Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 280: Surrender prince

"Congratulations on your great victory, Your Majesty!"

Walking on the battlefield full of corpses, Magnus, who was stained with blood, was accompanied by his side. Listening to his words, Richard smiled and said: "Magnus, you lead the heavy cavalry to break the coalition army, you stand up After the great work, after the war is over, I will reward you with the merits, so that you can get the rewards you deserve."

"This is what I should do, Your Majesty." Magnus said. Although he didn't say it clearly, Richard could still see the joy on his face.

"So, Magnus, how did our battle result this time." Richard chuckled and turned the topic to the outcome of this battle. Listening to Richard’s question, Magnus quickly said: "Your Majesty, in this battle we killed eighteen chain cavalry and three imperial knights, but killed 891 enemies and captured 4,000. Thirty-three people, one of whom claimed to be Prince Randall of the Duchy of Rogel, in addition to that, fifty-seven nobles who surrendered were held in solitary confinement."

"So many nobles?" Richard raised his brows, stopped his horse, and said: "According to the "Aristocratic Law", they are treated preferentially, but keep an eye on them. These nobles are all moving pockets."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Magnus immediately understood Richard's words. He, a native of the Middle Ages, knew the rules between nobles. Once these nobles were captured, they had to pay a sum. The ransom can regain freedom.

Richard nodded, and then said: "Those prisoners of war, take them back to the country and send them to the Arest Silver Mine to work, just replacing the miners and eliminating a fee."

"Understood." Magnus replied again, and just at this moment, Richard suddenly remembered the prince of the Rogle duchy he had just mentioned, and said: "What is that called, um...Randall? Yes, it's Randall. Bring that Prince Randall to me and let me meet him."

This time, without Magnus leaving, a general guard knight who had been following them took the initiative to leave the team and went to pick up the prince named Randall. After a few minutes, one was wearing a blue burqa. The young man who looked very embarrassed was brought over. Richard observed him for a while. The young man had long brown hair, but mud and sweat stuck to his skin, making him look very unbearable.

Standing in front of Richard, the young prince named Randall was a little hurried. He didn't dare to look directly at Richard. He only dared to look down at the blood-stained ground, and said nervously, "Dear Richard Your Majesty the King of Germany, congratulations on your victory."

"Prince Randall, don't be nervous, look up at me." Richard looked at him, with a smile on his face, and comforted: "Please don't worry, according to the "Noble Law", you will With the preferential treatment of our army, you can go home safely until the Duke of your country pays a suitable ransom."

Although he has always known this truth, Randall was relieved only when Richard said it himself, but when he thought of the treatment in China, his heart was not only clouded with dust. He plucked up the courage, wanted to put out all the thoughts in his heart, and looked up at Richard. Only then was he surprised to find that Richard's was even younger than himself, although his face was still a little immature, It exudes an oppressive majesty.

"Your Majesty." Landauer swallowed and said, "Although it is very sudden to say this, please accept the loyalty of a failed prince from the Duchy of Rogel."

"What?" Richard frowned and asked, "What do you mean, Prince Randall."

"You may not believe it. I was able to go out with the army this time. It was my father, that is, Grand Duke Rogel who wanted to take the opportunity to kill me on the battlefield, so he sent me to exercise my ability." Lan Doyle explained that his tone was a bit lonely, "Although I am the eldest son, my father prefers my younger brother, and has repeatedly expressed his intention to let my younger brother succeed. If the law of the principality is not the eldest son inheritance system If you do, there will be nothing to do, but because of the eldest son inheritance system, my father wants my brother to succeed, he must get rid of me, and the best way to get rid of me is to let me Die on the battlefield."

"..." Richard was silent. Although this kind of fatherly kindness and filial piety was often seen in film and television dramas and novels in his previous life, he was a little surprised when he really saw it. He thought about it and asked: "Then you How did you survive?"

This question is the key. Since his father wants to get rid of him on the battlefield, there is no reason why he is still alive from the start of the war to the present.

"Because they have never found a chance to start." Landauer said with a wry smile, "The coalition has never had the opportunity to fight with your army. The only frontal engagement only occurred during the siege of Tuz, but during the siege. I have not been on the front line, so they have no chance to start. However, they tried to take advantage of their mobile hand in the previous camp scream, but they were interrupted by the Swaczy army who came to suppress it."

"It's good luck." Richard sighed, but he still didn't dare to believe in Randall, so he went on to ask: "The last question, even if it is for my allegiance, I will not be able to ask you for your allegiance. Father revenge, will you still swear allegiance to me?"

"Your Majesty, I don't need you to stand up for me." Randal shook his head and said firmly: "I want to make my father and those who look down on me regret it with my own strength!"

Listening to his firm words, Richard was silent again. I don’t know if it was an illusion. He always felt that this prince was somewhat similar to his former self. The only difference was that he was avenging his own father, and Richard De is for the country's hatred and family hatred, revenge on Zhu Tianan.

As a result, a feeling of sympathy grew in his heart.

"I understand, Prince Randall." Richard said, listening to his words, Randall's eyes shone slightly, as if hope was born, and Richard did not let him down, only Richard. De thin lips lightly opened, and then said: "Although I will not attack Rogel Principality at present, I still accept your allegiance. I will let you stay by my side as my lieutenant, and you should also be in charge. During this period of time for the lieutenant to learn about unified military operations, wait until the time to apply this knowledge to reality."

"I... understand, Your Majesty!" Prince Randall said happily, seeing him as if he had won several million prizes, Richard smiled slightly and said: "Then, I will call you directly from now on. The name is, Randall, you go and clean it first. I hope to see a clean and tidy new lieutenant."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

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