Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 357: March smoothly

"Have you heard? The Kingdom of Winster, a powerful country from the Valdasia Peninsula, sent an expeditionary force and crossed the sea to fight."

"I heard and heard. It is said that the city of Lyktos was captured by the Winsters after only holding on for less than half a day, and their king died on the spot."

"It's really terrible. I heard that they still used the banner of restoring the Sipes Kingdom. I really don't know how the Cyps people got such a powerful ally."


Similar conversations can be heard everywhere in taverns in various cities in the southern part of the Ossa Peninsula. The powerful enemies from the west have instantly raised the vigilance of the southern countries. They have sent spies to spy on the intelligence of the city of Luctos, and they also reported The countries that have been acquainted with each other will send messengers to each other and prepare to carry forward the traditional virtue-Baotuan.

The reactions of the nations of the Ossa Peninsula were unexpected by Charles and others, but Prince Phyllis had long since been surprised, because his father was defeated because of this, otherwise it would only be the Cypress Kingdom and the General City-states. The comparison of the strengths of the two players must be that the former wins, but if the latter is coupled with two external aids, it will only be defeated.

Therefore, Phyllis suggested to Charles and the others to immediately attack the next target after finishing the repair, and strive to destroy it before the other party can contact the allies. His proposal was quickly approved by Charles. Charles knows very well that with the strength of this expeditionary force in his hand, it is easy to eliminate a force in a short time, but if you encounter a united enemy, it will be very tricky. Although it can still win, the loss will also change. It's bigger—whether it's time, materials, or the lives of soldiers.


After repairing the city of Lyktos for three days, the expeditionary force moved eastward. The closest hostile target to the city was the city-state of Catonita, which was one of the three city-states at war with the Kingdom of Cyps. According to the information provided by the prince, the Catonita city-state was able to mobilize an army of nearly 2,000 soldiers. Among them, the most threatening was the heavy infantry composed of more than 800 citizens, and the rest were the light infantry composed of the free and poor. That's it.

This force is not threatening in Charles's eyes, but the most difficult thing for him is how to get to Catonita. On the way from Luctos to Catonita, there are two small city-states between the territories. Yayu declares war on the other side (although the other side is afraid to take the initiative to attack), he is not afraid to go to war with these small countries. What he is worried is that these small countries dare not take the initiative to attack when the expeditionary force enters, and wait until they leave their territory. The despicable sneak attack on the expeditionary army's supply line blocked the army's retreat.

As a precaution, Charles decided to salute first and then soldiers. He sent envoys to the two small city-states on the march that he was going to pass through, politely requesting military access rights. This was half request and half threatening, and he was as powerful as a magic soldier in the face of rumors. The Winster Expeditionary Army, the city council did not dare to refuse the messenger's request. After accepting the symbolic gift money brought by the messenger, it pretended to generously agree to the Winster's request.

Charles would like to see this result. On the day the messenger brought the good news back, the expeditionary army crossed the border and marched eastward along the paved road blatantly. The civilians and businessmen they met along the way saw such a large scale. After the army, they fled in fright. Although a few bold people did not escape, they were secretly observing this strange army from a distance.

As the Winster Expeditionary Army did not deliberately hide the news, and the two city-states that were forced to agree to the military right of passage informed the Catonita city-state in advance, the council of the Catonita city-state quickly issued an emergency mobilization order to the city, and soon They mobilized an army of nearly two thousand soldiers. Not only that, they also sought help from their allies, the city-states of Provence and the city-state of Tarosos, in an attempt to unite the forces of the three city-states against the Winster Expeditionary Army.

However, the main force of the expeditionary force, which left the artillery-carrying troops far behind, was very fast. They marched all the way and passed through the two city-states in just one week and entered the territory of the Catonita city-state. Before reacting, encircle the army of the Catonita city-state in the fortress near the border.

At this time, the Catonita people urged sadly.

The city-state army was surrounded by regiments, and the reinforcements were still indefinitely. The council of the Catonita city-state was filled with gloom for a while. They took it for granted that the Winsters would follow the traditions on the Osa Peninsula and make a request for a decisive battle to their army. , The two sides came to an upright and head-on decisive battle, but they did not expect that the Winsters did not play cards according to their routines. They surrounded the fortress of the city-state army as soon as they came up, and did not pay attention to the besieged army~ www.readwn.com~ Part of the force was divided and went straight to Catonita City.

After the Winster army came to the city, the elders of Catonita’s parliament thumped their chests. They regretted that they shouldn’t put their traditions on foreigners’ heads. Now, the city’s defenses were empty, and those who were besieged in the fortress. The army didn't know if it could break out alive, let alone hold on until reinforcements arrived.

The surrender of the Catonita city-state was unexpected by Charles. He originally thought that there would be a great war, but now it is done. The army that besieged Catonita has also successfully taken over the city. The parliament sent a letter of surrender to the fortress. After the resisting army, they all put down their weapons, opened the door, and walked out one by one, surrendering to Winster's army.

In just a few days, another city-state fell, which made Prince Phyllis full of confidence in the future. He looked at the Catonita soldiers who came out one after another, as if he had seen the collapse of the city-state in the future and the restoration of the West by himself. The scene in the kingdom of Pusi. Thinking about it, he suddenly had a plan to make a living, and suggested to Charles beside him: "Why don't we incorporate these surrendered soldiers and drive them to fight against the coalition forces of the general city-state?"

"Your idea is very good, my dear Prince Phyllis, but I am afraid it is unrealistic." Charles shook his head, and did not agree to Phyllis' proposal. He looked at each other and explained: "The Catonitas and The pros are an alliance. They are now forced to surrender to us. It does not mean that they are willing to swing the butcher knife at the old alliance. They are afraid that they will not only be unwilling, but will also make a defiance on the battlefield, which will cause unnecessary harm to our army. Casualties."

Phillis didn't think about Charles' concerns, but he didn't want to let these people go easily. He rolled his eyes, but he had another plan in his heart.

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