Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 147: Shelling

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"My king, this is the gathering place for refugees found by our cavalry."

Pointing to the camp established on the plain in the distance, the Winster Cavalry said to King Jutian in front of him.

"I didn't expect that there would be a gathering place for refugees." Zhu Tianan nodded, and then said to himself: "Why Richard would let the refugees gather here? Isn't he afraid that I will attack these refugees? "

Regarding Jutian's question, the cavalry lowered his head and dared not answer. He knew that this was not a question he could answer.

"Perhaps he thinks that soldiers trained in the refugee camp can use this crude wooden wall to protect the people inside." Bandak, who came by, took the conversation and replied, and then he pointed to the people who were gradually approaching the refugee camp. The army said with a smile: "King Jutian, these refugees belong to my kingdom of Ravana, let me deal with them."

"Please." Bandak voluntarily took over. Zhu Tianan had no reason to refuse. He nodded and opened his hands, saying that he had no opinion.

Seeing the other side's appearance, Bandak nodded, and together with the other side, he cast his sights on the refugee camp where the enemy was approaching and chaos began.

They didn't think that the army sent out to attack would fail. Even if Richard was beaten in the city of Lavana, Bandak's army would have no pressure to deal with these frail refugees.

Following their line of sight, Bandak’s army was getting closer and closer to the two or three-meter-high wooden wall. The militiamen in old armor screamed and ran on the wall. A few of them bowed. He draws arrows and shoots sporadic arrows at the enemy, but in the end they are still blocked by the shield. The Bandak Army’s archers immediately fought back. They stopped, drew a few arrows from the quiver, and inserted them into the soft ground. At the same time, they used their bows to draw arrows and directed them to the militiamen on the wooden wall under the command of the officer. shooting.

Compared with the sporadic arrows fired by the militiamen, their volleys are obviously more lethal. A round of black arrows soars into the air, stays in the air for only a few seconds, and then falls into the chaotic city wall, taking the running militiamen on the spot. Shooting over, the deadly iron arrow tore people's skin, blood gushing out from the wound, and soon stained the wall red, the screams of people echoed in the empty wooden wall, making the hearts of others lively.

How unbearable these militiamen are. Just a volley of arrows made their military turmoil, and the **** scene made several people with poor endurance sit on the ground and whispered in their mouths, which was obviously frightened. NS.

The Bandak Army archers outside the wooden wall did not expect that their volley would have such a good effect. They were also froze there. Taking advantage of their froze time, the melee infantry had reached the bottom of the wooden wall and climbed with bare hands. Get up-such a low wooden wall, they don't need any siege equipment to climb up.

Without the intervention of the militias, the infantry of the Bandak Army could easily climb up the city wall. They looked at the almost empty militia and the few scared stupid people, sneered with disdain, and cut off those few. The head of the scared soldier, without wiping off the blood stains on the sword, ran to the city gate quickly, opened the wooden door, and let the main force outside into the city.

Then there was a **** massacre.

Three days later, the siege came as scheduled.

After three days of equipment, the coalition forces used nearby trees to build a large number of simple ladders. In the dull sound of the offensive horn, the soldiers lifted the ladders and approached the city wall.

Behind them are the archers of the two armies. These archers are slowly walking along with their comrades in front of their followers. They are ready to shoot arrows at the defenders on the wall to cover their soldiers' advancement.

And in the direction of the Bandak army’s main attack, a scene of shock to the defenders appeared. In front of the advancing Bandak soldiers, there was a group of ragged refugees. They were driven towards the city wall by the soldiers, and the sound of pleading and crying echoed. In the entire battlefield.

Looking at this scene, every soldier on the wall looked at each other, not knowing whether to shoot or stop the attack.

Richard quickly heard the news. He looked at the refugees crying and being forced to advance, feeling a little at a loss. How did he not know the tactics of the Bandak Army? This move has a precedent on earth. Take a long way to go. When Mongolia is marching to the west, the Mongols will always drive the local residents to act as cannon fodder, let them walk in front as a meat shield when attacking the city, consume the arrows of the defending army, and also make the defending army hesitate. Undecided, I don't know whether to fight back.

In modern times, this kind of thing also happened. During the war of aggression against China, Japanese invaders drove the nearby civilians to advance to the position of the National Army. The crowd was also mixed with soldiers, and they used the flesh of the ordinary people as a cover when advancing. Shot a cold shot at the national army.

Whenever he saw this kind of example in his previous life, Richard would involuntarily take the place of the defender, thinking about how he should solve this problem, but in the end he could not find the answer. And now, he couldn't think of it anyway, he actually encountered this kind of thing.

When he was truly on the defender's side, he would no longer be as indecisive as in his previous life. What's more, the coerced civilians were refugees from other places and could not be a bargaining chip to threaten him.

"Order, shoot!"

Richard's cold voice sounded, and the surrounding soldiers acted in accordance with the order. They were systematically produced soldiers, and all were mainly Richard. They would not question His Majesty Caesar for the refugees who were irrelevant to them.

"Fire, shoot!"

With Richard's order, the personnel operating the artillery picked up the torch to light the arquebus at the end of the barrel. They had already completed the loading work before the enemy entered the range, so only a little aim was needed to fire and launch.


The moment the flame followed the arquette and came into contact with the gunpowder in the barrel, the shell flew out of the barrel with a deafening roar, tumbling and whistling into the crowd in mid-air, and the powerful force made this heavy solid iron ball fall into it. The crowd then smashed the body of the first soldier they came into contact with, and then plowed a blood path in the crowd with an unstoppable momentum. Wherever the solid iron ball went, UU read www. uukanshu.com are all fragmented human bodies, with stumps, broken arms and internal organs scattered on the ground at will.

This shelling was like a signal flare. The other artillery on the city wall immediately roared like thunder at the enemy, and solid iron **** pierced into the crowd with screams that tore the air. Any soldier who came in contact with it Shattered by a powerful force, there is no possibility of birth.

Against the first round of shelling in this world, the Bandak coalition's offensive was stagnant. Everyone stayed on the spot, looking at the **** road plowed by the artillery shells, with an expression of disbelief on their faces. , Not only them, but even the defenders on the city wall were shocked by the lethality of the artillery that they had dismissed before.

"This, this is the power of God!"

"Who are we fighting with? They actually have gods helping..."

Similar voices sounded one after another among the coalition forces. Every soldier associates this kind of thing in the direction of the gods. In fact, the sounds are thunderous and powerful, indeed like the legendary gods when they are angry!

Looking at all this, the corner of Richard's mouth rose slightly. He knew that this round of shelling would rewrite the future of this world.

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