Just outside of the room Camilla smiled as she looked at the horror that spread on Mica's face as she watched her brother being punched by Ian.

For some reason she got a warm feeling from every injury that was inflicted on Manuel. It was probably because she knew he was a bad man that deserved what he got.

"Please, tell him to stop." Mica begged as Ian pulled Manuel up from the ground. "Please, I'll tell you everything, I'll even show you proof."

Camilla looked at Mica with a smile. It seemed that they were about to get more information on Manuel's family without even asking for it.

She looked at Mica from head to toe. The woman was dressed in the latest fashion, something that could have cost her in the hundreds of thousands. 

Camilla had just assumed that Manuel's and Mica's families were just that rich, they did after all, almost kill Ian without any consequences in the past. 

Now that Mica had mentioned it, Camila couldn't help but wonder how much of their family's wealth actually came from illegal sources.

Camilla couldn't help but begin to form a plan in her head on how to get Mica to rat out on her relatives. She knew that whatever secrets Mica would tell her would help Ian a lot, and a huge part of her really wanted to help Ian.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Camilla told Mica as she kept her eyes on the scene that was unfolding in front of them.

Ian had ordered for Manuel's shirt to be stripped and handed to him. 

"Please, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything." Mica begged and screamed as a guard brought out several torture equipment and placed it behind Ian.

"Look Mica, there is nothing you can do or say that will save your brother, just relax and watch the show." Camilla said with a grin as Mica began to thrash against one of the guards' hold.

"Manuel! Manuel!" Mica began to scream.

"Your brother can't hear you." Camilla scoffed. "You can cry all you want, but Manuel, he won't hear you. I'm not sure if he would even want to hear anything around him. I mean, it seems like he did something horrible to Ian."

"My brother is a good man!" Mica insisted.

Camilla couldn't help but laugh. From her short interaction with Manuel she already knew that the man was not nice or good. 

He was one of those young, rich, and entitled boys that felt they ruled the world. With the way he acted Camilla already knew that he believed that he was whichever god's gift to mankind.

"No, no, no!" Mica said in a frantic tone as she began to fight the guards to get loose again. "No, he can't, my brother just borrowed that, the owner will come after him!" Mica began to scream as she fought harder than ever.

Camilla watched as Ian had a guard hold up Manuel's shirt as he lit a fire under it. He was clearly intending to burn it, and if it weren't for Mica's reaction, Camilla would think that it was just any ordinary shirt and she would have laughed at Ian.

"Why would someone kill over a shirt?" Camilla asked Mica. 

"Please, it's a limited edition that the owner had to purchase abroad. If he hears that my brother got it burned he will kill my brother." Mica said as she began to sob.

"Who would be so shallow that he would be willing to kill over a shirt?" Camilla asked as she looked back at the scene inside.

She was surprised to find Manuel in the same state of distraught as his sister, it seemed that Mica wasn't lying. Someone would really come after them for that shirt.

"You people are crazy." Camilla said as she shook her head. "Why would you borrow some stupid shirt from some scary person that would kill over a shirt? It's so illogical and stupid, just stupid."

"Because we were here hoping to meet him." Mica said as she blushed a bright red color.

"Really, your brother borrowed a shirt so you can meet your stupid crush? You're stupid." Camilla said with a laugh as she shook her head.

"No, my brother was hoping to see him. According to what we found out he lives here in this building. We were hoping to gain favor. The man my brother borrowed that shirt from works for him and that shirt was a gift from him." Mica explained.

"Him, him, him, why do you keep assuming that I know who this him is?" Camilla asked. She was getting frustrated with talking to Mica. 

It was like the woman was not capable of having a logical conversation of any sort.

"No!" Mica suddenly shouted as Ian set the shirt on fire. "No! Please no. He will kill my brother!" Mica was going crazy as she watched the shirt burn.

Inside, Camilla could see Manuel with the exact same reaction. He looked like he was about to break at the sight of the burning shirt.

Maybe Mica wasn't exaggerating, maybe the man would kill them. But what kind of a person would do that over a shirt?

Maybe someone from the gangs or the mafia? Most likely someone involved in illegal businesses since, at least according to Mica, the man was more than willing to commit murder.

"Please I'll tell you everything, please just let us go! We need to get as far away from the capital as possible!" Mica began to scream.

"No! Manuel!" Mica shouted as she watched Ian kick Manuel on the chest making the man fall back with his head hitting the ground.

"Take her to another room, I want to hear what this information she has is about." Camilla ordered the guards who obediently nodded. "I'll follow, I need a word with the boys."

When she was sure that Mica was already in the next room, Camilla pressed on the intercom button that would allow her to speak to the people inside.

"Ian, Leon, a word?" Camilla asked.

"Hey! What about me?!" John screamed.

"Fine, you too. Could you guys step out for a bit?" She asked.

The men looked at each other but said nothing. They simply moved from where they stood and stepped out to speak to Camilla.

"You better have a good reason for this. You ruined our fun." John complained.

"Ugh, I swear you act like a child." Camilla groaned. 

"And you are stuck with me for at least the next five years." John teased making Camilla roll her eyes at him. 

"I have no idea how any of us will survive." Ian added as he massaged his temples.

"Why  did you want to talk to us?" Leon asked as he stayed reasonable.

"Oh, right." Camilla said with a nod. "Mica spoke a lot while she was out here. So I learned two interesting things." She said with a grin.

"Go on." Ian said with a nod.

"First, they were here to meet the boss of the owner of that shirt or at least they had hoped to meet him. And for some reason Mica is incredibly scared of the man and at the same time she is crushing hard on him." Camilla explained.

"Well there are a ton of men who fit that description." Ian pointed out.

"That's why I sent Mica to the other room I want to question her." Camilla said.

"Are you up to it?" Leon asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm not some weak girl." Camilla said.

"If you say you can then go, I'll lend you a few men to help you out." Leon said with a nod.

"And second?" Ian asked.

"I think the Manuels are involved with someone dangerous, I think they have illegal businesses of some sort." Camilla told the boys. "Mica kept saying that she would tell me everything, that she would even give me proof."

"Do you think you can get that from her?" Ian asked.

"I can, if you let me." Camilla said with a not.

"I won't stop you." Ian said with a laugh. "Good luck."

"It shouldn't be that hard, she was practically begging to tell me earlier. As long as we let them go of course." Camilla told Ian.

"They will walk free, but only for a little bit.." Ian said with a grin as he began to sense that things were falling into place.

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