

Jas nodded as Ian continued to drive them home in silence.

Ian couldn't help but think back about what happened in the restaurant. Not only had he come face to face with one of the five princes, but the people at Bamboo Room treated him differently.

It was the first time in years that he didn't feel like people were looking down at him. He missed that feeling.

Whenever he would accompany his parents to one of their social gatherings the guests would always look at him with pity. It was as if in their minds he had missed out on life, but he hadn't.

If anything, his hardships have built him up to be stronger.

After a long and quiet drive back to Jas' apartment, Ian kissed his girlfriend good night and walked her to the lobby.

"Look, Ian, about my uncle and aunt earlier. . ." Jas said as she looked down in embarrassment.

"Jas their attitude isn't your fault. You can't control your family." Ian said, shaking his head. "Their opinions are their own and I know yours are different."

"I just don't like it that they look down at you and your family." Jas told Ian. "They should know their place, even when the Lims lost everything you were still the Lims. Nothing has changed except the amount of money in your pockets."

Ian frowned at Jas' statement. He knew that she was saying two things, the first that they were still the same family her relatives tried to suck up to for years, and second that even without money the Lims were still an influential family.

"Yeah, I guess." Ian said with a sigh, not wanting to create a larger issue out of their discussion.

"Is something bothering you?" Jas asked as she placed a hand on Ian's cheek and caressed it gently.

Ian smiled at her and held her hand, keeping it on his cheek. He moved it to his lips and planted a kiss on it.

"I'm fine." Ian said as he tried to convince Jas and himself that everything was alright. "It's been an overwhelming day and I need to process everything that's happened." Ian said with a sigh.

"Alright. Drive safe." Jas said as she went up on her tip toes and kissed Ian.

Ian smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back, he was going to miss not having her next to him in bed tonight.

"Try not to miss me too much." Jas said with a wink as she turned and went into her building.

Ian smiled as he watched her retreating form leave and enter the building.

He knew that he really needed to be alone tonight, after everything that had happened. Ian knew he needed to process everything and to prepare himself for his future, from what Mr. Reyes had told him he would be with the Reyes family for a long time.

"You got a new car, Ian?" One of the security guards in Jas' building greeted him.

"Yep, came with my new job." Ian proudly said.

Ian had always been quite friendly with the staff of the building and moving out he would miss most of them.

"Wow, that's a good new job." The guard praised.

"Hopefully I don't mess it up, Joseph." Ian told the guard with a laugh as he entered the car.

"You're a good kid, Ian." Joseph said with a nod. "You'll do great. Not staying with Miss Jas tonight?" The guard said with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I have my own place now. I have to arrange it and stuff." Ian explained. He knew that these guards talked and that if he didn't clear things out they would assume he was cheating on Jas. "I'll be back to pick her up in the morning." Ian said with a smile as he drove away.

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