Ian felt like he was living a dream, after speaking to the man he was handed a calling card and told to send his resume there. It shocked Ian, after months of searching he was handed a card to one of the most powerful companies in the country, the Reyes Group.

According to rumors their hiring process was brutal but fair. They only hired the best of the best, regardless of their connections or relationships with other businessmen. This fact excited Ian, it meant he had a shot at a better future.

Ian couldn't help but hope this was true. He only had a few hundred left in his savings and he badly needed a full-time job. His two other part time jobs weren't enough to feed him and Jas, add to it the money he sent back to his parents.

He wanted to prove to Jas' family that he could provide for Jas, that they could have a future together.

On top of that he had another goal, one that he had been working hard to achieve for years, everything he had done in his life was aimed at that one goal, to bring the Lim family back to its former glory.

He wanted desperately to see those that had looked down on them and abandoned them, looking up once more. And this job interview would be his first step towards his goal.

As Ian approached the tall glass office building, he couldn't help but look up and marvel at its grandeur, R Tower was the pièce de résistance of the Reyes Group. It was the most beautiful building in the commercial center and it also housed the most powerful company.

Ian couldn't help but daydream about working at R Tower, being hired by the Reyes Group. He would woki his hardest to impress his future boss, and make his way up the corporate ladder till he had enough money to buy back Lim Holdings.

He had been so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't notice bumping into a stranger on the sidewalk.

"Idiot." Someone cursed at Ian, bringing him back from his daydream.

"Sorry." Ian said in a low voice as he tried to push past the man and his female companion. He didn't need any drama today, he just needed to get into the building without causing any issues. He wouldn't risk his future for some cocky rich man.

"Sorry? Is that all you have to say?" The man asked as he grabbed Ian by his collar.

Ian was forced to look at the man he had run into. He didn't seem much older than Ian, he was probably four or five years older than Ian and he wore a luxury brand from head to toe, Ian could tell based on the H stamped all over the clothes.

Ian stifled a laugh as he recalled how his mom looked down at people who boasted about the brand of their clothes.

Old rich rule #1: Never broadcast how rich you truly are, Ian grinned as he observed how blatantly this man broke that rule. At least everything he was wearing was original, unlike John Hernandez.

The Lims may have long lost their luster but Ian could still smell new rich social climbers from a mile away. He had grown up hearing his aunts and uncles talk about them, as if they were pests on society.

"Edsel, put him down. He isn't worth it." The man's female companion said in a disgusted tone. "He's just some salaryman, I'm sure he can't even afford the shoes you're wearing."

Ian wanted to laugh, the shoes he was actually wearing were probably worth Edsel's whole wardrobe. His shoes once belonged to his grandfather and were made specifically by an exclusive shoemaker in Italy, one of the few remnants of their old wealth.

His mother had insisted that he wear the refurbished shoes in case he bumped into a member of the Reyes clan. Even in its used state, the shoes were not only worth a few hundred thousand, plus that shoemaker didn't just let anyone buy his crafts.

"Disgusting." Edsel said as he spat at Ian.

"Edsel!" The woman scolded. "We're here to get into the good favor of the Reyes Family. Don't ruin our image before we've even stepped into the building."

Edsel rolled his eyes and walked ahead of the woman.

"If you tell anyone about what my boyfriend did I will ruin your career." The woman threatened before turning to leave.

Ian wanted to laugh at them, didn't they know how fast money and power disappeared? By the way, the young master Edsel was acting their family fortune would be gone before he even got a hold of it.

As Ian entered the lobby his phone began to ring, he smiled as he saw who was calling it was one of his girlfriend, Jasmine Ortega.

He debated if he should answer the call, when he had finally made it home last night she was fast asleep.

Ian had crawled into bed with her and hugged her tight.

When they woke up this morning Jas acted as if nothing had happened, this allowed Ian to tell her about his opportunity to go for an interview at the Reyes Group.

Jas had been shocked, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, anyone could hand in their resume to the Reyes Group but to actually get an interview was another matter.

Ian shook his head and sighed, he might as well pick up the phone.. He didn't want their relationship to be strained by a simple matter.

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