Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 173: Regain Leon

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"Load ammunition, ready to siege!"

Peace cannot solve the problem, so use war to solve it. Following Richard's order, the 18 artillery pieces and 28 catapults with the army were pushed to the front of the army for loading.

Standing on the wall of the city, Flvio looked at these 46 (forgive me for being confused for not knowing what quantifier to use) siege equipment. As a lord of a country, he I have known from some way the mysterious weapons that Richard possessed, not only the horrifying muskets at the coronation ceremony of Stephanie, but also the sky thunder (artillery) and catapults that showed great power in the Battle of Arkham. .

"No...no..." Flvio's face was pale, his legs shuddering uncontrollably, he quickly shouted at the soldiers around him: "Spread, spread, don't stand together!"

As soon as his voice fell, the soldiers didn’t know what happened. The artillery outside the city was filled. Following the command of the officer, eight siege artillery and ten heavy siege artillery roared deafeningly. At the moment of the volley, the earth trembled and the sky turned pale!


The solid shells flying at high speed tore the air, and then hit the walls of Leon hard, or fell straight into the crowd, crushing the fragile flesh and blood into powder!

The moment the shell hit the city wall, this ancient city wall built a hundred years ago groaned in pain, and at the same time there was a violent tremor, and the unsuspecting soldiers on the city head fell to the ground.

"Is this the fabled end of the world!"

"Gosh, what kind of enemy are we fighting against?"

The defenders who suffered a round of shelling were terrified in their hearts. Everyone’s faces showed horror. They looked at each other and tried to get answers from their comrades, but they didn’t wait for others to give answers. Richard’s 16 units. The heavy stones thrown by the siege weighing vehicle and 12 catapults followed, whistling and rolling in the air, and then slammed heavily on the wall that had become devastated by the shelling.


In Fulvio’s horrified gaze, a heavy boulder accurately slammed into the crowd, and dozens of soldiers standing there were instantly annihilated. Whether it was an ordinary soldier who was swaying by air or an officer who was motivating his subordinates, they were all destroyed. The boulder was crushed without a trace, but looking closely at the bottom of the boulder, scarlet blood slowly flowed out.

"Run! Run! The enemy has the help of gods, we can't beat them anyway!"

In just the first round of bombardment, there was a rout in the defending army. He saw his comrades hit their upper body by high-speed artillery shells. Even the determined people would be shaken, not to mention that these were just ordinary civilians before the war broke out. Soldiers!

With the first person taking the lead, the defenders on the city wall learned a lot, threw down their weapons and fled screaming, ignoring the scolding of the surrounding officers-even some of the officers took the lead in fleeing!


Almost two hours later, Fulvio was caught in front of Richard by the five flowers. The nobleman who had led the army to intercept Richard’s seller and begged for glory, fell to the ground like a dead dog, praying to Richard. Mercy.

However, Richard did not intend to be merciful to let him go. For such a seller of honor, slowly rotting and smelling in the dirty dungeon was his only home.

Without wasting his tongue and lining up with Fulvio, Richard waved his hand to drag him down, and then led his army into the open city of Leon as a conqueror. On both sides of the city gate were the defenders who knelt on their knees and voluntarily surrendered. For these soldiers who voluntarily surrendered, Richard did not embarrass them. He just asked them to confiscate their weapons and equipment and sent them home on their own.

This is the first time Richard has entered the city of Lyon. This city is no different from other cities of this era, crowded buildings, narrow streets, sewage flowing across the ground, and the air is stinking. Riding a horse and walking on the street, Richard could feel the observation gaze shooting at him through the gaps in the doors and windows from time to time in the surrounding buildings. Most of these gazes contained curiosity.

Richard ignored them, and still led the guards along the street towards the center of the city. Leon’s City Lord’s Mansion was built in the center of the city, surrounded by a circle of aristocratic or merchant manor houses, and the outside was carrying It is a business district where the city's economy flows.

Said it is a commercial area, it is just a place where shops and markets gather. It is also crowded and dirty. Richard just glanced at it and lost interest and moved on.

Outside the City Lord’s Mansion, he finally saw things that interest him. In front of the city’s most luxurious City Lord’s Mansion, there was a row of people dressed in aristocratic costumes. There were old and young, but their faces All with expressions of awe.

When they saw Richard, they surrounded him, but were stopped by Richard's guard knights. They had to stand a few meters away and salute Richard together, and then one of the middle-aged men, who was obviously a representative, stepped forward. , Said respectfully: "His Royal Highness Richard, you are welcome to visit your loyal Leon City."

"You are?" Richard asked, pretending to be puzzled.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce it. The next person is Vadim, the patriarch of the Medina family. These people behind me are all nobles and members of the business house in the city of Leon." The middle-aged man who called himself Vadim finished the introduction and continued: "His Royal Highness Richard, I heard that you led your army to Leon. Those of us were originally going to open the city gate to welcome the king~www.readwn.com~ but we were frustrated by Fulvio’s obstruction. I can gather here to welcome you."

Listening to what he said, Richard smiled secretly in his heart, and he said it was nice, as for the truth of it, I'm afraid it can't help being investigated.

Although he was disdainful of his rhetoric, Richard still wanted to maintain his demeanor on his face, so he smiled and said in a friendly tone: "Dear Lord Vadim, I am moved by your nostalgic loyalty. When I lead my army to regain my kingdom, loyal people like you are indispensable."

"This is what every nobleman who has accepted the favor of the late King Alfonso must do." Vadim continued: "His Royal Highness Richard, as long as you wish, we can assist you in restoring the city of Leon. Rule."

"Sure enough." Richard thought to himself. He knew that the purpose of these people was to intervene in the high-level power in Leon City, but he did not expose it, but followed the other party's words and said: "I can accept your assistance. This is my honour. Our army needs to quickly restore the stability of the city after it regains the city of Leon. Please give full play to your abilities to stabilize the mood of the civilians for our army."

"This is our honor, Your Highness Richard." The crowd said in unison.

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