Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 306: Assassinate

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"What are you doing? Rexiding!"

All the sharp daggers pierced into Count Ferreira’s body. The latter looked at King Croft who pushed him to the dagger with an expression of disbelief. The king he was loyal to was just as roaring with the same head. The lion yelled and asked the owner of the short sword in his body.


Count Ferreira supported the body of the nobleman in front of him, slowly knelt down, making a dull sound, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, his throat moved, and more blood flowed out, called Rexi Ding’s nobleman drew the dagger from his body, then pushed Ferreira away, shook the sword flower to dry the blood on it, sneered at King Croft, and said: "Croft , You despicable usurper, you have re-substituted your kingdom into the vortex of war, and you are no longer worthy to be the king of the Ramirez!"

"You are a despicable rebellion!" Croft roared, and he pointed at himself, and said: "I have the blood of the Ramirez royal family in my body. I am the only legal ruler of the kingdom. What do you have? Qualified against!"

Just as Residdin was about to take the conversation, the nobleman who rushed over behind him interrupted him and said, "Residdin, don't talk nonsense with this **** usurper, go on, kill him!"

"Yes, kill him! We want to avenge Prince Gaia!"

"Vengeance for Gaia?" Croft sneered and said disdainfully: "Gaia died in my dungeon four years ago. Why didn't you jump out to avenge him at that time?"

"No need to say more, come on."

Rexidin did not answer, he rushed to Croft first, stabbing the viper-like sword at the usurper, but the latter had been prepared and had to avoid it, but years of pampering made him slow. , Still failed to dodge, abruptly struck Residdin with a sword, and then, Residdin slammed him away, and the attack of the two nobles who followed followed, with a sword in Croft. His waist was heavily slashed, and a sword opened directly in his throat. Blood spewed out in an instant. Croft painfully covered the wound on his throat, stumbled back several steps, and then stumbled back several steps. Staggering and falling down the stairs of his throne, Croft struggled to climb to his throne, only barely climbed two stairs, and closed his eyes forever.

"Croft is dead! The usurper is dead!"

A minute later, cheers came from the main hall and echoed above the Misotenet Palace. As the news of the king’s death came out, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard who heard the news slowly stopped and stood in the original position. The land is at a loss.

And Residdin and his comrades walked out of the main hall with the cut off Croft's head. They stood outside the gate of the main hall, looking at the soldiers of the imperial army under the stairs, Residdin He lifted the head of the usurper high and shouted: "The usurper Croft is dead. There is no need for this war to continue. Starting tomorrow, we will send the Winsters outside the city. Messengers of peace, we must not pay our lives for the wrong war initiated by the usurper!"

After he finished speaking, the scene was silent for a long time. Just as Residdin’s heart began to play drums, the Janissaries cheered loudly. They didn’t have much loyalty to Croft, and they didn’t want to be trapped alive. In this city.


The next day, news of the king’s assassination swept across the city like a whirlwind. Residents were all talking about the palace coup last night. Their eyes were full of anxiety. Even the noble king would be assassinated to death. So what is the future of this country?

The haze of the king’s assassination also concealed the contradiction between the local faction and the foreign faction. No one paid attention to this ridiculous contradiction anymore. Both the local faction and the foreign faction all flocked to the inner palace of Misot and blocked it outside the palace wall. , Demanding the assurance of the ruler, but the Residdin party who initiated the coup is arguing over who will be the ruler of the new kingdom, and has no time to take care of the lowly civilians outside.

In the main hall of the Misot Inner Palace, the blood of yesterday’s assassination has long been cleaned up. The nobles in the palace have been summoned and presided over by Residdin to discuss whether to choose the capable nobles to inherit the throne or to choose the surviving royal family members. Because it was Rexidin who came forward to assassinate the usurper Croft, most nobles chose to push him to the throne of the king, but many people remained opposed.

While arguing in the meeting place, a nobleman suddenly rushed out of the crowd and rushed to Residin's body through the chaos. Before he could react, he thrust a sword into Residin’s heart and pulled out forcefully. , Blood spewed out along the wound, and quickly dyed Rexidin's white robe. The meeting place fell into panic instantly, and the soldiers who remained inside caught the murderer who had no intention to escape for the first time.

The news of Residdin’s assassination spread again, making the civilians gathered outside the Misot inner palace even more panic. At this moment, the bombardment of Winster’s army outside the city began, with 28 black tail flames. The fireball flew at high speed in the air, rolling towards the city, just like the end of the world. When the fireball appeared, the harsh warning bell sounded over the entire city. The civilians gathered outside the palace wall heard it and coincided with each other. Made a unanimous response-turned and ran away, screaming in surprise.

When the enemy outside the city replaced the fireball, the damage to the city became more serious. The tumbling fireball falling from the sky can not only penetrate the wall of the building like a stone bullet after hitting the building~www.readwn. com~ can also ignite all the combustibles around, causing a terrifying fire.

In the roaring air, a fireball with a black tail flame hit the tower of a building head-on. The next second, the tower collapsed, burying the civilians in the street below, and the screams of horror were abrupt. It stopped and returned to calm, but screams from other places soon came, and the hustle and bustle was restored.

"Run! Run!"

In the chaotic streets, a large number of civilians rushed in a hurry, with fireballs falling down above their heads. These people were all regretting why they were uncomfortable staying at home and wanted to go to the Misote Inner Palace to join in the fun, but then, the fireball fell and smashed. Entering the crowd, smashed the civilians at the landing place into mud, the fireball did not stop, but bounced away under force, rolling out a **** path in the crowd, and everyone who touched along the way screamed. The flame quickly spread to the whole body within a few seconds of touching them, consuming people's lives wantonly.

On the city wall, the soldiers were already numb to this. They watched with expressionless firearms flying over their heads and flying into the city, indifferent. If they were still angry about it at first, then the number of encounters would be long. , There is no mood swings.

Until the news of the assassination of the king and the assassination of Residdin reached their ears.

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