Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 136: Catapult

On April 15, 1111 of the Continental Calendar, General Charles led his army to the west gate of the city of Ravana (that is, on the west bank of the Fabrisi River). He was accompanied by not only the 5,000 Danish army, but also the Admiral of the Navy West. Gould’s huge Kuban fleet, which includes fourteen Kirk warships, ten Hawke warships, and seventeen Kuban warships. This fleet of 41 warships entered the Fab The estuary of the Lissi River, along the broad river all the way north, the site of the city of Lavana, was blocked by the sea wall.

The city of Ravana, the capital of the Kingdom of Ravana, has been besieged on three sides by Richard's army at this time. Except that there is no Richard's army in the upper reaches of the Fabrisi River, it can be said that there is nothing missing.

The total number of Richard’s army that surrounded the city of Ravana is close to 15,000. If it is placed on the plains, the Bandak rebel’s more than 10,000 troops will not even have any power to parry, and can only be in the Richard’s army. It was completely crushed under a strong charge. However, relying on the strong marble walls of Ravana City, they prevented Richard's army from making progress in a short period of time.

Outside the siege camp to the east of Ravana, Richard finally met with the Danish general Charles, who also participated in the long-lost admiral Sigurd.

Looking at General Charles and Admiral Sigurd, who are also from the Kingdom of Denmark, with a standard northern face, Richard smiled and made a welcome gesture with both hands: "General Charles, Admiral Sigurd, I am very happy to lead you to attack Ravana City."

"Your Majesty, it is my honor to fight with you." The two said in unison.

"Yeah." Richard nodded and said straightforwardly: "Not much nonsense, General Charles, in the next siege, you will be in charge of commanding more than 5,000 Danish soldiers from your headquarters to besiege the western city of Ravana. door."

"Also, Admiral Sigurd, your fleet is responsible for attacking the sea wall of Lavana City. Before the attack, you use ship-borne ballistas to shell the wall. After the wall collapses, you can enter it through the gap and seize the inner harbor of the city."

"Understood, Your Majesty." The two promised at the same time, but Charles went on to say: "Your Majesty, during the months when he was sitting on Kuban Island, his subordinates ordered the craftsmen of the city's siege engine to build catapults and siege engines. Twelve catapults (six teams, two in one team) and six siege weighing vehicles (three teams, two in one team) have been built for the weighing cart, but they were not allowed to march with the army because of the emergency. "

"So many siege equipment?" Richard was taken aback and asked quickly: "Then where are these siege equipment now?"

"Judging by their marching speed, there should be two days to arrive." Charles replied.

"Okay!" Richard couldn't help clapping his hands after hearing this. He was in high spirits, and said: "Before the catapult and siege scales arrive, General Charles, you let the soldiers build the siege camp and build the siege equipment at the same time. be prepared."

"And Admiral Sigurd." Richard said, looking at Sigurd, and said: "You go find a good place to build a temporary naval port, and remember to strengthen your defenses. I don't want to see the navy water village being attacked. Burn the fire."



Two days passed quickly. When the follow-up troops transported catapults and siege scales to the Charles’ siege camp, the soldiers all cheered. They couldn't help feeling their own smallness when facing the marble wall of the city, and they could imagine how much it would cost to attack the city with infantry alone.

The cheers from outside the city quickly alarmed the defenders on the city wall. They stood behind the wall and looked at the siege weapon that was slowly advancing in the besieged camp in the distance. They couldn't help but burst into commotion. Confidence fought against the invincible Richard's army, but now the long-range projection equipment to restrain the city walls has come out, undoubtedly greatly damaging their morale.

Although the commotion on the city wall was quickly suppressed by the officers who came after hearing the news, it still left a deep impression in the hearts of many defenders. Many people made up their minds to use trebuchets and siege scales in the siege army. When driving, they must run far away and hide in a very safe place. They don't want to be smashed into flesh by the boulders falling from the sky.

After the catapult and the siege scale arrived, General Charles consciously handed over the distribution power to Richard. After consideration, the latter divided the eighteen siege weapons into two, and the east and west siege camps. Three siege scales and six catapults are assigned to each. If the Sigurd fleet’s ship-borne ballistas are added, the siege team’s siege capability will rise linearly.

Looking at the tall siege scale, Richard couldn’t help swallowing his saliva. He had only seen this kind of siege equipment in the movie "Kings of Heaven", and it was exactly what Saladin used when he was besieging the holy city of Jerusalem. Giant catapult. The distant relatives of this kind of siege weighing vehicle are called Huihuipao in China. The Huihui people of the Western Regions, Arawadin and Yisima, are the main manufacturers. Once the siege weighing vehicle was born, the Mongolian army was equipped with the Mongolian army. Siege weapon, also participated in the war to attack Xiangyang City.

The siege scale is the same as the ordinary catapult, which can throw heavy boulders and burning fireballs at the enemy city~www.readwn.com~ but it has one more ability to throw rotten bulls than ordinary catapults.

The rotten ox thrown by the siege weighing vehicle is very smelly. After hitting a crowd, it can not only kill the enemy, but also destroy the morale of the enemy. In addition, if the rotten ox thrown is left for a long time and has not been cleaned, it is very likely to cause a plague. , Is the earliest biochemical weapon.

Before the development of gunpowder weapons, the siege scale was the best weapon to deal with city walls, and its status would only be replaced after the artillery was born.


On the second day after the arrival of the siege scale and catapult, after the initial commissioning, under the operation of the engineers, the eighteen projectiles roared at the walls of the city of Ravana, and the eighteen siege machines were squeaking. Amid the creaking torque, the throwing arm was lowered, and the muscular soldiers worked together to put a block of boulders into the bladder at the end of the throwing arm, and then proceeded with the final aiming and adjustment.

When everything was ready, the officer drew out his sword and smashed forward into the void. In the next second, eighteen siege equipment simultaneously threw out the boulders in the skin, and the screams of those boulders as they slashed across the sky. Howl, just that terrible sound will scare the faint-hearted!

Richard, sitting on the back of a war horse, looked across the layers of soldiers and looked into the air. In his line of sight, pieces of huge stones with edges and corners rolled and traversed a beautiful arc in the air, and then slammed heavily on the solid marble wall. Above, when the heavy boulder touched the city wall, the entire city wall and the earth trembled!

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