Ian knew that thinking about the past would do nothing for him. It was done, it was in the past. There was nothing he could do to change it.

As much as it hurt it was a part of him now.

Ian walked around the park once more, feeling as the cold breeze brushed against his cheeks. He was proud of where he was now, of how much he had achieved.

He remembered how those parents had told him he wouldn't achieve anything, how his fate had been sealed by his family's loss.


"Don't please, don't take him!" Ian could hear his mother beg as two policemen dragged Ian out of their home. "Please, he isn't even eighteen yet."

"Sorry ma'am, he assaulted another kid, and well, it's an order from the higher ups." The policeman told his mother with a frown.

"Mom, call dad, or grandpa, they will know what to do." Ian called out as the police shoved him in their car.

Ian watched through the window as his mother frantically ran inside to call his father or grandfather for help.

"Sorry kid." The policeman said with a frown as he glanced back at Ian. "I heard what you did, that kid is a prick, and he really deserved that beating. . .but. . ." The policeman said as he hesitated to complete his statement.

"I'm from the same world as him, or at least I was." Ian said with a sigh. "I know, your boss' boss' boss owes him a favor. I know how it works."

"If it's any consolation, I think you are a thousand times better than that kid. Sorry about this." The policeman said as he looked towards the front.

When they got to the police station, Ian was brought to an empty room that only had a stool at the center.

The policeman told Ian to sit and to wait.

"I'm sorry." The policeman said with a frown as he left Ian alone in the room.

Ian closed his eyes and tried to calm his nerves, he knew more or less what was about to happen, but he couldn't help but feel anxious.

He didn't know if he would walk out of this room alive, but he did know that he wouldn't be the same person after.

It was unlikely that Manuel and his father would let him walk out unharmed. He was sure that Manuel and his father would have hired thugs to beat him up.

After a few minutes, Manuel and his father walked into the room followed by several men.

Manuel looked at Ian as if he were some disgusting creature that had clawed its way out of the sewers.

"This the kid?" Manuel's father asked in a gruff tone.

"Yeah." He responded with a nod.

"Well, he doesn't look poor. Are we sure the police picked up the right guy?" Manuel's father asked as he turned to one of his men.

Ian couldn't help but laugh at Manuel and his father.

"Do you really expect me to look like some beggar on the street?" He asked them. "I mean, they picked me up from my house, at the center of the old city. I'm still a Lim and we are still one of the older families here." Ian said as he lifted his chin, showing his pride.

"Ha, you think you are better than us because your family has been richer for a long time? You are mistaken, kid." Manuel's father said as he waved a man forward.

"Punch him." He told the man.

"Weak, you're even afraid to get your hands dirty." Ian said with a laugh just as the man's fist collided with his face.

Ian was in pain, but he didn't want to show Manuel and his father that he could be hurt so easily.

He spat the blood from his mouth and sat back up with a grin. Manuel and his father were both wide eyed in shock.

"Just because my family used to be rich, doesn't make me a pussy like your son!" Ian shouted with a laugh. He knew he was making things worse for himself, but at this point he didn't care.

Ian wanted to get the worst reaction out of Manuel and his father.

"What did you say!" Manuel shouted as he took a step forward.

"You heard me, cunt!" Ian shouted back with a grin.

Ian wanted to laugh, he wasn't even cuffed.

Manuel grabbed his shit and made him stand up, Ian complied as he grinned at Manuel.

"You think you are so tough?!" Manuel shouted at Ian.

"Ha! Tougher than you." Ian said with a laugh as he kicked Manuel to his crotch, kneeing him hard on his balls.

"You fucking asshole!" Manuel screamed as he fell to the ground, clutching on to his family jewels.

Ian smirked as he knew he did quite the damage on Manuel.

"Kill him." Mauel's father ordered in his anger as he walked over to his son.

"Stop." A man in uniform said as he entered the room. "We can't touch him." He said as he walked in and stood between Ian and the other men.

"What the fuck is the meaning of this captain?" Manuel's father asked as he knelt next to his son who was still in pain.

"He has an even higher backer. There is nothing we can do." The police captain told Manuel and his father.

"What the fuck?!" The elder man shouted as glared at Ian. "His family has no money anymore, they have nothing left."

"Well clearly you were misinformed, trust me, this person is someone you don't want to cross." The police captain warned as he pulled Ian towards the door.

"You're one lucky kid." The police captain said as he shook his head.

When they got to the waiting area of the police station, Ian saw his father and grandfather sitting on a bench.

"Dad, Grandpa!" Ian shouted as tears began to fall from his eyes.

"Ian!" His father said as he stretched his arms out.

Ian quickly ran and hugged his father.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry dad, thank you for coming to get me." Ian cried as he let himself feel everything he was suppressing when he was in the other room.

"I'm just glad we arrived in time." Richardo Lim said as he hugged his son tightly.

"Mr. Lim, we are sorry about what happened." The police captain said with a frown.

"Don't worry, my son is safe now. Thank you." Richardo said with a nod.

"Please tell him that we did our job." The police captain looked at Richardo with pleading eyes, Ian couldn't help but wonder who his father had called for help.

"I will, thank you." Richardo responded as he guided his son out of the police station.

"Dad, who did you call for help?" Ian asked as a cab pulled up in front of them.

"An old friend that I thought had forgotten about me." Richardo said with a sigh as he opened the door letting his father get in first.

----End of Flashback---

"I was so stupid." Ian said with a laugh as he remembered what he had done to trigger Manuel and his father.

Ian knew he could have died, but at the time he didn't care and it didn't matter. He knew his life was fucked either way, so he risked it all.

He continued to walk around, savoring the fresh air and the silence. It was peaceful and he was alone. He was happy being left alone with his thoughts.

"I wonder if I signed my death certificate again when I went up against Mr. Sison." Ian said with a laugh. He was speaking to himself of course, there was no one else in the park.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice several men creeping up behind him. He also hadn't noticed that the had somehow made his way to a part of the park where there was barely any lights.

"Fuck, I should get back." Ian said as he looked at the watch on his wrist.

As he turned to retrace his steps, he was shocked that his path was blocked by several men.

Slowly they inched towards him, making Ian take a step back with every step forward that they took.

Ian gulped, this was not going to end well for him.

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