Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 103: capture

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"Damn! The city gate defenders have rebelled! They should be thrown into the boiling oil pan to suffer!"

Looking at the dazzling bonfire at the city gate, Lord Kheid of Solenburg cursed angrily.

With the dazzling light from the bonfire, the figures of soldiers on the city wall were particularly conspicuous, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded through the sky of Solenburg. Listening to the movement, it should be the Ravana people outside the city that had moved!


Hearing these killing calls, Kerhid’s ugly face turned pale. Originally, the defenders were in a state of water shortage and could not beat the enemy, but they could still rely on the city wall to defend. Now the city gate is gone. , Can they beat the Ravana in street fighting?

Obviously it is impossible.

"Lord Earl, Chief Auriel has brought an army to report to you!"

At this moment, a soldier ran in to report to Kheed. Following his words, Kheed looked at the army assembled outside the city lord’s mansion, the expression on his face relaxed a little, at least now the number of soldiers protecting him has increased. many.

The loss of the city gate made Kirheid unable to calmly think, otherwise he would definitely wonder why Olier could bring soldiers to the city lord mansion so quickly.

Asked the soldiers to lead the way, Kirsheed, who was still wearing pajamas, ran out of his dormitory without dignity, and soon he saw the heavily armed Oriel, with blood stains on the opponent's body, which was obviously not long ago. . But Kheed didn’t have the mind to pay attention to these. He stepped forward and held Olier’s hand, and said movedly: "Olier, my dear Olier, you are really timely, let your soldiers Keep the City Lord's Mansion, as long as we guard the City Lord's Mansion, we can survive."

However, Olier did not act, he just looked at his lord coldly, as if he was looking at the humblest ant.

"You..." Even if it was slow, Kirsheed still reacted. He took a step back subconsciously, pointed at his subordinates, and asked: "Olier, what do you want to do?"

"I just want to live." Oliel finally spoke, but his tone was very cold, without a trace of emotion, "I don't want to be buried with you in Solenburg."


Kirsheed wanted to say something, but Olier did not give him a chance. Before the others could react, Olier drew out the dagger around his waist suddenly, flew towards Kirsheed, and grabbed the opponent's. The collar and the sharp blade immediately touched Kesheed's smooth throat. As long as Kesheed moved a little bit more, the sharp blade would easily cut through his skin and cut his throat!

"You..." Caught by the collar of fate, Kirhed swallowed, feeling the coldness in his throat, and he said with a trembling tone: "Olier, don't be impulsive, I can be satisfied with whatever you want. you."

"I just want to live." Olier said coldly. At this moment, the surrounding soldiers who were still loyal to Kirsheed gathered around and aimed their weapons at Olier and his soldiers, the latter also When they drew out their weapons to confront each other, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

"If you want to survive, let your soldiers put down their weapons, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will shake my hand and cut a wound in your throat."

Olier’s threat was very effective against Kirsheed, who carefully glanced at the dagger against him, and yelled at the surrounding soldiers: "Are they all deaf? Put your weapons down! Put them down!"

Listening to Kirsheed's roar, the soldiers looked at each other, but they had no choice but to put down their weapons and step back step by step. Seeing that they were all so obedient, Kirchde said to Olier in a pleasing tone: "Olier, can you let me go? You want to survive, and I want to survive. Everyone wants to survive. Why are you unfriendly? How about getting along?"

"That's fine."

I thought Olier would not listen to him, but he nodded thoughtfully. Kirsheed was overjoyed, and he hurriedly hit the iron while he was hot, saying: "Then you just let me go, I won't be right. You did it."

"It's okay to let you go, but after I met the general of the Ravana people."


Olier's words instantly slammed Kirhid back into the ice cave, his lips trembled, but suddenly he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Times have changed, my lord." Oliel said with a sneer. "You aristocrats' falsehoods are all in my eyes. What's more, I still need to use you as a bargaining chip to gain power in Lavana."

Without waiting for Kirsheed to speak, Olier shouted to the soldiers under his command: "What are you waiting for? Kill these unarmed soldiers, and then break out!"


The soldiers under his command shouted in unison, and then killed the unarmed soldiers. A terrible killing began immediately, and the strong smell of blood spread from here to the entire city lord mansion.


On the other side, the Mabucu army led by Copperfield himself had already rushed into Solenburg along the wide open gate, and fought fiercely with the chaotic garrison. The combat effectiveness was not as good as 5% of the usual. The Ravana soldiers lost their helmets and dismantled their armor. They were defeated and unable to make effective resistance.

The offensive went smoothly beyond Copperfield’s expectations and Richard’s. The offensive Royal Army of Lavana didn’t even have time to send a follow-up Kuban army, and the war was over-the horse led by Copperfield. Under the support of Oriel, the Buco army occupied the city’s main palace, and then ordered the soldiers to chase down the stubborn soldiers in the castle. At the same time, they sent the captured Earl Kheid to Richard’s camp outside the city. .

Auriel and Duke were there anyway with Earl Kirsheed.

Regarding these two rebel officers anyway~www.readwn.com~ Richard is a headache, because he doesn’t know how to place the two and let Te Mo go with the army. Richard is not at ease because they have After the experience of betrayal, Richard could not guarantee that they would not betray themselves again.

After thinking about it, Richard decided to ask them what they thought before making a decision.

As for the hapless Earl Kheed, the way he dealt with him was much simpler. Although he was unable to kill him because of his aristocratic status, he could not even torture him. If it were spread, Richard’s reputation and prestige would be lost. Will be severely affected, so he can only entertain the other party with delicious food first, and then send the other party directly to King Lawrence to handle.

It is believed that King Lawrence will not show mercy to this nobleman who dared to betray him. In addition to execution, he can do any punishment, including wiping out his title and deporting him directly.

Speaking of this, Richard really wants to complain about the various preferential treatments of the nobles in the Middle Ages. Even if you are defeated in the rebellion, the king cannot execute you unless he is willing to accept the tyrant's reputation and reputation and prestige brought by the execution of the nobles. Loss. If this is placed in China, regardless of whether you are a noble or not, you will still punish the nine tribes and the ten households of the Yi, as all kinds of **** examples in history have proved all this.

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