Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 301: Regain Abadran

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While Seplin and his soldiers were eating the dark dishes cooked by the farmer’s family, in Abadlan, an army with a black yellow double-headed eagle banner mightily walk along the pavement. The road enters this already-occupied kingdom. The number of this army is about 4,200. Its commander is impressively shortly after conquering the Kingdom of Delj, and was ordered to go south to assist the Danish commander Toola Gris on the battlefield of Ramirez. .

I forgot to mention that on the way he came, he received a commendation order from Richard. In the letter, Richard had promised to canonize him as the lord of Dukang and Ganyue. His deputy commander Helk Li will also be canonized as the Earl of the Curryland-even Richard promised that if Toola Gris can conquer the kingdom of Ramirez in one fell swoop, he will be directly canonized as the Duke of Delj and become The first duke of the entire kingdom!

With Richard’s promise, Toola Gris was eager to try. He ordered the army to speed up the march. In less than half a month, he marched along the convenient pavement road in the kingdom to Lu Wenling, and Mark After the meeting with Count Similia, he also learned about the current situation and had a preliminary estimate of the military power of the Kingdom of Ramirez in his heart.

The Ramirez people no longer have many soldiers to fight. This is undoubtedly a matter. The explosive forces five years ago have made the kingdom of Ramirez have not been able to recover its manpower until now, even if this war is exhausted. The country’s last strength is no longer capable of recruiting soldiers to deal with the Winster’s offensive—no, it’s a bit absolute to say this. After Croft recaptured the Abadlan collar, this territory can bring him. Some conscripts were contingent. If Croft gritted his teeth to increase the conscription, it would be barely possible to pull up the brigade, but the loyalty of the Abadran conscripts has yet to be verified.

Therefore, our new Earl Toola Gris is very confident about whether he can conquer the kingdom of Ramirez in one fell swoop. After all, he has more than 4,000 elite Second Legion soldiers in his hands.

On the other side, King Croft and his nobles who retreated to Abadland also learned of the arrival of the Winster reinforcements. Although they don’t know how many of these reinforcements will be, they think of the terrible enemy. The usurper’s heart still trembled. He had a hunch that this batch of reinforcements was definitely not the one he had fought outside Luwen City before. The combat power of that group of soldiers was different from that of the soldiers in his army. Not much, not even worthy to carry shoes for the Ravana army who defeated his father in Luwen Plain five years ago. If the new batch of reinforcements are at the level of five years ago, this battle can basically be eliminated. Given the current shortage of major generals in the kingdom, it cannot be resisted at all.

Looking around, there are only poor soldiers in Abadran in their early 1,000s, and the combined knight and cavalry units are only close to 200 horses. It is no exaggeration to say that his army is under his command. Among them, the only ones with the most combat effectiveness are the king's guards and some noble private soldiers, as well as the 91 knights and 103 cavalry.

When King Croft and his nobles were arguing about whether to withdraw to the city of Yakik, a new military situation was placed in front of them: the number of this new group of enemy troops was about four thousand, and the army was mixed. A lot of elite heavy cavalry and light cavalry.

When this military situation was placed in front of them, everyone closed their mouths, stared at each other, and was silent for a long time before someone finally suffocated a sentence, breaking the weird peace: "So, we are Shouldn't we retreat right away?"

As soon as his voice fell, the scene fell silent again. After a while, King Croft opened his mouth and barely popped out a word: "...Retreat."

"Yes, my king." The crowd responded in unison, and there was a sense of relief in their words, which could be clearly heard by others.

Immediately afterwards, the order to withdraw troops quickly spread throughout the barracks, and the soldiers also learned from various channels that the enemy forces that were several times theirs were approaching Abadran. They also became nervous and used the fastest time to personalize themselves. He packed up his belongings, and then fled the city in a hurry.

Croft obviously did not deliberately block the news. During the withdrawal of the army, the residents of the city also learned more or less about the existence of Toola Gris and his army, so they all nervously packed up their homes. Finances, I want to escape the city by the enemy before they come down-no wonder they want to escape. No one knows what the Winsters will do to the city that betrayed them. .

The next day, when even the poor people began to hesitate to run away, Toola Gris and his Second Army approached the city, looking at the city with the flag of the Kingdom of Ramirez, Toola Gris’s. With a look of disgust in his eyes, the city fell into the wind five years ago when Richard counterattacked, and abandoned his old master as Richard’s dog. Five years later, a new war broke out and the city once again. Being a traitor, he has no doubt that surrender is the "glorious tradition" of this city.

He vowed that if the city dared to resist his army, he would not show mercy after the city was broken, and would generously let his soldiers plunder the city for several days.

However, the city did not let him down~www.readwn.com~ Faced with the underwhelming Winsters, Abadlan once again cowardly chose to surrender. The timid citizens opened the closed gates. Let the army of the kingdom they were loyal to enter this city without a garrison.

Toola Gris regained the city without blood. Most of the rich people in the city fled to the capital of Yakike with King Croft’s army. Only a group of poor and reluctant to take it with him were left behind. It's just the rich in the industry.

Oh, it’s worth mentioning that when the Legion took over the City Lord’s Mansion, they found the imprisoned former lord Pabala and his eldest son Alek in the dirty dungeon. The father and son were embarrassed and hungry. He was thin, with prominent cheekbones, and apathetic. When he saw the soldiers of the Second Legion who broke into the dungeon, he didn't react at all. He thought that King Croft was finally going to order them to be executed.

When the soldiers reported their findings to Toola Gris, the latter just gave a faint sigh, and waved his hand, as if driving away flies, with disgust in his tone, and said, "Bring them here. Buried alive in a place, this kind of waste is of no use to us, it can only waste our army's food."

"Yes." The reporting soldier promised, and then took a few people and dragged the hungry father and son out of the dungeon, dug a hole in the garden of the city lord's mansion, and buried them alive.

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