Ian and Camilla were immediately greeted by whispers and curious glances. It seemed that everyone had an idea of who they were.

Weeks before the selection process for the future assistants of the Reyes Heir had begun, rumors already circulated the office.

People were not only eager to see who would replace Marco in the future, but they also wanted to hand in their own recommendations for the position.

The assistant to the CEO was a powerful person. He or she held contacts to the people that shaped the country.

The CEOs assistant also often had a say on the company's direction. Unlike most companies, the Reyes Group hired competent and genius businessmen to assist their CEO.

Every proposal, every document, and every strategy of the Reyes Group passed through the assistant's hands before making it to the CEO's desk.

Emilio Reyes demanded that Marco give a recommendation before he saw any document.

"Everyone, listen." Marco called out as the crowd silenced.

He looked around and waited for them to calm down, Marco commanded a certain aura that made people listen and follow. He was a natural born leader standing as close as possible to the helm of the most powerful company in the nation.

"I'd like to introduce you to Ian and Camilla." Marco said as he gestured towards the pair standing next to him.

Ian watched as people craned their necks to get a better look of them. He wanted to laugh, they were like celebrities today.

Everyone wanted to know who had been chosen in one of the most difficult hiring processes in their generation. The opportunity to work for the future CEO of the Reyes Group only came once, if you missed it, there was a low chance of you getting the opportunity to try again.

"Ian and Camilla have both met Mr. Reyes' expectations and demands. They are the most qualified people to take on the role of being assistants to the Reyes Heir." Marco instructed in a booming voice.

The workers on the top floor nodded at his words, they all knew the value of these two youths in front of them.

"You can all return to work now." Marco said. "I will be introducing them to one group at a time, that is all."

As Marco ended his speech the crowd dispersed and returned to their own areas on the CEO's floor.

"As I mentioned, this floor houses the heads of each of the companies owned by the Reyes Group, they all report to the VP, Miss Ayanna Reyes the CEO's daughter, who in turn reports to her father." Marco explained as they walked to the first office.

"The biggest group and the founding company of the Reyes Group is Krisanta Land." Marco explained as they were greeted by a smiling lady.

"Has the Assistant Vice President arrived?" Marco asked, not bothering to greet the woman. She knew why he was here.

"Yes, he is in his office." The woman responded with a nod as she got up and led them to the room behind her desk.

"Sir, Mr. Marco is here for you." The woman informed her boss.

"So early." A man grumbled from inside. "Let him in, it's as if I can say no."

The woman turned to them and laughed before finally letting Marco and his companions into the office.

It was the same size as Marco's with an ultra minimalistic feel to it. There were barely and images on the walls and there was just a desk and a space for entertaining guests.

"Marco, to what do I owe this pleasure?" A man who looked quite similar to Emilio Reyes said as he got up and walked over to greet the assistant. "Does my cousin need anything?" He asked.

"No Rolan, the boss is coming in a little bit late today." Marco said as he shook his head. "I want to introduce you to some people." The assistant pointed at Ian and Camilla as he spoke.

Ian looked at Rolan, something about this man seemed familiar, as if they had met in the past.

It wasn't impossible since Ian's parents still attended many of the old rich functions, and this man was definitely a Reyes.

"Is this them?" Rolan asked with a smile.

"Yup, meet Ian Lim and Camilla Montero, his future assistants." Marco said proudly as he emphasized the word his.

"I know you." Rolan said as he looked closely at Ian.

"Sir?" Ian asked, unsure of what he should say in response.

"You're Richardo's boy." Rolan said as he recognized Ian. "You Lims all look alike with your dark hair and pale skin! You were at my sister's party a few weeks ago."

Ian immediately felt embarrassed. His family had been invited as a courtesy to the Lim name. Everyone knew they had once been rich but had lost everything.

"Don't worry." Rolan said with a sad smile. "No one will ever dare look down at you any more."

Ian looked up in shock, he had never expected anyone to say those words to him, let alone a member of the Reyes Family.

"Being an assistant to the CEO essentially makes you part of the family, no one will dare touch you or make fun of you." Rolan explained.

"Thank you." Ian said with a nod.

"And you my dear." Rolan said in a fatherly tone to Camilla. "I would like to apologize for society in advance, they will say things that will hurt, but I'm sure that little brat will do everything to protect you."

"Little brat?" Camilla asked.

"The Reyes Heir." Marco said with a chuckle as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Rolan called out.

His assistant quickly opened the door and looked inside. Her eyes found Marco and she nodded.

"Mr. Reyes arrived early." She announced.

"Shit." Marco cursed. "He said he wouldn't be in till this afternoon."

"Clearly my cousin had other plans." Rolan said. "Let these two explore the building, their IDs should let them go anywhere."

Marco nodded and agreed with his plan.

"Meet me back at my office in an hour. We'll continue then." Marco said as he dashed out of the office leaving Camilla and Ian with Rolan who was laughing at Marco.

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