Ian stared at the elevator for a while as he processed what had happened.

Jas was right and wrong at the same time. He understood that she needed some sort of understanding from him, that she too had gone through a lot because of their relationship. But wasn't what he went through worse?​​

Wasn't the suffering and humiliation that he lived through everyday of his life worse? Or was he just pitying himself?

As Ian opened the door to his apartment, the one next to his opened.

"You alright?" Camilla asked as she peaked out of her door.

"Yeah, I guess I will be." Ian said as he placed his hands in his pockets.

"I know it's not my place to ask, but are things all good with you and Jas?" Camilla said as she tilted her head slightly to the side.

"I think they are." Ian said with an awkward smile. "Wanna grab some coffee? I could use the company." He said as he pointed at his open door.

"Sure, why not." Camilla said as she stepped out of her place and walked towards Ian.

Ian almost laughed as he saw what she was wearing.

"Hey! Stop it!" Camilla scolded as she walked past him wearing her fluffy white slippers and pink pajamas with cartoon animals drawn on it.

"I'm just surprised." Ian said with a grin as he entered his apartment after her. "You dress so prim and proper, I expected you to wear something different to bed."

"I'm not a silk and lace type of girl." Camilla said as she rolled her eyes and checked the dining room.

Since Ian and Jas had left in such a rush, several maids were still clearing the table as Camilla walked in.

"Could I have a coffee please?" Camilla asked, to which a maid nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

"One for me too." Ian added.

"So you're a fluffy bunny type of girl." Ian teased as Camilla jabed an elbow in his ribs, making his cough from the pain.

"I can be whoever I want and it's none of your business." Camilla said, rolling her eyes at Ian.

"Thanks." Ian said with a smile as the maid returned with their coffee.

"So what's your story?" Camilla asked as she sipped from her coffee. "You must have a story."

"What happened to I won't push you to talk?" Ian asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Did I say that?" Camilla asked with a grin.

"No, but isn't that the proper thing to say at this time?" Ian asked her.

"Well, I'm not proper, so spill." Camilla said with a grin.

"Fine." Ian replied as he rolled his eyes at her. "What do you want to know?"

"Why don't we start with your life story?" Camilla asked as she crossed her legs. "You tell me yours I'll tell you mine."

"Alright, well where to start?" Ian asked as he thought of what he should say.

"We'll be working together for a really long time, so might as well start bonding now." Camilla teased.

"Do you want to hear my story or not? You talk too much." Ian told her with a chuckle.

"Shutting up now." Camilla told him as she pretended to zip her lips.

"Well, I guess you can see that I'm not exactly wealthy." Ian said as he pointed at the hole in his socks. "But my family used to be quite well off, then we lost everything." Ian said with a frown as he recalled what had happened.

"You don't seem like a rich spoiled heir." Camilla pointed out as she eyed Ian from head to toe.

"Well, it's because I've changed a lot over the years." Ian said with a sigh as he took a deep breath. "When I was younger I was a spoiled child, or at least I felt invincible and I got everything I wanted."

"Did you go to the same school as the five princes?" Camilla asked as she leaned forward.

Ian laughed at her reaction.

"Yes, but we weren't friends." Ian said with a grin as he thought of his only real friend in that school, Damien Park.

"That's a bummer, so you don't know our future boss personally?" Camilla asked as she frowned and leaned back on her seat.

"I could probably recognize him, but I still wouldn't be sure." Ian told her. "He left our school when we moved to highschool"

"Where did he go?" Camilla asked.

"According to rumors he went to study in America. I guess that's expected. I mean how can he take the Reyes Group to new heights if he stayed here and didn't learn from better people?" Ian asked.

"Do you think that's where he is now?" Camilla wondered.

"I think he is either at university there or working for a big company." Ian said as he scratched his chin. "It would be the best way for him to learn about how to improve the Reyes Group."

"I hope we can meet his expectations." Camilla said with a frown.

Ian looked at her and realized that she was worried about under performing, and she wasn't alone, he was too.

"I'm sure you'll do great." Ian said as he patted her on the shoulder.

"I guess all we can do is to learn and do our best." Camilla said with a nod before finishing her coffee and calling it a night.

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