Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 277: Lie to the military

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"Marcos, what happened? You were actually defeated? Didn't the army of the Kingdom of Meganis follow you to meet the Winsters?"

Pintus led the siege camp of the Allied Forces outside the city of Tus, and learned that Prince Marcos had fled back in an embarrassed manner. The commander-in-chief King Titos and the two deputy commanders hurriedly went out to meet Marcos. The latter was already embarrassed. , No more energetic before setting off, he didn't know where he dropped his helmet, his armor was stained with mud and blood spots.

Listening to King Titos’ question, Prince Marcos’s face revealed a bitter look. He waved his hand and his tone was full of unwillingness: “Originally, our soldiers had surrounded the Winsters, but their cavalry suddenly He appeared from behind and cooperated with the infantry to launch an offensive against our army, and then our army began to rout."

"How many people are there in the enemy?" asked Malik, the deputy commander of the Kingdom of Pravia. Although the military commander of the kingdom who had led the army into the Kingdom of Rusino was defeated in the final battle, it was because of him. Military talent was appointed by King Nicholas II as the deputy commander to represent the kingdom.

"This..." When asked this question, Marcos suddenly hesitated, his eyes rolled around, thinking that if he stupidly told them that the enemy was only more than two thousand people, wouldn't he be ridiculed by these nobles? Will make one's face discredited-even if he had already lost some face because of the defeat.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind that he could not tell the truth, so he pretended to be angry and said: "Those **** scouts lied about the military, saying that they were only four to five thousand enemies, but in fact there were more than 8,000 people. , We only attacked one of them, and the nearby enemies would quickly support it. If we didn’t escape fast, I’m afraid they would all die on that battlefield!"

"What? There are more than 8,000 enemy troops?" Malik was shocked, and when he looked at each other, he saw a trace of horror in the eyes of the other two. The siege battles in the past few days have caused them heavy losses and weak military spirit. , I am afraid that the enemy reinforcements and the defenders in the city cannot withstand the front and back flanking attacks.

"What to do, Your Majesty King Titos." Palhatti, the deputy commander from the Kingdom of Dera, asked uneasily. The combatable soldiers of the coalition and how many people were there knew well. After Marcos was defeated, I am afraid that there are only 10,000 soldiers who can participate in the war. What is even more disturbing is that most of them are peasants who have just walked out of the farmland not long ago.

"I think it's better to retreat, sir." Marcos suggested that the Winster's combat effectiveness has left a psychological shadow on him. In the siege, there is no difference in the quality of the infantry between the two sides, because Wins The special person itself occupies the convenience of the city wall, and it is expected that the continuous defeat of the siege party is also expected. But the field battle was different. His army was twice as large as the opponent, but he couldn't attack for a long time. The knight who dragged him to the enemy defeated his own knight and rushed to support him.

"I'm afraid that when we retreat, the Winsters in Tuss city chased out, bit us, dragged us until their reinforcements came, and surrounded us." Malik said, this is not impossible. , Once it happens, it will be a fatal blow to the coalition forces.

"This is not a big deal." Palhati waved his hand. He gloomily glanced at the direction of the barracks, his speech was low, and said: "As long as a few troops are left to continue to surround the city of Tuz, let the enemy in Tuz city If there is no way out of the city to pursue it, we can retreat to a safe place smoothly."


Listening to Parhati's words, the others fell silent. They were surprised at Parhati's cruelty. Everyone knew that the soldiers who stayed to continue the siege would be annihilated by the reinforcements that came to cooperate with the defenders in the city, and almost none survived. possible.

"Uh..." After a while, King Titos broke the silence. His gaze swept across Parhati and said, "Although the proposal of Deputy Commander Parhati is a method, it is really true. It is against ethics, so let’s put it aside and let us think of other ways."

"Yes, yes." The other two quickly agreed, and then Malik suggested: "Let's let Prince Marcos go down to tidy up his appearance. After all, he can't maintain this appearance in front of everyone. This one It will arouse suspicion and anxiety among the soldiers."

"Well, Prince Marcos, you should change your clothes first, and then tidy up your appearance." King Titos also said, seeing this, Marcos did not refuse, but followed their words and walked towards him. tent.

After dozens of minutes, it seemed that Prince Marcos, who had been reborn, stood refreshed in front of the crowd. However, the commanders didn’t bother to look at his appearance. They were watching what happened on the siege battlefield. At that time, there was a sudden cheering on the wall, and when I fixed my eyes, the coalition soldiers attacked the wall again.

"Good job! Don't be repelled by the Winsters this time!" Malik yelled, his fists clenched and his face was full of excitement, but the battle did not proceed according to his thoughts. There was a series of gunshots. Later, the coalition soldiers who boarded the city wall were shot and killed by firearms, and then a corpse fell from the city wall and fell into the crowd below.

In their vision ~www.readwn.com~ a soldier in chain mail just climbed up the ladder and leaned out of the wall stack. Before he could jump into the wall, he was stabbed out by a spear. Through the body, the soldier immediately struggled violently, but it was of no use. The heavily armored sergeant who stabbed his spear directly threw his body back out of the wall and fell from the height of six or seven meters, even if it was not. If you die, you will be thrown to death.

This situation can be said to have been common in the siege battles of the past few days. Every day’s siege will kill hundreds of people on the siege team. The city wall turned into a **** blood wall, and it was this six or seven-meter-high marble city wall that evolved into a **** and cruel meat grinder under the guard of the First Army, and hanged all coalition soldiers who dared to attack the city. .


A low trumpet sounded from the coalition camp. Hearing this familiar trumpet, the soldiers in the siege turned around and evacuated back to the camp as if they were granted an amnesty, leaving behind a corpse on the ground. On the city wall, the soldiers of the First Army also breathed a sigh of relief. They put down their weapons and watched the enemy receding like a tide. They didn't feel much joy of winning because they were numb and didn't feel too much.

The joy of victory may have occurred after the previous repulsion of the enemy’s siege, but now they have been surrounded for more than half a month, and only the retreat of the enemy can arouse the emotions in their hearts.

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