Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 288: Binglin Dukang

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On April 30, 1115 of the mainland calendar, Charles led his army under the city of Cannes. After arriving outside the city, they immediately built a siege camp around the city. All those who wanted to escape from the city were forced back. But this At that time, the city wall had been slowly closed, shutting out these fleeing people.

Therefore, they could only stand in front of the city gate and begged the defenders to open the gate, but the defenders on the wall obviously would not overflow with sympathy. Looking at the aggressive enemy outside the city, they silently retracted their protruding heads. The crying outside the city turned a deaf ear.

The end of these people is doomed. They are either trapped in the open space between the city wall and the siege camp, or they are killed indiscriminately by soldiers in the siege, but no matter what the ending is, they cannot survive. NS.

At this moment, a young man in a white robe walked out of the Winster Army. He slowly approached under the gaze of the defending archer, and finally stood under the wall, his face was also watched by the defending army. Qing——This is clearly the envoy of Damian who has been to Winster a few days ago.

"Envoy Damian, how did you bring the Winsters back?"

On the wall, the newly appointed military commander asked loudly. As soon as his voice fell, Damian took over his words and said: "Bernhard, the negotiations have broken down, and the Winsters detained me in the army. In, let me come back now. Open the city gate quickly, I have something to report to His Majesty the King!"

"We can't trust you, Damian." said the new military commander named Bernhard. "Because you never came back, Pablo said you betrayed us and took refuge in the Winsters, so His Majesty the King was angry. Your family will be expelled from the country and all your property will be confiscated."

"What?" Damian was stunned. He looked at the archer aiming at him on the city wall, and suddenly felt relieved. No wonder he revealed his identity. These soldiers did not lift their aim. It turned out that he was in their eyes. Has become a traitor.

Pablo has been hostile to him since he was in the Republic of Cunha, and it is not unexpected for him to frame him now. Damian took a deep breath and said, "Bernhard, my good friend, you tell me where my family was deported?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know, Damian." Bernhard said, he sighed, and said: "Come on, get out of here before I change my mind, or I will order the shooting."

"Then I'm going, Bernhard, good luck." Damian said, turning around and ran in the direction he had come, without looking back, because he knew that Bernhard's threat was not groundless. They might actually shoot.

On the other side, watching Damian approaching, Toola Gris showed an elusive smile on his face. He touched Hercules next to him and said: "I dare to bet you five silver marks , He was definitely driven back."

"Then I bet you, he will come back and join us." Hercule said, seeing a trace of puzzlement on Toola Gris's face, he explained: "If he is driven back, in addition to running to our army, Where can I go?"

"It's not fair." Toola Gris cried out with some dissatisfaction, "I feel that five silver marks are leaving me."

"Hahaha, I am here to thank you in advance for your five silver marks." Hercule said with some pride, but the reality soon slapped him heavily, because after Damian came back, there was no He offered to defect to them, but expressed that he wanted to leave the Kingdom of Derj.

At this moment, Hercules could not sit still. He ignored Toola Gris’s joking smile and hurriedly asked Damian the reason. The latter didn’t want to say it, but he was in the enemy’s camp and surrounded by others. The bright blade can only briefly explain the reason.

Toola Gris obviously didn’t care about his reasons. He just waved his hand and said, “You can go as long as you want to go. As long as you don’t behave against our army, you can be free on the land of the Kingdom of Derj. walk."

"Thank you for your permission, dear General Toola Gris." Damian said thankfully. Although Herkery on the side did not raise any objections, the reluctance on his face was almost directly written.

Damian quickly left the siege camp. He didn’t take anything with him when he left. Too La Gris felt that it was inappropriate and was handed him a dagger to defend himself. Damian did not refuse, but Thanks for accepting, and then left under the watchful eyes of the two officers and soldiers.

After he left, Toola Gris smiled again. He reached out to Hercules and made a beg, saying: "My dear Hercules, I seem to hear you The five silver marks in the purse are calling my name."

"Damn it, Toola Gris, you're lucky this time, but you won't necessarily win next time." As Herculi said, he drew out five pieces of very new silver from his pocket. Mark threw it to Toola Gris, who took the silver coins, counted them, and put them back in his pocket with satisfaction.

"Herkery, believe me, no matter what the bet, I will win." He said triumphantly, the smile on his face couldn't be covered up anyway, and at this moment, a soldier ran over quickly, half Kneeling on the ground, he reported to them: "General, there is an envoy from Dukang. He claims to be the chief of foreign affairs of the Kingdom of Derj and wants to see you."

"The Diplomatic Director of the Derj?" Toola Gris put away the smile on his face when he heard the words, looked at Hercules, and then said to the soldier: "Go and bring him here."

After the soldiers left, the two chief officers took the opportunity to discuss ~www.readwn.com~Herkeley said: "I think it is a messenger who wants to negotiate with us again."

"This is certain, maybe the conditions will be more generous than the conditions put forward by Damian."

Hercule said again: "I'm afraid I can't help but agree to their terms."

"Then think about the Ramirez people. Thinking of their capriciousness can wake up." Toola Gris said coldly, "No matter what conditions the Deljians put forward, we will not accept it. We must cut weeds and roots."

"It's easy to fight down, and it's difficult to comfort the residents here." Hercule said with emotion, "I'm afraid that the local residents will oppose the rule of the heretics who believe in Christ, and often engage in riots, just like those from the desert. The black-robed man who came out."

Listening to the feelings of his friend, Toola Gris smiled slightly and said: "Among the heretics we have come into contact with, no one who believes in God has appeared yet. Even if it does, I think His Majesty Caesar's new Teutonic The Knights will not be soft on these pagans either."

"You know, when the Teutonic Knights treat infidels, they are no more merciful than the Inquisition of the Holy See."

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