When Ian and Camilla arrived at R Tower the place was silent, there were barely any employees that came in at this hour.

However, the CEO's floor painted a completely different picture when Ian and Camilla arrived.

It was already a buzz with life. People were walking around, handing out documents and coffee to each other.

"I guess the executives are early risers?" Ian said with a shrug as he and Camilla made their way to their desks.

As they walked along the lavish hallway, they couldn't help but notice the curious glances and stares from the other employees.

"Back to work guys." Marco So's distinct voice called out, scolding the other employees.

Everyone was quick to follow his orders, he was, after all, the assistant to the CEO. There were very few people who had authority above him, and most of them had Reyes as their last name.

"As you can see, this floor comes to life much earlier than the others." Marco So, the CEO's assistant, said with a smirk as he greeted Ian and Camilla.

"Yeah, everywhere else in the building was quite dead, then we head up here and it feels like the middle of the day!" Ian exclaimed as he looked around.

"The CEO likes to come to the office early so his executives try to be earlier." Marco explained. "The boss will be coming in late today though, so let's discuss some things in my office."

Marco led the pair to a smaller office to the side. This one was simple and bare but there were filing cabinets and several computers inside.

"I'm surprised that you came to the office together." Marco told Ian and Camilla as he gestured for them to take their seats across him.

"We met at Solaire Tower." Ian said with a smirk.

"Ah, I did hear that you moved in. I hope you get to take full advantage of that building." Marco said with a nod.

"You don't live there?" Camilla bravely asked the older assistant.

Marco laughed at her candor. She didn't hesitate to speak when something came up in her mind.

"No, I don't." Marco said, shaking his head. "Solaire Towers was designed and planned by our CEO, Mr. Emilio Reyes III, with his son, the Reyes Heir."

"And does this future boss of ours have a name?" Ian asked. It was hard working to be the best assistant for a person with no name or face.

"He does, but it's not my place to tell you. So I suggest you don't ask in the future." Marco told Ian with a smile that said, don't ask.

Camilla and Ian looked at each other and nodded slowly at Marco.

"I know it's very unconventional to train for years to work for someone you don't know, but this is the way that Mr. Reyes wants things done. Plus you guys agreed to it." Marco said with a laugh.

"Yeah, we signed a legally binding contract." Ian muttered.

"I'll be honest to both of you, it's not an easy job, and it leaves little to no time for family or friends. This company becomes your family and friends, and don't worry, the Reyeses will treat you like family." Marco explained with a reassuring nod.

"I don't have an issue with that." Camilla said with a shrug. "It's not like I have a boyfriend and my family, well, let's just say they will understand."

"I know you have a girlfriend, Ian." Marco said as he looked at Ian. "She will need to understand that this isn't some simple job. Yes we are assistants, but the connections we need to build and the work we put in is no laughing matter."

"I think she knows." Ian said with a sad smile. He was actually worried that Jas would not understand that the job he just took was quite different.

"Today, since Mr. Reyes will be coming in late, I plan to take you both around the different departments and teams. Of course I can't exactly bring you to everyone so you will be introduced over the course of the week." Marco explained as he watched their reaction.

"For the next few days the both of you will be shadowing me." Marco said as he made sure they understood what would happen over the course of the next few days. "After that I will be assigning you each tasks that you will have to handle in the future on your own."

Ian and Camilla nodded as they listened to Marco tell them about what would happen next.

"In the course of your stay here you will meet people who are the movers and shakers of our country. You will also hear many conversations that cannot ever be repeated and documents that are for your eyes only." Marco warned. "You might not be loyal to the Reyes Group yet, but I promise you. It's worth it."

The mood turned dark as Marco mentioned the confidentiality required for their jobs. Ian and Camilla remained silent as they processed what the older assistant had just told them.

"Has anyone ever tried to betray the Reyes Group?" Ian asked as his voice shook a little. It seemed quite scary for someone to go against an organization as powerful as the Reyes Group.

"You do not become this powerful without making enemies, and many enemies try their best to plant spies in the company." Marco said with a nod. "On that note, you will also be provided with a small security detail. Don't worry they are just there for your protection."

"Security detail?" Ian asked.

"One bodyguard and one driver each. This one was the Reyes Heir's request." Marco explained.

Before Camilla or Ian could say anything, Marco stood up and pointed towards the door.

"Come, follow me. I'll take you around." He said as he pushed the door open with the pair following him as he asked.

"Nervous?" Ian asked Camilla.

"Excited?" He asked her back.

It was clear they were feeling the same way on their first day on the job.

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