Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 138: Siege (2)

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"Defense! Defend against enemy archers!"

Whoosh whoosh! Amidst the horrified screams of the defending soldiers, the archers outside the city released their bowstrings at the same time, and a black rain of arrows rose into the air from Richard's army, and then covered the chaotic city wall.

Seeing countless arrows flying towards the city wall, Bandak, the usurper, was shocked and hurriedly retracted his head. The moment he retracted his head, he only felt the darkening of his head. Yaka flew over the wall, and shot at the soldiers who were too late to find cover.

Bandak was hiding under the battlements, panting in horror. Just now, he witnessed several unresponsive soldiers being shot through their thin bodies by several arrows, and fell to the ground without too much struggle. live.

At this moment, the wall was like Shura hell, flesh and blood flying all over the place, and blood was sprayed on this ancient wall without money.

Seeing that the first round of shooting had a good effect, Richard nodded in satisfaction. He instructed the messenger standing by: "Let the siege scale and catapult project a round of fireballs and see how effective it is."

"Yes, Your Majesty Caesar."

The commanded messenger immediately took the order. Soon, the shouts of the officers rang out from the projection position. In their shouts, the soldiers placed stone bullets covered with combustibles on the equipment's skins. After aiming and debugging, a soldier took the torch and touched it lightly on the surface of the stone bullet. The fire ignited instantly. Then, the operator activated the mechanism and the burning stone bullet was thrown out of the skin and rolled in mid-air. , Hit the wall with the most dense defenders.

boom! After a loud and deafening noise, a tumbling fireball accidentally hit the place where the oil tank was placed on the city wall. The entire city wall was instantly plunged into a sea of ​​flames, one by one, the fire men screamed and ran around, or rolled in place to put it out. The flames on his body, or dropped directly from the wall to the ground tens of meters high, died on the spot.

However, more fireballs just hit the surface of the city wall heavily and then bounced off, and some fireballs crossed the city wall and fell into the city, hitting buildings in the city, or penetrated the wall, or caused a raging fire.

For a while, the outer city where the fire broke out fell into chaos. In order to prevent the fire from spreading, the civilians who had been hiding in the house ran out of the refuge towards the fire. People's screams and insults could be heard even outside the city.



Accompanied by the long sound of the horn, the tall siege towers were pushed slowly towards the city wall. These siege towers contained the life's hard work of the craftsmen from the Kingdom of Falnik. They wrapped the siege towers with iron sheets. The surface is used to defend against the arrows of the defenders, and at the top a few meters higher than the city wall, a large crossbow machine (similar to the Roman scorpion) is placed on it, and it faces the arrow on the city wall under the operation of the operator. The enemy shoots a sturdy giant crossbow bolt. This destructive giant crossbow bolt has a very strong penetrating power, and a frontal shot can even break the walls of the solid marble wall.

In addition, the easier-to-make siege hammer is also slowly advancing towards the city gate under the push of the soldiers. The top of this siege hammer is a wooden canopy covered with iron sheet. This canopy is not only used to defend the defenders. Arrows and falling rocks, its unique inverted V shape can also defend against the falling oil of the defenders and protect the vulnerable soldiers below. After arriving at the city gate, the sturdy door-breaking hammer under the roof only needed a few hits to destroy the wooden city gate of Ravana City.

After the siege equipment was pushed up, the siege scales and catapults in Richard’s army also stopped roaring, leaving only those archers and crossbowmen still shooting deadly arrows at the enemy on the wall, losing the catapult. The threatening garrison soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, but became nervous again. They looked at the tall siege towers slowly advancing, ignoring the arrows shot by the enemy, and hiding in the solid buildings under the rebuke of the officers. Behind the wall, they fired at the siege tower, but the sparse arrows they shot were bounced off after hitting the surface of the siege tower, and they could only make a clinking sound.

"Prepare to attack and burn the enemy's siege tower!"

Hiding behind the wall, Bandak commanded loudly, and the officer next to him rushed out of the wall and ran to the place where the oil cans were stacked, but the unextinguished flame directly told him the answer, so he braved from time to time. The flying arrow ran back, holding the helmet with one hand, half-kneeling on the ground, and said: "Your Majesty, the oil tank we placed on the city wall has just been hit by a fireball shot by the enemy, and all is lost."

"All lost?" Bandak almost spit out old blood. The only way he could think of to deal with these tall siege towers was to use fire attack, but now that the oil tanks containing kerosene have all been lost, he suddenly Is helpless.

"Damn it." At this point, Bandak could only grit his teeth and curse inwardly, and then ordered the officer: "Go and mobilize the soldiers on standby under the wall to enter the defensive position. Don't let Richard's army stand on the wall. Stand firm!"

"Understood, Your Majesty." The officer promised, and then got up and ran towards the stairwell of the tower, but he only ran out a few meters. An arrow suddenly penetrated his throat, and the unlucky officer ran forward with inertia. After taking a few steps, he fell to the ground, clutching the bleeding wound and began to struggle fiercely. He opened his mouth to say something, but the blood kept coming out of his opened mouth, only struggling for a while. , He lost his breath.

Bandak saw all this in his eyes. He almost crushed his steel teeth in anger. He raised his head and glanced at the archers who were struggling to shoot at the enemy. Before the guards could react, he rushed out to the stairs, halfway through. Several times the arrow passed by him, and he could even feel the cold wind brought by the arrow flying.


On the battlefield where arrows fly, not only is the contest between the archers of the two sides, the contest between the large crossbow machine on the offensive siege tower and the large crossbow machine equipped in the wall tower is also fierce~www.readwn. com~ Following the cover of the strong tower, the defenders’ large crossbow machines can unscrupulously shoot at the moving siege tower and the siege hammer. The extremely penetrating giant crossbow arrows they shoot can’t be lethal to the siege equipment. Damaged, but the large crossbow bolt can still penetrate the iron sheet on the surface of the siege tower, piercing the body of the soldier standing inside.

"Don't be nervous, God is with us."

In a moving siege tower, an officer was motivating the soldiers behind him, but shortly after his voice fell, a large crossbow smashed the iron and wooden boards on the surface of the siege tower, and then went away. Minus, directly penetrated the bodies of him and the soldiers behind him. The hapless soldiers were taken by the crossbow to fly out of the siege tower before they even had time to scream, and fell heavily to the ground from mid-air, becoming one. Beach mud.

Our soldiers were attacked, and the crossbow machine operators on the siege tower were not to be outdone. They immediately controlled a large crossbow machine to shoot at the tower, but the large crossbows they shot were unable to break through the tower’s defenses, causing damage to the enemies inside. harm.

Richard quickly discovered this situation, and he ordered the ceasefired siege scale and catapult to shoot at the tower.

Soon, the terrifying boulder roar sounded from the air on the battlefield again.

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