Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 285: Battlefield of Delj

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"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Fort Balem, the capital of the Kingdom of Kolly, was already plunged into a sea of ​​cheers. The flag representing the Kingdom of Kolly and the Earl of Kolly was chopped off and fell on the ground, and was then swayed by countless pairs of muddy feet. Stepped on it, and quickly trampled on the original clean banner. At the original position of the flag, a black double-headed eagle flag with a yellow background was erected by several soldiers. This flag was fluttering in the wind, and the eagle on it seemed to be moving, looking down at everything on the ground.

thump. A headless corpse fell to the ground with blood pouring, and the scarlet blood continuously flowed out of the wound, which soon stained the ground red, and gathered together with the blood from other corpses to form a small stream. The soldier holding the sharp sword that caused all this didn't care. He threw away the blood stained from the sword, but Yu Guang saw a big figure, and he hurriedly stood and saluted and said hello. The person who was asked glanced at him and nodded. , This soldier seemed to have been ordered, and ran towards the city, participating in the battle to eliminate the remaining enemies.

"General, Fort Balem has been conquered. As long as we eliminate the remaining enemies in the city, we can completely control this city."

A voice rang from the headless corpse, and then the general's voice in his mouth floated over: "Herkeri, this is far from enough. We won't fight until the capital of the Kingdom of Cderj. Finish."

As the general’s voice sounded, his identity was also revealed. It turned out to be Toola Gris, the temporary commander of the Second Army appointed by Richard. The Danish general led the army after more than a month of siege, and finally conquered. In Fort Balem, the soldiers of the Second Army attacked the city. In order to vent their suppressed anger for more than a month, they carried out violent revenge against the defeated defenders and brutally killed every enemy.

"If our information is correct, then the defenders annihilated by our army at Balembaum are the main force of the Kingdom of Derj." The officer named Herkeri continued, "Lost the main force, the Derj people It is equivalent to a toothless lion. After repairing, our army can presumptuously capture the cities of the Derj people."

Hearing this, Toola Gris shook his head and said: "Don't underestimate the Delj people, I think, even if they lose their main force, they will mobilize more soldiers, even if the combat effectiveness of these soldiers is weak."

When he finished speaking, he changed his words again, and then categorically said: "After taking full control of Balem Fort, let the soldiers repair for two days, and then we will go directly to the capital of the Derj people. Don't give them time to mobilize the army!"


Toola Gris wanted to emulate Richard’s first War of Pravia. In that war, Richard directly conquered the capital of the Kingdom of Pravia and forced the king of the country to surrender. And got the most benefit. Although the army in Toola Gris’s hands does not have the assault ability of Richard, he can first carry out the siege, and then make people return to the station of the Second Army to transfer the 28 various sling equipment-the artillery. Although Wei is shocking, the catapult is also not inferior.

And just half an hour later, the enemies inside Balemburg were completely wiped out, and Earl Cooley, who was holding the Naiburg, was also captured by the soldiers. The nobleman who was determined to coexist and die with his own territory did not drink with the military commander of the kingdom. Sucking himself, but at the last moment he chose Congxin. Looking at the dead body and the enemy's dazzling sword, he silently put down his weapon, letting the rude soldiers surround him, and was pushed to meet the enemy commander.

Looking at Georgi, Earl of Curry, who looked a little disheartened, even though Toola Gris had disdain in his heart, he still maintained a fake smile on his face and said: "Dear Count Georgi, I It’s Toola Gris, the commander of the Second Army. I’m very happy to meet you in this situation. Please rest assured that we will treat you preferentially in accordance with the "Noble Law". As long as your family has paid enough ransom, you You can regain your freedom."

Listening to Toola Gris’s polite words, Count Georgy was itchy. He suppressed the anger in his heart, sneered, and said, "Hehehe, commander of the Winsters, all my property has become Your spoils and my family have all become your prisoners. Where do you ask us to pay the ransom?"

"This is not our problem, Count Georgi." Toola Gris was not affected either, and he said with a smile: "According to the provisions of the "Noble Law", you and your family can only pay enough The ransom can only be left, but if the ransom has not been paid, don’t blame us for disregarding your aristocratic status."

"What do you mean?" Georgi asked in a deep voice, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"It's impossible for us to spend money to support you and your family all the time." The smile on Toola Gris's face did not diminish, and he bluntly said: "If you can't pay enough ransom after the war, we will You and your family can only be sold to slave merchants in Nord City. Those greedy merchants will be willing to buy the women in your family..."

Too La Gris did not finish the rest of the words. He clicked to the end in time, but Georgi was obviously irritated by his words. The old noble's complexion was flushed red, like an angry lion. He roared: "People of Winster, this is a naked offense to the nobleman! This is a barbaric act!"

Toola Gris just shrugged ~www.readwn.com~ and did not speak, Herkeri beside him saw this, and quickly raised his hand to signal the soldiers behind the old nobleman to take him away, who was pushed by the soldiers. Leaving with his arm, he kept struggling, cursing Toola Gris in spite of his image, and placed the most vicious curse on him.

"If the curse can become a reality, then there is no need to start a war, and come to be more cruel than the curse set by someone." Toola Gris said disdainfully, making Hercules smile bitterly, he paused and organized After a bit of language, he said: "We can't take Georgi with him on the expedition. Bringing him will only add chaos to us. We should be escorted to Plange."

"I understand, Hercules." Toola Gris said. He stepped towards the inner fort in the middle of the town. Hercules and the guards hurriedly followed. As they walked, Toola Gris said: "I will ask a company of Nordic swordsmen to **** them to Prang, stop by Odellberg, and **** 28 catapults to join us."

"There is only one company I am afraid of being attacked midway." Hercule worried.

"This is not a problem." Toola Gris stopped, turned his head to look at Hercule, and smiled faintly: "As long as we deploy another Sword and Spear Militia Brigade."

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