Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 149: Tragic accident

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"Now that the enemy's main force is besieged outside the city of Belle Port, the city of Lavana should be weakly defensive. Perhaps we can send a navy to raided Lavana along the Fabrizi River to destroy the enemy's supplies."

Condela’s proposal made Richard a little heart-stirring, but he did not dare to directly order Sigurd to take the fleet out. In case the guy Bandak left a lot of soldiers on defense in his hometown, Sigurd would not. Just hit the wall.

"Your proposal is very good, but we must first understand the real guarding situation of Ravana City before we act. We cannot allow the Navy to have avoidable casualties." Richard said.

"The subordinate understands that this is just a suggestion from the subordinate, and you have the final decision."

Richard nodded, and then he summoned Sigurd to explain the situation with the admiral of the navy. The latter immediately agreed, claiming that he would send spies to investigate the guards of the city of Ravana in advance.


The next day, the siege war started again.

Out of fear of the mysterious weapons displayed by the defenders, the siege team did not put in a dense offensive formation, but adopted a loose formation. The advantage of this formation is that it can allow the defenders to shoot arrows and shells. The probability of hitting the target is greatly reduced. In this tense battlefield environment, it is impossible for the defending archers to calm down and aim at all-and the earliest artillery cannot achieve accurate aiming. When the artillery blasts, the landing point will be It all depends on God's arrangement wherever it is.

As a result, the long-range firepower of the defenders caused a significant drop in the casualties of coalition soldiers, but they soon changed their tactics, instead of staring at the running soldiers and shooting, they focused on attacking the ladders that were carried forward. However, This can only shoot and kill the soldiers carrying the ladder. Under the wall of Port Bell, there is still a ladder that was still stained with blood from the siege war yesterday!

"The archer shoots!"

"Rolling Stone is ready!"

"Fire oil! Fire oil! Bring the can of fire oil over!"

The shouts of the soldiers from the guards on the city wall were one after another. Except for the crossbowmen who continued to shoot at the enemy outside the city, many soldiers ran on the aisles. They carried various defense equipment or carried boxes of them. Wooden box with arrows.

Unlike them, there are some soldiers on the city wall quietly waiting for the enemy to climb up the city wall. These soldiers are wearing sophisticated armor and holding long, peculiar long tubes. They look at their expressionless faces under the iron helmets. There is no emotion.

Due to the extremely short range of early hand cannons, these hand artillerymen had to cope with the enemy's close hand-to-hand combat at any time. They wore sophisticated armor that had higher defenses than other soldiers in the army, and they also pulled out their waists in close combat. Sword or wield a heavy hand cannon to let the enemy see the power of a hand-to-hand shooter.

"The enemy is starting to climb the wall!"

Accompanied by the loud warning sounds of the defenders, a ladder was erected by the coalition forces on the surface of the city wall, and then countless coalition soldiers raised their shields above their heads and began to climb the city wall. The defenders who shot on their heads were unable to Inflict damage to the enemies under the strong shield, and if they have emerged from the battlements for too long, they may be shot by the archers of the siege party at any time.

"Quickly, throw the rolling stones and drive them off!"

The defenders shouted loudly, and then lifted a basketball-sized rolling stone from the wooden frame on the side, and slammed it heavily on the climbing enemy on the ladder, and the heavy stone slammed on the shield raised by the coalition soldiers. , Only shaking his shield for a few times had no effect. The soldier who climbed in the front just stopped in place for a second, and then continued to climb.

Seeing this, the defenders also launched a cruel attack. They picked up the shipped clay pot containing a certain liquid and smashed it down. The moment the clay pot hit the shield, it burst open with a clear cracking sound. The black viscous liquid inside splashed around and flowed down the ladder, and the climbing soldier curiously smelled the liquid flowing on his body, and his face changed drastically. He ignored the safety of his head and moved directly. He opened the shield and looked up. In his horrified gaze, the defending archer who leaned out of the city wall shot the burning rocket against the cloud ladder stained with black viscous liquid with a grinning face. In just two breaths, the fire broke out. Instantly swallowed the ladder and the soldiers climbing on it.


The soldiers who were still on the ladder were ignited by the flames. They let out heartbreaking screams and jumped down from the ladder. They fell into the crowd and overwhelmed several hapless soldiers, and the flames on his body were also touched. The surrounding soldiers seemed to have a chain reaction, and the surrounding soldiers were also ignited.

"Throw, keep throwing it to me!"

Seeing that the results of the kerosene were so outstanding, an empire veteran exclaimed excitedly. He also picked up a clay pot from the wooden frame where the kerosene cans were placed, and half of his body came out of the wall to smash it down. , But at this moment, a streamer flew in from mid-air and pierced his throat directly before he could react. Such an unlucky veteran could not make a scream. As soon as he loosened his hand, the clay pot fell to the ground and cracked. Then, the black viscous liquid also splashed on the wall, and his whole person even fell directly from the wall.

No one noticed the tragic experience of this veteran. His original position was quickly occupied by a Nordic archer. This Nordic archer crouched behind the wall and took the special arrow handed by his comrades. On the bowstring, he then said to his comrades: "Hurry up, let us burn the group of dogs outside the city to death!"

"Okay!" The comrade nodded, holding the torch to help the Nordic archer ignite the arrow of the special arrow, but he did not pay attention. A small spark fell from the torch inadvertently, and the small spark fell directly on On the corpse of the previously broken clay pot, the splashed kerosene was lit, and the fire burst instantly and swallowed the two hapless soldiers. They screamed and stood up, and they were about to run on the wall-full of them. In the time of fire, the most primitive instinct of mankind drove them to rush ~www.readwn.com~ to seek help from others.

"Help me, help me, ah ah ah—"

Two suddenly appeared fire men caused chaos in this section of the city wall. The soldiers evaded these two screaming comrades in horror. Everyone dared to step forward to help them put out the flames. At this moment, the enemy outside the city The archers started shooting, and the arrows they shot fell into this wall and killed many soldiers who had not had time to escape, and also shot and killed two poor soldiers who were running.

However, when the surrounding soldiers looked at the direction in which they fell, disaster was unavoidable!


A fireman who was shot fell directly onto the wooden frame containing the fire oil cans and gunpowder cans. His weight instantly crushed the fragile clay pots. The flames on his body reacted with the kerosene inside, and the fire was instantly ignited. , Directly swallowed the surrounding soldiers-also detonated the canister containing gunpowder!

The violent explosion made this section of the city wall tremble violently. The surrounding soldiers were either swallowed by the explosive flames or killed by the explosion fragments. Not only that, but the site where the explosion occurred began to collapse. Fortunately, the amount of detonated gunpowder was not very large Great, otherwise this section of the city wall will be directly trampled on!

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