Ian loved his grandfather. The man had helped raise him, took him to all of his games, and gave him everything he asked for. 

But there was one thing that Ian didn't like about his grandfather, the fact that the old man expected and demanded that he take over the role as CEO of Lim Industries in the future.

Ian didn't like the pressure and expectations his grandfather placed on him.

When he was younger, he thought that his grandpa would take him to play golf because it was fun. As he grew up, he realized that it was the old man grooming and introducing him to other CEOs. 

Ian used to love Friday nights with his grandfather and grandmother. They would go to Maharlika Hotel, have dinner, speak to some people Ian's grandfather knew.

Back then it was a fun trip that he enjoyed going to. But as time passed Ian learned that his grandfather was once more this chance to teach Ian how to behave around certain people and in certain places.

His grandfather used to enrol him in different after school activities, as a matter of fact, buy the age of thirteen, Ian could speak seven different languages.

To him, it used to be a game, but to his grandfather it was an investment into the man he wanted his grandson to become.

"You didn't have to embarrass your father that way." Ian's grandfather scolded as his car drove off.

"I wasn't trying to embarrass him. I just didn't want to be there." Ian hissed. "I don't understand why it has to be me, why you have to groom me. This isn't what I want grandpa. I'm thirteen, I can decide what I want now."

"Really Ian, can you really?" His grandfather said without even looking at him.

"Yes I can." Ian insisted. "What if I want to be an actor?"

"You will not!" His grandfather said in a scandalized tone. "There is no honor in being an actor. You will only bring shame to our family."

'Alright, not an actor, what if I want to be a historian?' He asked. "I've always loved history and all the artifacts. I can be a teacher or work at a museum."

"There  is no money in those industries. You won't be able to support your lifestyle and you will go into debt then go hungry." His grandfather scolded. "We only want what's best for you and the family."

"What if what's best for the family is not what I want?" Ian challenged. 

"We've all made our sacrifices for our family, you should learn to make yours." His grandfather said as they drove along the busy city streets.

"This family can survive without me and I can survive without it." Ian insisted.

"Very well." The old man said with a nod.

"Stop the car." Ian's grandfather ordered the driver.

The driver promptly pulled up to the side of the road and stopped the car.

"If you will insist that you can survive on your own and that you don't need us. Get out." The old man hissed. "You need to learn that you are still dependent on this family. Out of my car.

"Grandpa, you can't be serious?" Ian asked as he looked at his grandfather, wide-eyed in shock. 

"Your father is right, I have spoiled you way too much." the old man said as he looked at Ian. "You need to learn your lesson. Get out of my car before I ask my driver to take you out."

"Grandpa you can't, how am I supposed to get home? I don't have a driver or a car?" Ian asked.

"Get home the way everyone else does." Ian's grandfather told him confusing the young man. In his head everyone went around in cars with drivers. "Get out!" The old man shouted.

Afraid that his grandfather would have someone drag him out of the car, Ian grumbled and got out.

As soon as the doors closed behind Ian the old man's car drove off, leaving Ian at the side of the road, afraid, lost, and scared.

----Present day-----

"I hated my grandfather after that." Ian explained to Camilla and Seth as he finished telling them his story. "But now, when I look back at it, I was just some spoiled child that didn't want to do what he was being asked because I was being asked."

"What?" Camilla said with a laugh as she gave Ian a confused look. "Can you say that again?"

Ian laughed at Camilla's reaction . He knew that what he had said was quite confusing.

"Whenever I look back, I look back to that day." Ian said with a sigh. "Everything I said, everything I thought of, everything I did, it showed how much I didn't like what I was doing because it was what they expected from me."

Ian reached out and took a sip of his wine.

"I loved everything I learned. I loved the employees at our old company. I loved leaning what they did and I loved helping them. What I hated was the fact that I was forced to take a position I didn't choose." Ian said with a shrug.

"When my family started to lose everything and I had to find my own way, that's when I realized that I loved my family's old business. I loved everyone there, I would be more than happy now to go to work with my dad and learn things from him." Ian sighed and frowned. "But it's all too late for that now."

"I'll think it through, Ian." Seth said with a nod. "You have a good point, and I would never have looked at it that way if you hadn't mentioned it."

"Don't wait for things to be too late." Ian said with a nod.

"Speaking of too late, we should go back and rest, we have a busy day tomorrow." Camilla said as she pointed at her watch.

Ian simply nodded and they all went back to their rooms, ready for the challenges ahead.

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