Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 359: Firearms

"Hold the shield! Hold the shield! Watch out for arrow rain!"

Whoosh whoosh——

The rain of arrows that almost obscured the sky came down from the sky with a ferocious whistling, raining like rain on the shields held by the coalition soldiers above their heads, making clanging noises, many arrows shot through the shields of the heavily armored infantry, and the arrows were almost too close. It shot the soldier underneath, but there were still a few unlucky worms who were holding the shield's hand and were nailed to the back of the shield by a penetrating arrow. Blood spurted out immediately, and they immediately let out heart-piercing screams.

Do you think Arrow Rain is that simple? The answer was obviously no. A few seconds later, a series of small explosions were triggered from the arrows. The soldiers who thought they used shields to block the arrow rain were immediately blown up and down, screaming again and again. After the explosions, the smoke dissipated. Go, the original dense heavy infantry phalanx has been shattered, and there are wailing soldiers lying on the ground, as well as pieces of shield fragments and pieces of blasted meat.

This is the Catonita Plain, where the Winster Expeditionary Army and the Provence Forces battled decisively. Later history said: Winster Firearms became famous in the world's first battle-the Battle of Catonita.


"Target, general coalition phalanx, free shooting!"


The thunder-like roar sounded on the Catonita Plain, and its huge sound quickly spread to the surrounding area. When it reached a distance, one could only hear this sound like thunder in the day, which made the superstitious Catonita. People knelt in horror and prayed, thinking it was the movement caused by the decisive battle between the **** of thunder and the **** of the sun.

Black shadows traveled through time and space, instantly traversing hundreds of meters of plains, and smashing into the advancing general coalition army with howling sounds, although the touching accuracy of the early artillery made most of the artillery shells just uselessly on the soft grass. A deep hole was smashed, but there were still a few shells that happened to fall into the coalition army formation, smashing anyone in its path to smash, and that huge power could instantly turn a heavily armed and heavily armed infantry into a pool of flesh, also Can make a lofty noble veteran soul return to heaven.

The war is so cruel. In the face of war, all people are equal regardless of their status.

"Fast forward! Fast forward!"


Faced with such a terrifying weapon, the coalition soldiers could only speed up their pace under the shouts of their respective officers, trotting all the way on the soft grass, trying to meet the enemy shortly before getting more artillery shells. The ten generals knew very well. The enemy's powerful weapon like witchcraft must not be used when the two armies meet in short range, otherwise it will definitely cause accidental injuries.

However, as the infantry marched forward, they soon entered the range of the Winster Expeditionary Army's crossbows, and a rain of arrows that almost obscured the sky immediately rose from the front of the Winster Army. , Drew an arc in midair, and then fell like raindrops into the running coalition phalanx, or shot on the path of the heavy infantry. Those light infantry without armor and only equipped with a small buckler were even more miserable. They were shot over by such a dense rain of arrows, and wailed and fell to the ground. Perhaps they did not die on the spot, but this was not luck, but pain. s inception!

Rumble! ! !

A few seconds later, the landing arrows exploded. Sparks bloomed on the shield held by the coalition soldiers and on the road ahead. The smoke from the explosion instantly enveloped the advancing general coalition forces, mixed with them. Many human beings screamed and wailed in pain. When the smoke dissipated, a large number of soldiers fell on the ground. They were either cut by shields that were blown into pieces, or their wrists and shields were blown to pieces. Or both legs exploded on the spot. Although the explosive power on a single arrow is not powerful, the power of the dense arrows is unstoppable!

Just one round of gunpowder arrows caused heavy casualties to the coalition forces. Charles nodded with satisfaction. He had already figured out how to write a report to His Majesty Richard, but the top priority now was to defeat the enemy whose military was clearly shaken.

"The whole army is attacking!" Charles drew out his sword and commanded loudly. The situation has changed. Instead of waiting for the enemy to attack, he should take the initiative to attack and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!

"The whole army is attacking!"


When Charles’s order was issued, a large number of messengers passed his orders to various companies. As the offensive orders sounded one after another in the army, the company-unit phalanx moved forward slowly. These elite veterans of the First Corps We were expressionless, clenching shields and spears, and as they advanced, they rushed towards the general army with murderous aura. The soldiers who had been shaken by the army were even more shocked. They were scared, and they started one after another. Backward, if it is said that they had the confidence to fight the enemy before they encountered such a weird arrow, but now they have no confidence anymore!

"Damn! You are the pride of the city, how can you retreat in fear of the enemy?" The generals in the coalition army scolded one after another, trying to restore morale, but the soldiers looked at the overwhelming enemy and looked down again. The comrade-in-arms who wailed on the ground ~www.readwn.com~ said nothing dare to move on. Upon seeing this, the grumpy general immediately drew out his sword and stabbed a soldier who had retreated to his side. Then he held up the **** sword and shouted: "No retreat! Anyone who dares to retreat, press Disposal of deserters, his and his family will be demoted to slaves!"

Hearing what the general said, and then looking at the soldier who was limply lying in a pool of blood, the surrounding soldiers looked at each other, and finally swallowed, and plucked up the courage to list the dense phalanx again, under the leadership of that general. go ahead. The actions of these soldiers also affected other retreating soldiers. Soon, more soldiers returned to combat positions, joined the phalanx, and prepared for the Winster attack.

When the cavalry rushed into the distance, the soldiers in the first row pulled the trigger, and sparks appeared from the long pipe nozzles they raised, followed by a series of crackling beans. After the soldiers in the first row fired Regardless of the results of the inspection, they hurried back, and the soldiers behind them immediately made up, raised their muskets and fired a second round of volleys at the running cavalry. The five rows of musket soldiers were listed in this cycle. All rounds are one round, leaving no gaps in the middle, shooting deadly projectiles at the fast-running coalition cavalry.

Almost every time a gunshot sounded, several running cavalry would fall down. They only had time to see the fire from the long pipe in the hand of the enemy in front, and then heard a crisp sound, and felt a sharp pain in their body. The horse that was running down fell heavily, and the horse that could not dodge behind stepped on it forcibly, and it soon became a pool of fleshy mud.

They didn't know what weapon it was, they only knew how to speed up the running speed of the horse under the hip, but as the distance between them and the enemy became shorter and shorter, more and more corpses of comrades fell behind...

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