Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 168: 3 Kings Battle (2 Kings Fall)

"Don't be defeated! We have nowhere to go! Hold on!"

Under the siege of Richard's army, the defeat of the coalition forces could not be changed, but Bandak and Jutian still tried their best to change the minds of the soldiers who had abandoned the lord and glory. They knew that they had failed in this battle, but even if they died, they had to maintain the dignity of their king.

At the time of the expedition, their army was extremely large, how majestic they were, but in the desperate situation, only the loyal and loyal guards of more than a hundred guards would accompany the king in the end.

"Defend the King! Defend the King!"

They shouted loudly and set a tight phalanx around the two kings to protect them. In front of them, the collapsed coalition army broke like a disc of sand, screaming desperately under the chase of Richard's soldiers. Fleeing in the direction that they believed to be safe, no one dared to resist the enemy pursuing them reflexively. They were all frightened and became despised cowards.

Over time, the number of casualties increased sharply, and the battle outside Arkham Manor turned into a **** massacre.

Those coalition soldiers who were overtaken by Richard’s cavalry had no power to fight back. They humiliated and killed them directly from the back. Some of them wanted to surrender, but the red-eyed Richard’s soldiers refused to give them at all. Opportunity, a backhand cut down the heads of the defeated soldiers who were kneeling on the ground with the intention of surrendering. More and more defeated soldiers were overtaken, and there were more and more corpses lying on the ground. Most of these corpses were fragmented, mixed with blood and water. Of meat spread all over the ground.

After a few years, this area must be the most fertile arable land.

"It's Bandak and Jutian! Surround them!"

"Brothers, as long as we catch them, we can enjoy the life of the nobles in the future!"

Finally, a large number of soldiers surrounded the area where Bandak and Jutian were. They shouted loudly and shouted at each other. They looked at the two distinguished kings as if they were looking at money bags, and their eyes almost bloomed. Bring out a dazzling light.

Looking at the Richard's soldiers with shining eyes, Bandak couldn't help but wonder if these soldiers were mad, and at the same time, he became more determined not to be captured. Once he fell into the hands of these mad soldiers, he might not know what to do. What humiliating treatment was received.


With the roar of the officers in the crowd, the morale of Richard's soldiers swarmed towards the phalanx formed by more than a hundred Janitors. Swords, spears, and battle axes continued to hit the shield wall, sending out endless waves. Absolute percussion. Facing the siege of a large number of enemies, these soldiers of the Janissary Guard looked firm and regarded death as home, which made the soldiers who fought with them admire them.

However, the phalanx formed by more than a hundred Imperial Guard soldiers was eventually broken. No matter how brave and elite soldiers were, they could not stop a large number of opponents, not to mention their opponents' combat effectiveness was not weak. Many soldiers' bodies have fallen on the periphery of the phalanx. Among them, there are soldiers from the Richards Army and soldiers from the Janissaries. Judging from the clothing, there are still more bodies of soldiers from the Richards Army.

At the end of the battle, there were less than ten soldiers fighting stubbornly beside Bandak and Jutian. The two kings had already joined the battle with swords and beheaded several enemies. Their magnificent armors were all destroyed. The blood was stained red, and a lot of blood was splashed on his face. Zhu Tian's helmet was nowhere to be found. His long blond hair was stuck to the skin of his face by blood, and he could no longer see the dignity of being a king.

Slowly, they found that the enemy they were fighting with was retreating. Bandak used his bloodshot eyes to look at the slowly retreating Richard's soldiers, but at a glance he saw Richard who was riding on the horses in the crowd-the slave A nephew who had guilty with himself when he first entered the kingdom.

Seeing these stubbornly resisting enemies, Richard’s handsome face did not show the slightest expression, but a trace of regret flashed in his eyes. He turned his gaze to Bandak and Jutian and slowly said: "Surrender, I will say The glory of the nobility swears that it will not hurt you."

"You are dreaming." Before Bandak could answer, Jutian roared, his eyes fixed on Richard and said: "Richard, I should have arrested you six years ago. , Thrown into the dark dungeon to rot and smell!"

"It's a pity you don't have that chance, Jutian." Richard was not irritated by his words, but said lightly: "This is just the beginning. I will let you watch me counterattack Winster and take back this. Should belong to my country-until then, you will spend the rest of your life in Gabriel Tower in Nord City!"

"Hehehe..." When he mentioned Gabriel Tower, Jutian's eyes lit up and he gave a miserable sneer. He looked at Richard, who was held by the stars of the soldiers with a mocking expression, and said: "Poor Richard, you don’t know yet, your mother, who was once Queen Mary, is now locked up by me on Gabefelta. Let me think about it, she might have been locked up for six years. ..."

Hearing Zhu Tianan's words~www.readwn.com~ Richard was shocked, looked at Zhu Tianan incredulously, and asked excitedly: "My mother is still alive?"

"Hahaha... Not only is she alive, but I've also been caught and abused from time to time, so that the men in the palace can enjoy the taste of the former queen. That taste, tut tut..."

Jutian was still triumphantly narrating the words he had made up on the spot to humiliate Richard. He didn't notice that the faces of Richard and Bandak beside him had become ugly. He had forgotten and stood beside him. 'S ally is Queen Mary's brother!

"You will pay the price, Juttian!" Richard's expression became more and more ugly. In the end, he couldn't bear it, and he let out a roar that contained monstrous anger. He pulled out the saber around his waist and pointed at the group surrounded by circles. Zhu Tian and several people, regardless of whether others are willing to surrender, roared: "Hand artillery, come forward and shoot!"

Following Richard's roar, a team of hand artillery soldiers in well-equipped armor walked out of the crowd. They looked at the muzzle of the hand cannon, Zhu Tian, ​​who was still talking about it, and Bandak and others on the side. Aiming at them, the next second, gunfire sounded, and several people surrounded by groups were shot and fell to the ground unwillingly.

However, the anger in Richard's heart was not extinguished. He pointed to Jutian's corpse, which was full of bullet holes and was still twitching, and said coldly: "Cut off his head, dismember the body, and chop it up. dog!"


Richard didn't know why he was so angry that he was so angry that he went out of shape on the spot. Later, he thought about it, maybe it was caused by the original owner's soul, which was still incomplete in his body. No one would be able to hold his breath when he knew his parents were treated like this. , In addition to the historically that his father was cooked into meat soup, Liu Bang, who can also laugh with others and eat his father's meat into meat soup.

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