Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 106: Surrendered lord

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"We have been deceived, and Croft has no way to get the Ravana people outside the city to retreat!"

Abadran City Lord’s Mansion, the lord of the city Pabara’s angry shout penetrated the wall, causing the servants passing by in the corridor to slow down subconsciously, for fear of making a noise and letting the lord transfer his anger to him.

"Didn’t he vowed to make the Lawana people stop at the border? Now the Lawana people have not stopped at the border, but surrounded us in the wind and snow! This is a shameful deception!" Pabara’s roar was still there. Continuing, there was a crackling sound of falling objects in the house, and it could be seen that the lord was in a rage.

"Lord Lord, Croft shamefully deceived us. Why should we lose our lives for him? Why don't we just surrender directly to the city. I believe the Ravana people will be happy to accept our surrender."

"Surrender? It's a good idea." Pabara nodded thoughtfully after listening to the words of his subordinates. He did not reject surrendering to foreigners. His only concern was the attitude of the Lavannes towards him after the surrender.

However, he quickly remembered something, a cold sweat broke out from behind, and said: "Before this, we had a war with the Lavannes. Wouldn't they take revenge for it?"

"You can put all the responsibility on Croft, and the Lavannes can't ask in person anyway." The subordinate's humble voice sounded again. Listening to his words, Pabara felt a little relieved, and then it seemed like He made up his mind and said: "Ted, gather all the soldiers, and we will surrender to the city."

As soon as his voice fell, before the official named Ted could speak, the door was slammed open, and a young boy's voice sounded from outside: "Father, we can't surrender!"

Pabara looked at it, and it turned out that it was his 17-year-old eldest son, Alek.

"Alik, tell me the reason why I can't surrender." He asked with displeasure in his tone.

"The Ravana are a foreign race, how can we back the rule of a foreign race?" Alek said, ignoring the displeasure in his father's tone. , I have dealt with him, he will definitely not let us who are loyal to the royal family be wiped out by the Ravana people."


Pabara shook his head disappointedly. After giving his eldest son a comment, he ignored him, and instead said to military chief Ted: "Ted, get ready, let's surrender."

"Yes." Ted nodded and was about to leave the room, but Alek didn't let him go. He directly blocked his way, opened his arms, and said, "You can't go, we can't surrender!"

"Naughty!" When Pabara saw it, the anger that had disappeared in his heart rekindled. He pointed to his eldest son and roared outside the door: "Come here, take him away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two guards strode into the room. They looked at Alek who was pointed at by the lord, and looked at each other. Finally, they brazenly stepped forward and stood behind Alek, saying: "Please follow Let's go, don't make your subordinates embarrassed."

Alek just looked at them coldly, making the two guards afraid to move. He looked at his father again and said: "Father, I advise you for the last time, don't surrender, or you will regret it."

"If you don't surrender, I will go to **** and regret it." Pabara said with a sneer, and then he shouted at the two guards: "You still don't take him away? Are you waiting for me to do it myself?"

"Offended. Please come with us." Seeing this, the two guards didn't dare to hesitate any longer. They said in their mouths, and at the same time, one of them grabbed the wall panel on the side of Alek and forcibly pulled it out. go. Alek, who was pulled away, didn't struggle, and stared at his father coldly, making Pabara's heart a little hairy.

"Damn, I shouldn't send him to Yakik to go to any royal academy. I didn't learn the ass, but became Croft's person." Pabara cursed as he walked past the man who was thrown to the ground by him. The fragments of the item walked outside.

When he walked to the city gate, one of the guards who had taken Alek ran over, panting and kneeling directly in front of him, reporting: "Lord Lord, Alek, Master Alek has escaped!"

"Escape?" Pabara was startled and asked hurriedly: "How did you escape?"

"After we took him back to the room, Master Alek said he was going to the toilet, but on the way we took him to the toilet, he suddenly got up, took Meg's sword and stabbed him again, then turned and jumped out. Outside the window, grabbed a horse led by a servant and ran directly towards the North City Gate."

"Two wastes." Pabala said angrily. He wanted to kick the guard over, but after thinking about it, he didn't kick it. He just took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, saying: "Go back to the team, next time. Remember to take precautions in similar situations."


After returning the guards, Pabara walked up the city wall, looked at the Lavana camp outside the city, and sighed, and told the military commander Ted next to him: "Open the city gate and ask Rawa. The Na people sent envoys."

"Yes." Ted nodded and promised, and then ordered someone to open the city gate, and he mounted his horse and walked towards the Ravana barracks.

Seeing Ted's back, Pabara breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something.

The news of Abadran’s surrender soon reached the city of Yakik. The news that UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the capital’s portal, had fallen, shocked the entire city’s residents. They were not only shameful for Pabara. Surrendered in anger, but also worried about Yakik's future.

After Abadran surrendered, the Ravana people could enter the hilly area where Yakik was unscrupulous, and even a few days away were able to approach the city. No matter whether he succeeded in occupying the city in the end, the shame of being besieged by the king would still be It will always be engraved in everyone's heart.

Croft was also worried about this. The people he sent out to contact Bandak hadn't come back yet. I don't know if there was an accident on the road or something. At the same time, the remnant army he brought back from the Luven River Plain and the original garrison of the royal capital were only nearly 10,000 at best. Although the number of the Lawana army was suppressed, the experience of winning more with less The reinforcements made him and most of the soldiers lose confidence.

The reputation and prudence of the Ravana cavalry are imprinted in the hearts of every Ramirez soldier. Even on their home court, they will still feel fear. Even the noble king will die under the iron hoof of the enemy. How can ordinary soldiers of low status survive?

"Mobilize the army! Let's guard the city, so that the Ravana cavalry will not have a chance to exert their fighting power!" Croft commanded the nobles and officials who were loyal to him.

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