Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 317: 2 King Reaction

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On December 14, 1116, the mainland calendar was the fourth day of the confrontation between the two armies.

The Dera army stronghold in the Sous Plain at this time was full of military enthusiasm and voices. If it had not been deliberately suppressed by the nobles, these turbulent Dera sergeants would have already lost control.

It’s no wonder they were like this, because just a few hours ago, the envoy sent by King Richard of Winster handed the envelope of persuasion to King Haymes. Not only that, but his entourage also fell the city of Bennett. The news spread, and there was no time to stop it. In just half an hour, the bad news of Bennett's fall spread quickly like a plague and was known to everyone.

The soldiers of the Dera Kingdom immediately rioted. They were called here from their hometown to defend the country (by the way to fulfill their obligations), but now they are attacked by the enemy and the capital is captured again. Not only did they have no original purpose. Achieved, but plunged myself into a dangerous situation...

These soldiers were a little desperate. The friendly troops who came for reinforcements were still on the way when they came for a long time. They could only cooperate with the greedy mercenaries to defend by the walls of their strongholds. And once they leave the safe stronghold, the enemies outside will be able to destroy them in no time.

"Get out of here!"

At this moment, a roar came from the king’s camp. Then, the envoy of the Winsters was forcibly blasted out. The somewhat bald envoy glared at King Haymes, who was slowly walking out of the camp, as if he had suffered. Great insult. He raised his finger to King Hymis and roared: "You will regret it! King Hymis, in the name of God, you will regret it!"

"That will disappoint you." King Haymis sneered, and then ordered to the soldiers beside him: "What are you waiting for? Immediately blast him out with his lackey!"


The soldiers responded together, and then moved their knuckles and with a grinning smile, they directly forced the Envoy of Winster to stand up, dragging the envoy out of here like a dead dog, and brought the envoy with him. The entourage was driven out of the gate of the stronghold.

Looking at the door that had been shut shut, the messenger spit on the ground angrily, kicked a few times with his foot, and greeted several entourages beside him: "Go, let's go to the military chief!"

King Hymis didn't know where the emissive messenger was going next. He returned to the camp and sat down on a chair, staring at the letter thrown on the table in a daze. He thought that Bennett City could last a few more days with its tall and solid walls, but he couldn't imagine that it would fall so quickly. The time before and after may not add up to ten days!

The siege ability of the Winsters is so terrifying!

After staring at the envelope written in the common mainland alphabet for a while, King Haymis called the officers and nobles of his country's army as if waking up from a dream, and held a small military conference...


At the same time, Richard, who was far away in Bennett City, had already received military reports from the Kingdom of Meganis. Faced with the first large-scale defeat in history, Richard was itchy, and he forcibly endured it. To stop the anger in my heart, take a deep breath, and then slowly exhale, to completely suppress the anger.

"Why would our army be defeated by a mob led by a peasant woman?" He looked at the commanders and lieutenants of the brigade below, and said stiffly, "Could it be that the combat effectiveness of our soldiers has declined? No, on the contrary, after passing by. Over the past year of fighting, our soldiers have accumulated a wealth of combat experience, and their combat effectiveness far exceeds that of a rabble enemy."

"However, our army was still defeated. It is still a very disgraceful defeat!" Richard slapped the table and roared: "What a shameful record this is! Almost all of the chain cavalry brigade was buried in the ice cave, more than five hundred. A sergeant spear died tragically on the ice, and was eventually frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold wind!"

"Since I restored the Stuart dynasty, there has never been such a big loss!"


There was silence below, and everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look up at Richard's gaze. Although they knew that Richard's anger was not because of himself, it was difficult to guarantee whether they would be the target of venting.

This is the first time Richard has made such a big fire. Before that, even Magnus had never seen him make such a big fire. Richard is usually approachable and rarely gets angry. And this time when he had such a big temper, it was obvious how angry he was.

All the people below were silent. Richard took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, trying to slow down his voice as much as possible, and said, "Hold your head up, I want to hear your thoughts."

When the words fell, everyone hesitated and slowly raised their heads, looking at Richard, who was still frowning. The latter was holding the scroll with the battle report in his hand. After everyone raised their heads, he followed (zhi) Ji (jie) clicked on someone and said, "Magnus, tell me your opinion."

Magnus, who was suddenly named, was a little dazed. He quickly reacted and quickly thought about it. After a while, his eyes lit up and said: "Your Majesty, it's not that our army doesn't work hard, but the enemy's conspiracy. Deliberately choose to fight on the frozen lake, if it is in other places, our army can easily defeat the Miganis.

So this should not be blamed on the soldiers, but should be held accountable for the commander-in-chief. If he sees this aspect, he will avoid placing the battlefield on the ice lake. "

"Why don't I know this~www.readwn.com~ Richard frowned and said, "The order to deprive Randall of his status as a commander has been drafted. He is more suitable to be in the rear than to lead the frontline. Combat. But now I want you to learn more from it, and don't let the fiasco of Lake Ronnie happen again! "

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we won't let our army suffer such humiliation again." The crowd said in unison, they vowed to believe that they would not make the same mistakes as Randall.

Although Richard did not believe their vows 100%, he had nothing to say. He could only nod his head, put the humiliating report aside, and then said: "Magnus, I decided to let you do it. The new Miganis region commander, succeeding our unqualified Prince Randall, I believe you will not let me down."

"Yes, my king." Magnus was taken aback for a moment, and quickly agreed, but he considered the loss of Lake Ronnie and said: "However, Your Majesty, I would like to ask you to add some reinforcements, just relying on the remnants. I'm afraid it is unable to deal with the high morale of the Miganis army that has just won."

"Don't worry, Magnus." Richard smiled slightly, and his anger was gone.

"I will send you several brigades." He said, "but we have to wait for our actions to be completed."

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