Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 314: Battle of the Ice Lake

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"The two sides engaged in the battle, and immediately began a life-threatening fight... The sound of swords chopping through the battlefield, many soldiers died here, their blood almost stained the ice.-"The History of the Kingdom of Meganis" on the mainland A description of the Battle of Lake Ronnie in 1116"


"Guards of the kingdom, today will be the day to speak with swords and spears, but please sharpen them."

On December 8, 1116 of the Continental Calendar, on the side of Ronnie Lake in Malafa, the Kingdom of Miganis, Winster’s army was already lined up. The body of the former commander-in-chief Randall Rogel, while the latter is holding a sharp sword, inspiring his subordinates.

"Even though the enemy is armed with a sharp blade, they lack courage in their hearts and will be defeated! Take a look at their army! Most of them are humble farmers who have just taken up their weapons and walked out of the farmland, and we are all experienced The elites of the warring kingdoms, we can easily defeat them!"

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"God and Our Lady are condemning them because their souls are really too dirty. Don't think that ending their lives is an evil deed. This is actually fulfilling your most sacred duty and sending them to hell! For the sake of God and Our Lady, our army will win!!!"

"Sure victory! Sure victory! Sure victory!"

"Now, attack!"


As soon as Randall’s voice fell, the army sounded a low offensive horn. Then, the phalanx of companies as a unit moved forward slowly, and the civilian archers in the army lined up in a loose formation and rushed in front of the army. , Intends to attack the enemy first. And while the civilian archers were moving, the Miganis army, following Robert's order, the archers recruited from the mountains and forests stood in the forefront and used their bows to draw the arrows, only waiting for the enemy to enter the firing range. shooting.

The battle between the two armies started with the archers.

The sparse rain of arrows flew out from the side of the Miganis army. These archers recruited from the forest did not experience long military training. They could only shoot at the enemy with their own experience, but even In this way, the accuracy of their shooting is still higher than that of civilian archers who rely on firepower to cover. When the rain of arrows they shoot fell, many of the civilian archers fell to the ground with their arrows, and blood was sprayed from the wounds and spilled. On the white ice, it looks as coquettish as plum blossoms.


The civilian archers' counterattack came very quickly. After standing firm, these archers recruited from the civilians as the name suggests drew arrows from the quiver, set up bows to draw the arrows, and released them as the officers roared loudly. The bowstring sends deadly arrows into the air. The black arrow rain rose into the air. Although it did not cover the sky and the sun, it still made people tremble. The arrow rain drew an arc in mid-air and fell into the crowd. The military archer shoots over.

For a while, the archers of both sides came and went, and the arrows crossed each other over the ice lake. Every time they fell, one of the soldiers wailed and fell down. The blood flowing from their wounds stained the ice underneath. In such cold weather, too much blood will die faster.

After a few rounds of shooting, the Miganis archers had to retreat. Although their individual accuracy was higher, the number of civilian archers was more, and the arrow rain they shot was more intensive. They were also unable to resist and could only be embarrassed. The corpse dropped to the ground and withdrew into the army. At this moment, the Sergeant Spear had already ran to a distance of less than fifty meters, but they were obviously a little embarrassed. The smooth ice surface disorganized their formation and could barely maintain the current speed.

"Selius, you led the chain cavalry to charge from the flanks, and cooperated with the infantry to defeat them in one fell swoop!"

Randall, who was in the rear army, couldn't stand it anymore. He ordered the commander of the chain cavalry brigade next to him. The latter immediately agreed and shouted the cavalry under his command and rushed out, although they usually did not pay attention to Randall. , But at this time still faithfully obey the other's orders.

Seeing the heavy cavalry in the battalion, Katlin and Robert felt tight, but they still focused on the front battlefield. When the enemy infantry rushed to a position less than 20 meters away from the defense line, the order to retreat was passed. Throughout the entire army, the Miganis soldiers at the forefront were taken aback for a moment, and then quickly turned and retreated. They were wearing light armor, walking flat on the ice, and quickly opened their distance.

"Damn coward, how did you run away?" the brigade commander in the phalanx shouted angrily. He immediately raised his sword and shouted at the soldiers behind him: "Catch them! I'm going to chop off their heads for the ball. Kick!"


The soldiers shouted to speed up their pace and wanted to chase, but some of them did not control their balance and immediately slipped. Their fall brought down the comrades behind them as well. In just a few seconds, there was a soldier's tip. Shouting to fall on the smooth ice, they struggled to get up, but they were interrupted by other struggling soldiers. The scene was chaotic.

And just at this moment, the miganis army that had fled began to turn around, taking advantage of this moment, roaring and rushing up to fight the chaotic spear sergeant. The soldiers who were still on the ground were powerless to resist, and could only be humiliatedly killed on the ground, while the other soldiers who had not fallen hurriedly set up their shields to meet them, with no formation at all.

Randall in the crowd was very anxious looking at all this, but he was helpless. When he glanced at the running chain cavalry brigade, he was shocked and wanted to send someone to stop Celius from continuing to act. ——Even the infantry can slip and fall, let alone the heavier heavy cavalry!

However, Randall's idea of ​​stopping did not pass through Celius's mind. He looked at the infantry in the melee, gritted his teeth, raised his sword high, and shouted: "Speed ​​up, save our comrades!"


The three hundred heavy cavalry immediately rushed onto the ice. The momentum of their running almost made the ice tremble. What was more trembling was the ice layer under the horses' hoofs. In the deafening sound of horses' hoofs, there was also a khaka-no. No one heard the wonderful cracking sound, because their attention all hit the chaotic battlefield!


In the next second, the ice layer suddenly shattered. Although the fragile ice layer could withstand the melee of soldiers on it, it could not withstand the simultaneous running of the brigade cavalry. Celius just felt the air under him, and the horse neighed and fell into the cracked ice. The cold and biting lake water immediately poured into his armor~www.readwn.com~ It made him feel that the heat of his whole body was all over. Swallowing, not only Celius, but also the heavy cavalry running around him fell into the lake. They struggled to return to the ice, but their heavy armor dragged them to prevent them from going back. After struggling for a few minutes, these The knights slowly sank to the bottom of the lake with endless despair.

The knights who were lucky enough to not fall in were all shocked, and tried their best to strangle the truce horse and prevent the horse from being transferred into the lake, but how could they stop the fast-running horses all at once? These horses screamed and hooves. Slipping and falling heavily on the ice, the force of a thousand pounds slowly cracked the ice. The knight struggling to get up was struggling to get up, but found that the enemy's archers were surrounded by him at some point. With a cruel smile, the archer drew his dagger and pierced into the gap in the knight's armor one by one.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over."

Seeing all this, Randall's heart is twisted, letting the battle continue. His army is likely to be defeated here. Instead of being defeated, it is better to retreat in an orderly manner. Thinking of this, Randall shouted and ordered the soldiers to retreat. These spear sergeants were also demoralized by the smooth ice. When they heard the order to retreat, they quickly turned around and retreated, but how could the Miganis let them They retreated smoothly. Amid the sound of the horns, these lightly armed infantry cheered and chased and killed the retreating spear sergeants. The spear sergeants were chased by the chaos of the army and lost order, which directly evolved into an unprecedented defeat!

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