Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 291: Conquer the walls

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"Shoot! Shoot!"

Whoosh whoosh—

The black arrow rain flew from the city wall, flew at high speed in mid-air, and then fell into the running second legion. However, it is a bit reluctant to say that this is arrow rain, because the arrows shot in this round are sparse and hit. The shields raised by the soldiers were weak and weak, bounced off and fell to the ground after making a clinking metal crash.

Immediately afterwards, the crossbow militiamen of the Second Army and the Nordic archers fought back. The fourteen lightly armed long-range companies poured dense arrows onto the city wall under the cover of friendly forces. Although the wall stacks blocked most of the arrows for the defenders, There were still some unlucky soldiers who were shot and fell into a pool of blood and wailed miserably, making the surrounding soldiers even more unwilling to fight.

"After the suspension bridge falls, rush out, remember, God is with us!"

On a siege tower close to the city wall, an officer cheered on the trembling soldiers behind him. He then retracted his head and put the shield in front of his chest, his eyes fixed on the figure of the enemy that can be seen outside the gap of the suspension bridge. , About a minute later, the suspension bridge crashed down under the operation of the operator at the top of the siege tower, and hit the wall stacks heavily. Then, the officer rushed out with a roar, and several arrows and javelins flew towards the falling suspension bridge. After going over, he tried to charge in a short stature, avoiding the flying threat. However, the soldiers behind him failed to escape. The blood stained the surroundings red, and his broken head corpse was still twitching slightly.

The officer had no time to take care of what happened behind him. With a kick on his back, he jumped up and threw a soldier inside the city wall down. Before the people around him could react, the sharp sword in his hand had already cut off his body. The soldier's throat, blood flowed from the broken throat like a fountain, and the soldier gradually lost his vitality.

Just as he killed a soldier, several more soldiers jumped from the suspension bridge and fought with the defenders. These Nordic swordsmen equipped with bucklers and long swords appeared to be able to do well in the battle. During the battle, a defender slammed a spear into the face of the Nordic swordsman, but was dodged by the latter. The defender couldn't control his strength for a while and fell out. The Nordic swordsman immediately kicked the man. The defender’s waist kicked him over, and then the swordsman stepped forward, and a shield hit the defender’s face with a heavy blow. During the violent impact, blood spurted from the broken nasal bone and screamed. When it sounded, the Nordic swordsman did not stop attacking. He thrust the long sword in his hand into the enemy's chest forcefully, ending the enemy's pain.

"Heavenly Father is with us!"

The Nordic swordsman held up his blood-stained sword and shouted at his surrounding comrades. However, at this moment, an enemy took the opportunity to sneak and stabbed the sword into his ribs. The Nordic swordsman screamed and fell to the ground. Looking at the attacker with red eyes, before making a counterattack, a spear pierced out like lightning, pierced through his open mouth, and pierced his entire head. Between the spurts of blood, there was a living soul. Return to heaven!

At the same time, on the other side of the city wall, a siege tower just lowered the suspension bridge. Before the soldiers inside rushed out, a large number of arrows and javelins were thrown out. The soldiers inside were killed instantly, and blood quickly flowed over here. On the first floor, but soon soldiers climbed up and rushed out of the suspension bridge with their shields. They shouted loudly and felt heartache for the tragic death of their comrades.

At the same time, under the city wall, the siege hammer, which had never existed before, was also pushed by the soldiers to reach the city gate. These naked soldiers pushed forward the siege hammer with claw horns, and hit hard. The iron-clad city gate, after an impact, the city gate groaned in pain, and the dust accumulated all the year round was scattered.

Naturally, the defenders on the city wall would not watch the siege hammer hit the city gate wantonly. They hid in the tower above the city gate and threw a piece of stone into the hole that directly led to the city wall. The stone fell from the sky along the hole and hit the attack The roof of the city hammer was bounced off by the inclined roof and fell to the sides, unable to cause any harm to the soldiers underneath.

Upon seeing this, the defending officer gave an order, and a can of kerosene was poured into the cave. The black viscous liquid was poured directly on the ceiling of the siege hammer, and a pungent, strong smell instantly filled the doorway. Some veterans reacted quickly, their expressions changed drastically, and they just wanted to call out to remind others that only a few burning fireballs fell from the sky and hit the ceiling. In a short time, the fire slammed up and the siege hammer was swallowed violently. The doorway was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and the soldiers inside either died on the spot, or screamed out of the doorway full of fire. The intense high temperature even made the defenders on the city door feel the soles of their feet hot.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the soldiers who almost turned into fire men screamed and rushed out of the doorway, they only ran a few steps before they fell to the ground, letting the flames swallow his flesh without moving, Toola Gris was furious and thought He drew his sword and took part in the battle himself, but Hercules quickly grabbed him and persuaded him: "The defenders on the wall are obviously weak. As long as we wait a while, we can occupy the wall."

"Okay." Toola Gris nodded and said, "Send another team to attack the city wall. I don't want to waste time here."

As soon as he finished speaking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to be to confirm Hercules' words. Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers on the wall. The two of them looked at it and saw the flag of the Kingdom of Delj flying on the wall. Being cut off by a soldier, the flag fell from the wall together with the flagpole. Then, other soldiers held high the yellow double-headed eagle flag on the black background and placed it in front of the enemy's flag—this is a symbol of victory.

The flag was placed on the city wall and immediately encouraged the other soldiers who were still fighting. Their morale was high and the more courageous in the Vietnam War, the enemy defending soldiers had to lose streak and retreat, and they were quickly defeated across the board.

It is worth mentioning that perhaps it is to avenge the friendly forces buried in the fire at the gate. The Nordic swordsmen quickly surrounded the tower at the top of the gate and blocked the way of the defenders who were about to escape. Then, they I turned a deaf ear to these defenders' begging for mercy, and slaughtered all the creatures in it expressionlessly, and the smell of blood permeated the entire tower.

After the city wall was lost, the soldiers guarding the city gate only resisted for a while and fled in embarrassment. They knew in their hearts that there were not many defenders in Dukang City. Loss, the enemy can drive straight ahead without such a big obstacle.

Even the soldiers at the bottom know this reality, and the nobles in the Poncio Palace naturally understand it. However, they are unwilling to give up their inheritance, so they choose to insist on resisting.

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