Ian closed his eyes and sighed. He never wanted to have a confrontation  like that, as much as possible he avoided losing his temper, but after everything today, he just couldn't control it.

He knew it was wrong for him to go off on Camilla like that, she was only concerned about him, worried about how he was doing. It was only natural to find what had happened odd, not a lot of people found themselves in the same situation as Ian and Jas

Ian and Camilla had only known each other for a few days but he already felt like they connected on a whole different level. He felt comfortable around her, like she was family. 

He trusted her, and he knew that wasn't going to run. He was attracted to her personality, but not in the same way he was attracted to Jas, nott in a romantic way. He liked Camilla as a friend, and he found her presence comforting.

"Ian." He heard Sam knock outside of his door.

"Go away Sam!" Ian called out. He wasn't in the mood to deal with his siblings right now. He loved them, but they could be quite annoying at times.

"We're going over to Camilla's. Mom sent some food, I don't think you'll be able to finish all of it. We'll give some of it to Camilla." Karina told her brother from the otherside of the door. 

They clearly didn't care if he was in one of his moods. They grew up with him, they knew him, they knew what he needed.

"Whatever, Camilla has most meals here, I doubt it would make any difference." Ian shouted back.

He wasn't lying, he and Camilla had agreed to have their meals together, except when Jas was around. And seeing that Jas would be dating again meant that she wouldn't be visiting that often. 

He wouldn't have had the time to deal with her anyway. He already knew that his job would be quite demanding, at least now he wouldn't have to explain why he couldn't come over every night after work.

"I doubt she'll eat here tonight with how cranky you've become." Sam said with a laugh. "You really should pick the women you fight, I doubt you would win against this one." She teased.

"Go away Sam!" Ian shouted.

"Fine, we'll go over to Camilla." Karina said as he heard them walk away from the door, chatting between them.

Ian sighed as he looked up at the ceiling of his room, his mind was empty, he tried not to think of anything, letting himself relax and lose himself it the void in his mind. 

But no matter how hard he tried, a part of him constantly felt bad about the way he had treated Camilla. 

It annoyed him how a new person in his life had come to matter so much.

Eventually, when he was sure that his sisters had left his apartment, Ian got up and made his way down to his office.

He wanted to list everything that he had gotten from the party the night before. And working would help him keep his mind off of Jas.

Ian knew that Jas had her reasons, but it never made it any easier on him.

Even now that he knew that Jas' family was slowly falling, he still felt hurt. Was it wrong for him to want to be the only man in her life?

"Ian?" He heard Camilla call out as the front door opened. 

He had completely forgotten that he had added her thumbprint to the lock on the door. 

"Office." Ian shouted as he heard her close the door as he heard her footsteps echo outside the office as she made her way to his office.

Camilla pushed the door open a little more as she stepped into the room.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Camilla said shyly as she walked into the office.

Ian looked up and gave her a confused look.

"What for?" Ian asked. He wasn't used to hearing other people apologize to him. 

"Well, you're right, I don't know everything about you, and honestly we just met. I don't have a right to jump to conclusions." Camilla said with a sigh as she stood next to his desk.

Ian looked up at her, he was at a loss for words. He himself didn't know what to say when it came to his and Jas' situation.

"Look, you don't need to say anything." Camilla said with a sigh.  "Why don't we grab lunch with your sisters? Focus on the good things, not the bad." She said with a smile.

"I know it's not normal." Ian finally said after a few moments of silence. "Everything about my situation is not normal."

"Ian, you don't need to force yourself to explain." Camilla said as she shook her head. "Just tell me when you are ready and I'll a listening ear." 

"Thank you." Ian said with a smile. "I don't mind explaining it to you by the way, I just don't know how."

"Maybe all you need are a couple of shots and that tongue of yours will start spilling secrets." Camilla teased. "Come on, I'm hungry and I'm sort of worried about what your sister's might have done to my place."

Ian grinned and shook his head. 

He quickly placed his notes away and got up.

"I like what they did to my place though, it looks better." Ian remarked as they walked out of his office.

"Do you really like it this way? All stiff and formal?" Camilla asked.

Ian simply shrugged.

"Let's go." Camilla said as she gave up on asking Ian about his style preferences.

"Wait, where are we going?" Ian asked Camilla as they moved from his room to hers.

"There is a restaurant downstairs, we can actually eat there for free." Camilla said with a grin as they entered her apartment. 

"What the-?" Camilla asked as she was stunned with how fast Ian's sisters had managed to set her room up.

"Oh, you're back. That was faster than expected." Sam said as she looked back at Camilla and Ian who both stood by the door. 

She and Karina were arranging some accents on the living room coffee table, making it look more homely.

"How did you guys get this done so fast?" Camilla asked as she looked around the room.

Almost everything she had bought was set up the way she envisioned it. She wondered  how these two girls managed to set everything up so quickly.

"Oh Camilla, Ian." John said as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing here John?" Ian asked the driver.

"I came to check up on you and Camilla, you guys weren't exactly friendly in the car earlier, then I met these two." He said as he pointed at Sam and Karina.

"My sisters." Ian explained.

"They just told me they were Camilla's friends." John said with a laugh.

"Hey! Camilla is my friend, not yours!" Ian complained.

"Can't she be friends with all of us?" Karina asked her older brother.

"Why are you guys acting like children?" Camilla asked as she gave Ian a confused look. "They are my friends too now, so shut it." She said as she rolled her eyes at Ian.

"She's my sister now!" Sam happily declared.

Camilla simply laughed at the younger woman as she shook her head.

"John, have you had lunch?" Ian asked as he tried to change the topic.

"No, not yet, why?" John asked Ian.

"Come with us, we're having lunch downstairs. It would be nice to eat with people other than Ian for a change." Camilla teased as she waved at the girls to walk out of the room with her.

"Sure, why not." John said as he and Ian followed after Camilla.

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