Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 94: Summon a new army

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Everything is so taken for granted. When the feudal knights led by Sir Frank stormed the rear of the Ramirez Kingdom infantry army, the Ramirez people, who were already shaken by the army, collapsed instantly, like an ant colony washed by rain. Collapse thousands of miles.

The fastest runners were the Ramirez cavalry who had touched the nails several times in this battle. They met the foot feudal knights who were brave enough to carry the heavy cavalry and charge. , They were directly caught in it and forced to draw their swords in close combat. In the horse war, they were still unable to fight against the feudal knights, but when faced with the foot feudal knights, they were even more unbearable and suffered heavy losses.

King Owicko, who died under the lances of the feudal knights' charge, would never have imagined that the cavalry he had high hopes for were so unbearable.

After defeating Ramirez's infantry, Richard let go of the constraints of his opponent's soldiers and let them leave the queue to chase the rout. The soldiers who got permission cheered and chased the screaming enemy and decided the victory of the battle. The same is true for the cavalry. Instead of killing the enemy with a long sword, they drew out the spears scattered on the ground and knocked the rout soldier's head with a spear shaft to stun them. It will hurt the killer, because the captured Ramirez soldiers are more valuable than the Ramirez soldiers who died in battle.

While the soldiers were chasing down the soldiers, Richard led his generals and guards on horseback to Luwen City. The stone walls of Luwen City, which had been besieged for more than half a month, were almost covered with blood, and the scarlet blood seemed to have been integrated with the city walls. , Extremely scary. Outside the city wall, the siege equipment used by the Ramirez to attack the city is still placed in the open space, and traces of coagulated blood and gunpowder smoke can still be seen on it.

Under Richard's gaze, the city gate of Luwen City slowly opened, and then a team of knights ran out and soon came to Richard, headed by the highest official of Luwen City, Governor Maximilian. Mandorf.

"Your Majesty Caesar!" When he arrived in front of Richard, Maximilian rolled over and got off his horse, kneeling on the ground, and said respectfully: "Please allow me to congratulate you first. The imperial army defeated the enemy under your leadership. , Won a great victory."

"This will be just one of the great victories under my leadership." Richard was full of pride and smiled and raised Maximilian. He found that the handsome and mature governor had become haggard at this moment, almost bloodshot. Covered his eyes.

But Maximilian didn’t seem to notice it at all. He stood up with Richard’s movements and said: "Your Majesty, Sorrenborg in the south and Mumba in the north are all under the control of the Ramirez again. We Maybe we can take advantage of this time to bring the eastern part of the Ravana Kingdom under control."


Richard was a little excited. After bringing the three places of Lu Wencheng into his sphere of influence, his strength will greatly increase, and his chances of winning against the Winster Kingdom will become even greater in the future.

However, I am afraid that even if he regained the two occupied territories, King Lawrence would not grant them to Richard, but a smarter king would not allow a vassal claimed by another country to control the three territories in the east of the country. Moreover, Richard, who owns these three countries, is equivalent to controlling a principality, even though this principality has not been created.

After thinking about it, Richard made up his mind. The newly defeated Ramirez not only lost the main force accumulated over the past four years, but also lost their king. This time is when the Ramirez is the weakest. , Is also the time when Richard established his magnificent military exploits-as long as he can lead his army to conquer the Ramirez people, I believe that King Lawrence has no guts to refuse Richard's request for banning, who returned with a big victory.

"My dear Maximilian, my goal is not just the small towns of Solemburg and Mumba." Richard, who wanted to understand, continued with a smile and said all his thoughts: "Now It was the weakest time of the Ramirez people. They were even weaker than they were four years ago. Four years ago, my maternal grandfather, King Haraus, kindly let them go, but they finally chose to raise the butcher knife to us. It is the best time to conquer them, I will lead the empire army to conquer this little kingdom!"

"Your Majesty, as you wish, I will do my best in this war and win the victory with you!"

"No, my dear Maximilian." In the face of Maximilian's sincere words, Richard smiled and shook his head, and said: "I need you to prepare supplies and recruit soldiers in the city of Luwen, and do well for the expeditionary army. back end job."

"Yes, Your Majesty Caesar." Although he failed to fight with Richard on the front line, Maximilian was not discouraged. After four years as the governor, he knew the importance of logistics. If the logistics were not done well, he would lose supplies. The army may get lost and starve to death in the hills of the kingdom of Ramirez.


A few days later, under the gazes of Governor Maximilian and the defenders, the Royal Army slowly moved away from the camp established outside the city, and headed towards Mengba City to the north. Before leaving, they captured nearly a thousand prisoners. Ramirez prisoners of war were handed over to Governor Maximilian. As the price of defeat, these prisoners of war would do dirty work during the long detention life.

Before departure ~www.readwn.com~ Richard used the system for four years to accumulate opportunities for Danish units that were not summoned. There were 24 summoning opportunities (almost once every two months). To be on the safe side, Richard Germany only used 12 of them and won 48 teams of Danish troops.

"Three teams of Nordic swordsmen, five teams of militiamen with swords and spears, three teams of footed Nordic Tomahawk cavalry, one team of Nordic axemen, three teams of Nordic archers, two teams of crossbowmen, four teams of scout cavalry, three teams of Nordic Tomahawk cavalry... …" Looking at the soldiers he had acquired, Richard sighed with relief. It seemed that after the era entered the mid-term (four years are enough time for Richard to enter the mid-term), arms such as farmers and town militias would not appear. Within the extraction range, the soldiers Richard obtained were all Danish main combat units with sufficient combat effectiveness.

These soldiers add up to 1930. Although the number is small, they are also a force that should not be overlooked. The only thing that makes Richard want to vomit blood is that these soldiers can only appear on Kuban Island and then pass the regular march. Come here to join Richard's command.

What's the use of this? When they were needed, they were far away on the island of Kuban. After they arrived, perhaps Richard had already conquered most of the Ramirez kingdom, or he was defeated by the Ramirez’s Jedi counterattack and was dingy. The escape back to Lu Wencheng.

In any case, this wave of system restrictions still makes Richard depressed.

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