"So is this your older brother or something?" Camilla asked. "It seems like he wants to be calling the shots."

Based on how things were traditionally done, it was the eldest son that would have inherited the position as head. Camilla simply assumed that it was the same with Seth's family.

If his brother was dictating the way things went, then it meant that he was also poised to be the next family head.

Seth closed his eyes and shook his head as he took a sip of wine from his glass. 

"No, it's my younger brother." Seth explained. "He has always wanted to be the head of the Dean Family mafia, but I am the first born, so by tradition it should go to me."

"But you don't want it?" Camilla asked.

"No, I don't." Seth laughed as he shook his head. "I know it's odd for someone to not want power, fame and fortune, but I've seen how being the head of the family can damage you. I've been by my father's side since I was young. I've seen things children shouldn't."

"You might not want to be the next head of your family, Seth, but it seems like the role is calling to you." Ian pointed out.

"If my brother cannot prove that he deserves the role, then my father can pass it on to the brother after him." Seth said with a shrug. "He can even hand it over to my sister. She wouldn't be the first female mafia leader. The Rocci family has a woman co-leading it."

"The Rocci family? Why is that name familiar?" Ian asked as he looked at his friend.

"Because of Francesca Rocci, the actress and model. She's really famous and she does belong to that family." Seth explained.

"Wow, it's surprising that the media hasn't dug up that connection yet." Camilla said. 

"The Roccis are a very private family unlike mine." Seth told his friends as they continued to eat. "We know the name of it's male head, but not the name of his sister, who is leading the mafia with him."

"It's more complicated than I thought." Camilla said with a frown.

"Every part of society has its own complications." Seth explained. "It's just that we have grown up understanding how things work in our own circles."

"Aren't you afraid that your family will fall into chaos because you refuse to take your role?" Ian asked Seth.

Seth looked at his friend and frowned.

"I will avoid it for as long as I can." Seth told them. "Right now, my father still has other heirs that can take the position. It doesn't have to be me."

"But you are the best fit." Ian pointed out. "Based on what I have heard from you, if your brother takes the role as the head, he will simply let your family be ruined."

"As I said, I have other siblings. They can take the role if they are fit for it." Seth said plainly.

"You do realize that based on what you are telling us, your father can still give you the role." Camilla pointed out.

"I don't think you don't want to be the head of your family, Seth. At least not truly." Ian told his friend.

"Why do you say that?" Seth asked as he leaned forward, curious as to what Ian meant.

"If you truly wanted to reject the role, you would have turned your back and never looked back." Ian told Seth. "You would have let all those people burn no matter what the price. I understand that you saved me yesterday because you know me. But saving them from the Reyeses? You don't have to do that."

Seth frowned at Ian's words. He remained silent as he thought them over.

"I really don't know what I want." Seth finally admitted. "Back then I thought I wanted to be a more active member of our mafia. I wanted to understand every aspect of it like a business. I wanted to earn people's respect."

"Signs of a good leader." Camilla said with a smile as she nodded at Seth.

"I would have been fine if I came by the role because my father was too old and he had to pass it down, but when he announced to everyone that I was training to be his successor. Well, things changed for me. I didn't want it anymore." Seth said as he thought back to the night when his successorship was confirmed.

"I think you might just be afraid, or maybe even worried." Ian told Seth. "Or maybe, you don't like your choice being taken from you. At least back then it seemed like you could choose your future, but now, it's been decided for you."

"I guess." Seth said with a shrug. 

"Do you like being in the mafia? Do you care for your people?" Ian asked.

"Of course I do." Seth said with a nod.

"What you want to do didn't change, what changed was your reason for doing it." Ian explained. "Since this was something forced on you, you hate it. But when it was your choice you loved it. At the end of the day, no matter how you look at it. You like being in the mafia and leading your people." 

"You seem to know a lot about this."  Camilla pointed out as she laughed at Ian. "Are you speaking from experience?" She asked her friend.

Ian couldn't help but laugh at Camilla's question. He knew too well what it was like to have a duty forced on you.

"In a way." Ian said with a weak smile. "But in my case it was the other way around."

"You're the firstborn of your family, aren't you?" Seth asked as he realized what Ian meant.

Ian nodded in response. 

"I grew up being told that I would be a businessman, that I would take over the family business someday, and I hated it." Ian told his companions.. "I did everything in my power to go against my family's wishes, and when we lost everything, I regretted ever hating it."

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